Inconsolable (23 page)

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Authors: Amanda Lanclos

“Thanks Mason.  You’re woman is out there somewhere and I don’t think it’s Karla.”  I laugh a little when he scrunches his nose. 

“Don’t remind me.” He lets out a huff. “I gotta get some stuff for the old man. I’ll see you around,
Anna,” he starts to leave but turns around.  “You know if you need me, I’m only a call away.”  I shake my head and he smiles before turning and walking away. 

I grab the ground sirloin off the rack, then continue on to the frozen foods to grab garlic bread.  You can never eat spaghetti without garlic bread.  That is a huge no no.  After grabbing that, I steer my buggy to the produce department and grab some lettuce, carrots, cucumbers, tomatoes and radishes. Nothing like a fresh homemade salad either. After I grab all the stuff I need I make my way to the cash register to pay for my merchandise. I pay for the stuff I bought, then load it into the car. I look up at the sky to see a rainbow there, which shocks me. I hadn’t even noticed it rained around here. I guess that’s God’s way of telling me that things can only get better from here. I slide behind the steering wheel and make my way home. When I get there I can’t help but smile when I see the Rover parked in its normal spot and my man standing outside of it with a cigarette in his hand. I slam the car into park and jump out, running to him.

“I’ve missed you so much.  I’m so sorry I was stupid.  Please don’t ever leave me again.  Move in with me and don’t leave me again.”  I cry as I wrap my arms around him.  I hear him chuckle and pull away to look at his face.

“Anna, breathe,” he answers as he studies my face.  “Let’s get this stuff inside then we can talk about me never leaving you.” 

“Okay.”  I reply, before leaning over the back seat to get the groceries out of my car.  I hear his intake of breath as I do and I pray that it’s a good sign.  I hope it’s because he wants me and not because I disgust him now. 

“Baked spaghetti?  Damn, you must be trying to win something back that has always been yours.” 

The minute I hear him say that I burst into tears, yet again. I needed him to say that. When he does I am reassured in that moment that he is mine forever. I turn around after setting the stuff down and jump into his arms kissing him. “Please stay.” I mutter between kisses and he smiles.

“I’ll stay on one condition, Anna.” He replies and I immediately tense up. “I will stay if you agree to see someone about what happened and what you’re going through. Only then can we continue to be a couple and if you want I will go with you.” I look at his face and can see nothing but adoration shining through his eyes. I bite my lip nervously before shaking my head yes.

“Okay, I’ll do it if it means I get to keep you with me.  I love you more than anything Blake and I can’t stand to not have you beside me.” 

“Well, two weeks was a long time to keep a man waiting.  I guess I do deserve baked spaghetti and some peach cobbler with Bluebell homemade vanilla ice cream.” He smirks, then kisses me again.  He sets me back down on the ground.  I grab his hand and pull him to my bedroom.  He may want cobbler, but I want and not only want but need him. “Anna?” 

“I need you Blake.  I need to know that we are okay, that you aren’t going anywhere.  Please just show me that much, then I will do anything you want.”  I reply, while trying to give him a puppy dog pout to get what I want.  He follows me, as I slowly pull my shirt up and over my head, thanking god that I am wearing a matching bra and panty set today.  I turn to face him, walking behind me and smile when I see him advancing.  I take a step, but as I do my heel catches on the rug.  I stumble and crash into the door, very unattractively I’m sure.  He laughs and advances on me yet again, this time picking me up by my thighs and slinging me over his shoulder. 

“You should learn to be more careful, Sunshine.” I can hear the teasing in his voice as he throws me on the bed, loosening his belt as he kicks off his shoes.  He leans over after he slides his shirt over his head and attacks my lips with his.  I love that I have that effect on him, like he can’t get enough of me because it’s the same way he affects me.  I let out a moan as his kisses become more urgent, desperate even.  I am drowning in everything that is Blake Johnson and I wouldn’t have it any other way.  

He makes quick work of the bra and panties I’m wearing before he slides his fingers across my sex.  I can’t help but whimper as we reconnect after two weeks of having no contact whatsoever.  My hands are all over his as his mouth leaves mine to trail kisses down my jaw to my breasts.  I moan loudly, arching when his tongue seeks out my aching bud.  I wrap my legs around his waist, using his surprise to flip us over.  I bite his lower lip before grabbing his erection and lining us up.  I slide down on his shaft and moan in pleasure as he slides home.  In this moment, I realize that I have given everything to this man.  He truly is my home.  When we come together like this I know for sure that I was meant for him. 

He grabs my hips, pumping his hips into me a few more times, before turning us over on the bed again.   I can’t help but laugh as he stares down at me with eyes full of adoration.  This is what love is, this is what happiness is.  I feel a familiar stirring in my belly, a feeling that only Blake can bring me.  I dig my nails into his back as I feel my orgasm taking me over the ledge.  This is a ledge I would gladly go over any day because I know Blake will be there to catch me as I fall.  He follows me over the precipice as we both lay there breathing hard.  

“To answer your question.  Yes, I will move in with you.”  He says, giving me that one hundred watt smile I love so much. 

“Deal, but only if you quit all that smoking.”  I mutter.  My hands trailing up and down his spine.  I giggle when he shudders, then I gasp because I can feel him still inside me throbbing from his release. 

“I’ll try for you.”  He says kissing my nose, before pulling out of me and walking into the bathroom.  I get off the bed, walking into the bathroom as well.  I grab some fresh underwear and make my way into room where the toilet is.  I come out and smile when I see Blake sitting on the sink waiting for me.  I walk straight into his arms, letting out a sigh of contentment.  “Thank you for calling.  I was coming today whether you called or not.  I need you, Anna.” 

I look up at him, kiss him softly and smile. “I need you more.” I reply. “Come on, I need to cook your spaghetti. Let’s get you a beer and you can watch baseball or something.”


We both get dressed, then make our way to the living room. I grab his beer from the kitchen as he sits down on the couch to find a game suitable for his taste. I hand him the beer before turning around to head back into the kitchen. I brown the meat as I let the pasta boil. After the meat is browned I pour in the sauce, mix it all together with the noodles, then place the pasta into a casserole dish. I sprinkle some cheddar and mozzarella cheese on top before sliding it in the oven to melt the cheese. After I do all that, I grab the knife in the kitchen to start chopping up the lettuce for the salad. I feel arms around my waist as I am slicing the cucumbers and I smile. “Couldn’t wait for dinner,

“No ma’am.  You were just looking to lonely in here by yourself.  Figured I’d come keep you company.”  He smiles and kisses my cheek.  I love him for that. 

“I love you.”  I say as I set the knife down, turn in his arms and kiss him softly. 

“I love you, too. Now,
let’s eat I’m starving. Someone depleted my energy.”

I laugh as I take out the spaghetti.  We both dig into the spaghetti and catch up on what has been happening over the last two weeks of our lives.  He tells me he’s moving down here and has a job starting Monday, which makes me extremely happy.  I can’t believe he’s actually going to be here with me.  It’s amazing news and I can’t wait for it to be official.  I tell him that Sam has asked me to be in the wedding and that we are going to go dress shopping in the next couple of weeks.  It seems like life may just be turning around, I just hope that no one else decides to do what Mary-Beth has done.  I’m not completely sure I could survive losing someone else.   


It’s been two weeks since Blake moved in with me and I have to admit it has been the best two weeks of my life.  We went to meet with Suzanne a couple of days ago and that’s one more thing I have to say has helped me deal better.  It was easier with Blake there telling what he felt, how he was coping and how he was dealing with how I was dealing with it.  I never realized that I was hurting him with the way I was dealing with this loss I suffered.

Sam is going today to find her wedding dress and I am honored to be picked as one of the ladies who get
to go with her.  We are looking for different styles for Sam to wear when I see this gorgeous strapless mermaid style dress, which would look perfect on her figure. 

“Sam!  What about this?”  I ask and her mother gasps. 

“Yes, bring that!  Samantha, you must try this on!”  Her mother and Mrs. Jennifer say at the same time.  I can’t help but bust into a fit of giggles.  I bring it over, among the other ten dresses both mothers have sat in front of her to try.  Sam tries on three before she picks the one I got for her.  It’s beautiful.  It has a satin bodice with a set of beads under the bust of the dress, then flows to her thighs before flaring out to show off her assets.  She comes out of the room with the biggest grin on her face and I smile.  I grab my phone and shoot a quick text to Jameson.
She looks amazing in her dress. You’re going to love it!
  I laugh when he doesn’t reply.  I send a picture to Luke, Mason and Blake of Sam in the dress.  I know it’s the one when she starts to cry. 

“Don’t cry, Sam!  You look beautiful!”  Skylar says, as Sam stares in the mirror. 

“This is my dress.  In less than four months, I will be saying “I do” in this dress.” 

“Yes, you will! It is perfect.” Mrs. Blalock says.

“Now, let’s find these lovely girls a dress to make your day even more special.” Mrs. Jennifer says. 

Sam changes out of her dress and we hit the racks looking for a bridesmaid dress.  After an hour of looking through the racks, we finally settle on a silk chiffon lilac dress that is strapless and flows to our feet.  Each of us love the dress immediately and can’t wait to help share in the day with Sam. 

“Okay, lets buy these and get going before the guys have a conniption that we haven’t made it home, yet.” Sam says with a huge grin on her face. “Besides, I’m starving for some crawfish.”

“EWW!” Skylar interrupts and I can’t help but laugh. That poor girl is in trouble, I wonder if Barb knows her granddaughter hates crawfish.

We all laugh and make our way out of David’s Bridal.  We get into our vehicles and make our way back to Jameson’s.  I get this weird feeling that I should be sad that Mary-Beth isn’t here to experience this or be the one that Jameson should be marrying, but I shrug it off.  She made her choice, so the only way to move on from it is to continue to live.  Which is exactly what everyone in this town is doing or trying to do.  



Standing around at Jameson’s I can’t help but laugh when he walks up to me and says “I hate your girlfriend.”  I laugh because I know for sure that she is ribbing him about the dress he so badly wants to see. 

“But dude, the dress is beautiful on Sam.” I say and he growls out.

“You shouldn’t be looking at that!” Jameson says and I laugh a bit more. 

Luke comes over and laughs with us, as we all boil the crawfish mixed with potatoes, corn on the cob, sausage links, garlic cloves, onions and lemons while
we wait for the girls to get home.  An hour later and here they come walking towards us with huge smiles on their faces. 

“Hey Sunshine, get everything done?” 

“Mmm hmm, now I’m starving.”  She replies as we all gather around the table.  We all sit at the table, attacking the crawfish and food splayed out like a feast.  It’s nice to have everyone you care for around one table.  It’s even nicer to be able to sit around the table with your best friend and the love of your life.  It’s humbling even.  After everything I’ve been through in my life, it’s nice to know that happiness is indeed reachable.  I look up to see Skylar looking around with a disgusted look as we all tear into the crawfish.  

“What’s wrong with you, babe?”  Luke asks as she stares at the mud bugs in front of us. 

“How can you even eat that?”  She wrinkles her nose in disgust and takes a bite of the potato in front of her.  I try to stifle a laugh until I hear Jameson let one out. 

“The same way you’re eating that potato that was boiled with them,” Jameson says, we all laugh louder as she drops the potato on the table. 

“EW!!! I just ate something boiled with a bug!” She starts freaking out and I laugh louder, spitting out the potato that I just bit into. 

“Here babe, try this.” Luke grabs a crawfish tail and shoves it into her mouth and she looks like she’s going to throw up. I laugh, then I see her face change and her eyes light up.  “See, not so bad. Here I’ll show you how to peel it.  Twist the head off like this. Grab the little tail on the end and peel it back like this.”  He shows her a few times,
then she is like the rest of us digging into the little bugs. 

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