Lost and Found (11 page)

Read Lost and Found Online

Authors: Megan Fields


It’s been a long week of worrying, but being at the club has helped distract me. We’ve another auction coming up and I’ve been working hard to prepare for it. Alex is even going to auction himself off this time and I wonder who will bid on him. I haven’t heard from Jack all week despite my attempts to contact him and Alex tells me he’s kept out of his way and left him to it. It all sounds so childish, but Alex says Jack just needs time and space. I know it doesn’t help that I showed up at the studio, or that I’ve text him to meet me tonight, but I can’t not try. I need him to know that I care.

“You know a watched kettle never boils right?” Izzy sits next to me at the bar.

“What? Kettle? What’re you talking about?” I tear my eyes away from the club entrance to look at her.

“You haven’t taken your eyes of that damn door since you arrived.” I look away guiltily. I know I should be working, but I want to be here in case he shows.

“I’m sorry. Do you need me to make some rounds?” I go to move from the stool, but she puts her hand out to stop me.

“No, its fine, I’m just worried about you. He still hasn’t contacted you huh?”

“Nope, I’ve not even seen him at the gym. I was doing some bag work with Max, when I swear I felt his presence, but when I looked around I couldn’t see him. What would you do in my position?” I ask her.

“I’d hunt him down, drag him back to my place, tie him up and ride him so hard he forgets his own name.” I smile and start to laugh. Feels like my first proper laugh all week.

“I can always count on you to cheer me up.”

“Seriously though, if he doesn’t turn up tonight I will help you kidnap him. It’ll take two of us to bring him down with those muscles.” She winks and calls the bar tender over. “Dan, get us a couple of tequila shots please.”

“What’re you doing?” Dan places two shots, a bowl of lemon slices and the salt in front of us.

“We’re going to have some fun.” I look back at the door, as it opens and a Dom walks through. Fuck it.

“Let’s do it.” I say. Izzy stands up from her stool and leans into lick my shoulder, then sprinkles a little salt on the area. “Body shots?”

“Why not? You can either take a shot off me, or a sub of your choice.” She smiles wickedly and I narrow my eyes at her.

“Okay, do it before I change my mind.” She slowly places a lemon wedge in my mouth, then leans into me and sucks the salt from my skin, leaving little tingles behind. She downs her shot and then using her teeth, takes the wedge from me. “My turn.” I say grabbing her left arm. I pull her arm out straight and swirl my tongue around the crook of her elbow. I shake some salt on to it, and then place a wedge in her mouth. Flattening my tongue out, I lick the salt off her arm, turn to down the shot and then suck the lemon wedge while it remains in her mouth. When I pull away we both chuckle.

“Feeling better?” She asks.

“Think it’ll take more than one shot, but you’ve definitely improved my mood.”


I look at my watch to see it’s nearly midnight. “I’m going to go do some rounds on the first floor and then head home if that’s okay?”

“Yeah sure, go ahead. Fancy meeting up tomorrow for a coffee?”

“Definitely, text me.”

Leaving Izzy, I make my way upstairs to monitor play. Finishing up on the first floor, I head to my office, when I feel I’m being watched. Glancing around, I gasp when my eyes land on Jack standing outside my office. He’s leaning against the wall wearing jeans and a navy blue shirt with the sleeves rolled up. The sight of him makes my stomach flutter and my pulse race. It’s only been a week since I last saw him and although he’s only been back in my life for a short time, I’ve missed him terribly. So much for guarding my heart against him.

I approach him slowly unsure of his mood. “Hey.” I say tentatively.

“Hey. Izzy told me you’d be up here.” He shuffles his feet nervously.

“Do you want to come in?” He nods silently and I open the door letting him enter first, and locking it behind me. I’d dressed quite conservatively tonight in a corset and skirt, so didn’t feel the need to change. “Want to sit?” I ask, gesturing to the sofa, but he turns to face me, his eyes boring into mine.

“Ella, I told you I’d be there for you. However you needed me.” I guess we’re standing for this conversation then.

“I know and I’m sorry I didn’t tell you.” He walks closer to me, closing the distance between us to just a foot.

“Then what is it? Why did you feel you couldn’t tell me Ella?” He looks deep into my eyes and I’m momentarily distracted. I’m lost and I worry my bottom lip between my teeth. Finally breaking the stare I move around him and walk to my desk, placing my hands on the cool surface.

“I don’t know Jack.”

“You’re lying. Why couldn’t you tell me?”

I close my eyes, fighting back tears of frustration. “You deserve someone normal Jack.”

“You are normal. Why. Couldn’t. You. Tell. Me?” He asks, slowly pronouncing each word.

He’s pushing me and I dig my nails into the wooden surface of my desk. “Jack, you’re not submissive.”

“That’s bollocks. If I wanted to submit to you I would, without thinking twice about it.” His voice has risen. “Why didn’t you tell me Ella? What’s the real reason damn it?”

I throw my hands up in the air in frustration and turn to him. “You hurt me Jack. I gave you my virginity and you just disappeared. Do you have any idea what that was like? I was sixteen years old and you just vanished.” I turn away from him and cover my face with my hands, as tears slide down my cheeks. I hear him approach me and feel the heat of his body behind me.

“Now we’re getting somewhere.” I feel Jacks arms gently rest on my shoulders. “How long have you held that in?” He asks softly.

“Oh I don’t know... twelve years give or take.” I take a deep breath and turn to face him.

“I get why you didn’t tell me.”

“You do?” I can’t hide the shock in my voice.

“Yes. I’m so sorry.” He hangs his head and reaches his hand out to take mine. “I should have kept in contact. No matter how busy I thought I was, or if I thought you were better off without me. Guess I was just a stupid kid.” I move away from him and sit down on the sofa. He follows and sits next to me. “So... you’re a Mistress huh.”

“Yeah, I am.” I respond seriously, looking him in the eye.

“You know, when I thought about what you might’ve been hiding from me, Mistress was nowhere on that list.” He shakes his head and looks at the floor, his elbows resting on his knees. I turn my whole body toward him and take his hands in mine as I start to explain.

“Being a Mistress is something that I need Jack. It’s a part of me now and not something I can let go of. Since what happened to me with Eric, I’ve been unable to trust anyone. My circle of friends extends to Lottie, Izzy and a handful of Dominants here at the club, along with you and Alex. Being a Mistress gave me the chance to take back control of my life. I’m not afraid anymore. Everyone here at the club abides by the rules, with respect being number one.”

“Sounds like you have life all figured out.” He say’s pulling his hands from mine and standing.

“I wouldn’t say that. I don’t have us figured out Jack.” He is standing by my desk and turns to face me.

“What do you have to figure out?” He asks leaning against my desk. I stand and walk to him leaving a small gap between us.

“I love you Jack, I never stopped loving you and I will probably love you for the rest of my days. What I need to know is if you still love me and if we can make this work. If all you want is to be friends, then I will accept that. I love you enough to let you go.”

“Maybe I don’t want to be let go.”

Chapter 12


I stare at him, a little stunned by his confession. “What does that mean?”

“I don’t know.” He moves away from me and stands looking out over the 1
floor. “I don’t know how to be a part of this lifestyle Ella.”

“How about you think of it as being a part of me?” He looks over to me and slowly approaches.

“Do you know what I thought about the first time I saw you in the coffee shop?” I shake my head. “All I wanted to do was spread you out on the coffee shop floor and make you come.” He tucks a loose strand of hair behind my ear and I close my eyes, his touch pulsing through me.

“You know... if you’re a good boy you could do that, but maybe not in the coffee shop.”

“A good boy huh... What would that involve?”

I look at him trying to figure out just how serious he is and when his gaze remains unwavering I feel those butterflies return. Time to play. I straighten my posture and take a step toward him.

“We need to talk first. You have no idea what’s involved in being a sub.”

“Ella, I’m in love with you too. Always have been and always will be. You’re it for me. I want you in my life and I will do whatever it takes. I’m not going to lose you again. I’m willing to trust you and give this a try.” He lowers himself to his knees, but keeps his eyes locked with mine.

I can’t believe he wants to do this. I need to tread carefully, even though my hormones are telling me to jump him. I have a responsibility as a Domme and take it very seriously.

“Jack” His name comes out as barely a whisper. I turn away from him, unable to bare the sight of him giving himself to me.

“Ella, look at me… please?” I face this beautiful man before me. This man I’ve loved for so long. I can see how strong he is, even though he’s on his knees. His strength radiates from within.

“Stand up.” I command. He rises to his feet and looks down at me. “What do you want Jack? Do you want me to touch you?” He is silent and I reach out to run my hand down his chest feeling his muscles twitch underneath his shirt. I can feel his heartbeat start to pick up. “You want me to kiss you?” I slide my hand up to his neck and kiss him gently, teasingly. His eyes are alight with arousal. “Do you want me? Do you want me to make you beg for mercy?” I push on his chest and force him up against my office door. “Is that what you want Jack?” I’m panting with arousal, my chest heaving.

“Yes.” He says hoarsely. I walk away from him and return to the centre of the room.

“If we do this you have to follow my rules.” I watch his face for any signs that it’s not what he wants, but he nods his understanding. “I need you to voice your agreement.”

“I will follow your rules.” He walks to me and reaches out to touch me, but I step away from him.

“No touching without permission Jack.” He frowns and his hand drops to his side. “There are lots of rules and limits, but we’ll start with the basics. Rule number one - you do not speak unless spoken to. Number two - you do not touch me without permission.” His mouth opens to say something, but I put my finger to his lips to stop him. “Don't make me punish you!” His eyes widen slightly and he shuts his mouth. “Three - you must tell me the truth at all times and not tell me what you think I want to hear. Honesty and truth is a must if this is to work. Four - you must do as I say, or I will punish you. The severity of your punishment will be determined by the crime as such.” I can see the cogs turning in his mind, as the rules sink in. “Finally, I need you to think up your own safety words. These are words you will need to use if you’re reaching your limit, or you want me to stop. They need to be something you won't forget. I only require your complete submission when we have sex and you will call me Mistress during these times. Do you have any questions?” He is silent for a moment. I can’t believe I’ve just run through my basic rules with him.

He pauses a moment before answering. “No.”

I give him a wicked smile as I walk behind him. He’s already failed by not calling me Mistress and I yank his hair, forcing his head back. “No what?” I ask. His hair feels soft under my fingers.

“No, Mistress.” The sound of him calling me Mistress sends heat flooding to my core.

I let go of his hair and move to stand in front of him. Looking down, I see he has a raging hard on. “Is this for me?”I reach down to stroke his cock through his jeans. He swallows hard and clenches his fists.

“Yes, Mistress.” All I want to do is ride him hard, but I need to take this slowly. I want to savour and enjoy this moment. I notice he’s looking me up and down.

“You like what you see?”

“Oh yes, Mistress.” He answers on a groan, as I continue to palm his engorged shaft. I turn my back to him and place my hands on my hips.

“Undo my corset.” He scoops my hair from around my neck and places it to fall over my right shoulder. As he unclips the fasteners, I feel his knuckles graze my skin and I can’t wait to feel his rough hands on me. When he gets to the last one, my corset falls to the floor and I slide my skirt down my legs, revealing some lacy underwear. I swivel to face him and run my hands over my breasts; pinching my nipples and creating a delicious pain. His hands flex, then clench again and I know he’s itching to touch me. I move closer and raise my breast to my mouth, letting my tongue dart out to lick my nipple. My eyes are focused on him and I watch his tongue snake out to lick his lips.

“Kneel, Jack.” He slowly lowers himself, his hands by his side. I grab his hair and lift my leg, placing my thigh on his shoulder.

“What are your safe words Jack?” I ask, knowing this is distracting him somewhat. He can smell my arousal and tries to look down, but I yank his head back.

“Huh...” He takes a moment to collect himself and look me in the eyes. “I’d like to use green, amber and red, if that's okay with you Mistress?” I’m surprised he knows the house colours and I wonder who he’s been talking to.

“That's fine with me. It’s important that they’re easy to remember. We’ll start out slow, but eventually I’ll test your limits of pain and pleasure and you may need to use them.” I circle him and run my hand over the back of his shoulders; he’s tense. “Relax” Walking over to the sofa, I sit down and slip my hand underneath the front of my panties, to find my clit hard and soaked with my arousal.

“Oh, my god.” He says under his breath. I pretend not to hear him, but arch my brow at him.

“Strip… Slowly.” I command. He reaches for the top button of his shirt and starts undoing them slowly. My teeth dig into my bottom lip, as I see his chest revealed. His body has changed a lot since I last saw it; he’s so toned and tight, that I want to lick and bite him all over. Unsnapping his jeans he pushes them along with his boxers to the floor; slipping out of his shoes and kicking them off, he stands before me naked. His cock juts out and is unbelievably hard and I lick my lips in anticipation. “Come here.” He walks toward me and stops before reaching me. I stop rubbing my clit and put my finger to my mouth to lick the juices off. I see fire in his eyes and I know he wants to taste me. “All in good time.” He looks amazed that I read his mind, but I will soon know more about what he’s thinking, what he wants and what he likes than he does as I learn his body. Turning my gaze to his cock, I gesture him forward until he’s within licking distance. “Do you know how much I want to suck your cock? I've had dreams about this cock, this perfect hard cock.” I lick the tip once and he groans. Along with the changes in his body, his penis also looks bigger. It’s a good 8 inches and is not too wide. I love a good size dick that I can take down the back of my throat.

“Please, Mistress.” He begs. I slap his ass and he jumps.

“I did not ask you to beg, nor did I tell you, you could talk.” He looks down as I take his cock in my hands and rub it back and forth. “This cock is mine Jack. All mine and I will do what I want with it. What you need to understand is that your orgasms belong to me. They are my gift to you and I will give or withhold them for my pleasure.” His breathing becomes ragged as I continue to stroke it back and forth. It feels so good and I’m dying to taste it, but this is not about me. I need to let him acclimatize to being a submissive. It won't be easy for him and I need to go slow. “Jack...” His eyes are shut tight and he opens them to look at me.

“Yes, Mistress.” He says gruffly.

“On your knees.” I command. “You have permission to talk, but only to ask questions.” He gets down in front of me and I reach out to touch his arm. “Lift your arm.” He lifts it, so I can see his tattoo. It’s in a gorgeous script style and read
. My eyes widen, as they meet his. I can’t believe he got my initials tattooed on his body. I trace my fingers over it, and then lean into kiss it. Pulling back, I look at him. “Kiss me.”

He swallows hard. “May I touch you Mistress?” I consider his request. I’d normally say no, but he must be going out of his mind with wanting.

“Yes.” I whisper. He reaches his hand to my cheek and slowly runs his hand around the back of my neck. His touch sears my skin and he presses his lips against mine gently. My heart rate is pounding and my lips tingle from his kiss, as he pulls back and looks in my eyes. That look alone could cause global warming. He presses his mouth more roughly against mine and I part my lips to accept his tongue, which he thrusts inside. He caresses my tongue in a slow dance that sends shivers down my spine. His grip on my neck tightens and his other hand moves to my lower back to pull me in close. I reach up and do what I've wanted to do since I ran into him in the coffee house. Pulling his hair tightly, he growls at me. Devouring me. Breaking away, I put my hands on his upper arms feeling his muscles flex beneath me. “Let me go.” I command. He reluctantly drops his arms down to his sides and I take a few deep breaths to calm myself down. I can’t remember the last time I let go of myself like that.

I lounge back against the sofa. “Take my panties off.” Jack peels them down my legs and grazes me with his nails. I inhale sharply and then tut at him. “I think you deserve some punishment for that little move Jack, don’t you?”

He bows his head. “As you wish, Mistress.” He replies. I spread my legs wide and run my fingers up the inside of my thighs. My touch is driving me crazy, let alone what Jacks touch could do to me.

“You want to taste me don’t you Jack?”

“Yes, Mistress.” He looks up at me longingly, hopeful.

“You can kiss and lick from here to here,” I say, pointing from my knees to just before my pussy, “But no further. Understand me?”

“Yes, Mistress.” Jack leans down and looks me in the eye as he presses his lips to my inner left thigh. I stifle a moan. Fuck his mouth should be illegal. He proceeds to kiss and lick me voraciously and as he reaches my core, I’m not sure if this is my punishment or his. Getting closer to my wet pussy, he moves to my right thigh. As he does so, I feel his breath on my wet clit and I arch my back off the seat. He makes his way along my right thigh and I push my hand into his hair. When he reaches my knee I pull his hair hard, dragging him up to my mouth where I kiss him fiercely. I can feel his cock against my centre and my hips undulate of their own accord, sliding his cock up and down my clit. He pants roughly and his grip on the sofa is so hard, his knuckles are turning white.

I break the kiss and push against his chest, making him sit back on his knees. I so want this moment to last, but I don’t think either of us can be blamed for losing control. “Stand up.” I ask. He stands up shakily and I grab his ass, pulling him toward me. Holding his incredibly hard cock in my hand, I kiss the tip, licking the bead of pre come off. I gently take his cock into my mouth for the first time. I’d never had the confidence to do this for him when we were younger. It’s like steel encased in silk and tastes delicious. I move my hand in time with my mouth and Jack is moaning loudly. I can see his hands fisted at his thighs.

“El-Mistress, you are going to make me come.” He strains to say the words and I feel his cock get impossibly bigger and as he is about to explode, I deep throat him. “OH. MY. GOD!” He exclaims, as he pumps his semen down my throat. I growl my pleasure, knowing that he will feel the vibration. His cock fits my mouth perfectly and I love the feel of his come sliding down my throat. My arms are wrapped around his upper thighs and as he comes down from his orgasm they start to shake a little. Pulling back, I look up his body to see a sheen of sweat adorning his chest.

“Sit down.” He stumbles onto the sofa and his head is rested on the back of it looking up at the ceiling. I straddle him and kiss and lick his throat. “How was that?” I ask in between kisses.

He looks up at me. “Amazing Mistress…” It sounded like he wanted to say something else, but he stopped.

“What is it?”

“It’s nothing, I just... I’ve never experienced deep throat and I wanted to touch you badly.” I feel thrilled that I was the first person to deep throat him and can’t help the smile that spreads across my face.

“If you want to touch me, all you have to do is ask.” I feel his cock stirring beneath me and I grind against it. “Mind you I can’t guarantee I will approve your request and I may just have to punish you if you don’t have permission to talk.”

“Permission to touch you, Mistress?” He asks, his hands hovering by my sides.

“Yes.” I groan, as his hands glide up my back, but when he drags his nails back down, I throw my head back. “Jesus Christ.” He leans forward and places kisses across my clavicle and I rest my hands on his shoulders. I’m still grinding my pussy against his cock and every so often it almost enters me. “Jack… I need… I’m clear of all diseases. I was tested three months ago and haven’t had sex with anyone in a year.” I pull his face to meet mine. “I want there to be nothing between us.”

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