Lost and Found (12 page)

Read Lost and Found Online

Authors: Megan Fields

“I’m clear. I was tested before I came back and I haven’t been with anyone in six months.” I let go of his face and grab hold of the back of the sofa. He places his hands on my breasts and rubs his thumbs over my nipples.

“Harder.” I demand. He pinches one of my nipples between his finger and thumb and I hiss. He quickly laves it with his tongue and I smile down at him.

“Like that Mistress?” He asks sweetly.

“Yes. Bite them as well.” He raises an eyebrow in surprise. I’m sure biting isn’t a first for him, but seeing as how the one time we had sex, it was soft and gentle, this will be completely unknown to him. My hands move up and into his hair, as he moves over to my other nipple. Licking it softly, before biting it hard, he sucks it into his mouth taking away the sting of the bite. I grab his hair roughly and reach my hand down to his waiting cock, placing it at my entrance.

“Keep your eyes open.” I command. He looks me in the eye, as I slowly lower myself onto his cock. Oh my god he’s big. We both barely manage not to close our eyes. Once he’s fully sheathed I stay still to acclimatize to his size.

“You’re so tight.” He says, quickly adding “Mistress,” and gripping my hips hard. I begin to lift my ass up and down, sliding his cock in and out of me. Feeling skin against skin is incredible.

“Jack I’ve never…” He silences me with a kiss. I’ve never gone bare with anyone consensually and I’m glad that my first time is with Jack.

“Jack I need you to place your hands on the back of the sofa.” I see confusion register on his face, but he does as I ask. I can’t explain it, but I’ve never been able to come through penetrative sex, with someone touching me since I was raped. Raking my nails down his chest, he hisses and as I start to pick up speed, I can tell he’s getting closer. Cupping his face roughly in my hands, I kiss him hard and slam my pussy down on his cock, feeling my orgasm build. As I continue, he starts to buck up in to me and this throws me over the edge. I scream out as the orgasm hits me full force and I bite down on his shoulder. As my pussy tightens around his cock I feel his come bathe my inner walls and he grunts as his cock pulses inside me.

“Fuck” He says, as he breathes out harshly. I slow down and grind against him, riding out both our orgasms; kissing him softly, I run my fingers down his cheek.

My legs are a little shaky as I stand up, but I try to hide it and slip into the bathroom to clean up. When I return a few minutes later in a robe, Jack is dressed and has poured us both a drink.

We sit in silence for a while, but it’s not awkward. I feel completely comfortable and as Jack finishes his drink, he looks over at me. He still hasn’t said anything and I realise it may be because I haven’t ended the scene.

“Jack, the scene is over. You’re free to speak.”

He sighs and reaches out to tuck a strand of hair behind my ear. “I wasn’t sure.” He says smirking at me. “This is all so new to me, Ella.”

“I know. Part of my responsibility to you as a Domme is to make sure you’re okay. Aftercare is very important, so we should talk about what just happened.” It seems so weird to talk like this. I’ve never talked like this with any of my boyfriend’s let alone Jack. It’s one of the things I love about a Dom/sub relationship and it helps make me feel safe to know that the person I’m with is bound to being honest with me.

“Okay. Well that was... HOT.” He says smiling at me. I smile back at him and am doing cartwheels inside. “Who’d have thought having a woman be in control would be so damned sexy.” He confesses.

“I’m glad you enjoyed it. You don’t know how many times in the last few weeks that I’ve dreamt of doing something like this with you. Was there anything you didn’t like though, or that you have any questions about? I wanted to start out slowly and need to know for the future, if there’s anything you’re concerned about.”

He shakes his head at me and then opens his mouth to say something. “Why couldn’t I touch you when you had your orgasm?”

I hate bringing this up now, as I know the mood will change. “I haven’t been able to orgasm through penetrative sex with someone touching me, since I was raped.” I look over to Jack and he looks furious, but he controls his temper.

“Maybe I can change that.” He states, as he stands and grabs his jacket.

“I wouldn’t count on it.” I mutter. I look at my phone to see its well after three in the morning. “We better get going.” We leave my office and the club is still in full swing. It’s weird going from the peace and tranquillity of my office to a bustling bar. I say good night to Tony as we head out the door and grab a taxi back to my apartment. Jack takes my hand in his and I smile at him. It’s been a long time since I’ve held someone’s hand. Well as long as you discount me holding them down to restrain them.

We reach my place and enter the foyer. Standing on the first step I’m eye level with Jack and he reaches his hands around my waist and tugs me close to him.

“I had an amazing night Ella.” He leans in and places a kiss on my jaw line. I can feel myself wanting more, but I shut it down. I almost moan, as his teeth graze my neck.

“Look, why don’t we take this slow?” He nods and places his forehead against mine.

“Okay. Now if you could just communicate that to my nether regions, then that’d be great.” I chuckle, as I feel his cock hardening between us. “How about I pick you up tomorrow around eleven-thirty and we can take a drive somewhere nice?” He asks stepping back and leaving me wanting. Hang on; aren’t I supposed to be the one in control?

“Okay.” I try to sound unaffected by the loss of him. I head up the stairs, looking back down at him watching me. “Night, Jack.”

“Night, Mistress.” He says as he opens the door and leaves. I stare at the door as it closes behind him. God damn its hot when he calls me that.

Chapter 13


The sound of my alarm going off pulls me out of my slumber and I hit the snooze button. Its 9 o’clock and I want to get out for a run this morning, before I pick up Ella. Thinking of her brings a smile to my face and I think back to last night. “
” I can almost hear her voice commanding me to pinch her nipples. I can’t believe she’s a Mistress. I never thought of myself being submissive in any way and I still don’t to a degree. Izzy told me something last night, when she was explaining a few things to me.

“You’re the one in control Jack.”

“What do you mean? Surely being the submissive means I don’t have control?” I look at her confused. I’d gone to the club that afternoon to talk to her about Ella.

“Ella may have control over the way things happen and what goes on between you, but you have control. You need to figure out your limits. The safe words are there for a reason Jack. This way you’re the one in control. If you don’t want something to happen, then it won’t.”

I don’t quite understand everything yet, but what I do know is that Ella taking control was the sexiest thing I’d ever seen. I swing my legs out of bed and feel a few familiar aches. I grin like a Cheshire cat. Maybe she fucked me that hard, so I’d feel it today. Make me remember her and only her. God at this rate, I’m going to need a cold shower before I go for a run.

When I pick Ella up, she’s waiting outside for me looking very summery in a yellow skirt. The weather’s supposed to be good today and the temperature’s already rising. I pull up next to her, and as she slides into the car, I feel ridiculously excited to see her. She leans over and plants a feather soft kiss on my lips.

“Good morning.” She has a huge smile on her face, which is infectious.

“Good morning. Where would you like to go today?” I ask.

“How about we head down to the New Forest? It’s only an hour and a half away. We could be there by one o’clock.” She suggests.

“Do you need to work tonight?”

“No. Why?”

“How about we don’t come home tonight?” Suddenly she looks a little lost “It’s okay, we don’t have to stay the night. It was just an idea.” I place my hand on her knee and she smiles half-heartedly at me.

“Better get a move on then, otherwise we’ll never get there.” She jests. I start the car and head for the motorway, which will take us the majority of the way.

After a few minutes she starts digging around in her purse. “What’re you looking for?” I ask amused at the things she’s pulling out. Hairbrush, make-up, tissues, wallet... Why do women carry so much stuff around?

“You’re going to love this.” Suddenly she pulls out a tape. “I didn’t know if you’d have a tape player in here, but I’m glad you do.” She laughs and pushes the tape in. Suddenly with a little hiss, a song starts to play.

I look at her in shock. “This is the mix-tape I made you.” ‘Girlfriend’ by N-Sync is playing. “Oh, my god. I can’t believe you still have this.” I laugh, shaking my head. She sings to the song a little and I love how care free she’s being.

“I love this tape. Why would I get rid of it? There are some classic songs on here.” Just then ‘Gotta Get Thru This’ by Daniel Bedingfield starts to play and I can’t help but sing along as well. God this takes me back to the year we dated

An hour and a half later and all sung out, we finally arrive in Lyndhurst, in the New Forest. The heat’s really picked up and I leave my jacket in the car as we walk to a local pub for lunch. As we sit down in the pub garden, having placed our order, I decide to just take the bull by the horns and talk about what Ella expects from me being a submissive. Doing a Wikipedia search last night had brought up so much information, it had left me feeling overwhelmed.

“Ella, we need to talk about me being a submissive.”


I’m a little shocked by Jack’s bluntness. I did ask him to be honest and truthful with me though and if he has questions, I’m glad he’s not afraid to ask.

I take a sip of my drink. “What would you like to know?”

“Well I did a search last night to be honest.”

“It freaked you out?”

“I wouldn’t say freaked me out. I guess I just want to know what you expect of me and what limits we’re going to set.” I can see he looks concerned. God knows what he found last night, but I’m sure some of the more, shall we say hard core things blew his mind a little, if not a lot.

“It’s not a science Jack. There’s give and take like in any normal relationship. We have to find what works for us and compromise. I’ve never had to go through this with anyone before.”

“Why not?”

“We all have online profiles at the club and you search for someone like-minded. Obviously there’s some form of communication between you both and aftercare is very important, but for the majority, both parties are on the same page.”

“I get that I don’t know the ins and outs of the lifestyle, but I want to know what basic things you expect of me.” I’m trying to gauge his emotions. Is he trying to back out of what we have going without even giving it a chance. “I’m not running away from this Ella.” Shit did I just voice that out loud, or did he just read my mind? He takes my hand and I take a deep breath.

“Okay... basically, I want you available to me whenever I want you.” His eyes widen in shock at my bluntness, but a small smile plays at the corner of his mouth. I decide to lay it out straight for him. “If I want to fuck you in the toilets now, then that’s what we’ll do. If I want to suck your cock into my mouth on the drive home today, then that’s what we’ll do.” His jaw drops open a little, but I continue. “We can discuss limits as we go along. To just talk about them like this, I’m worried that it’ll put you off. You need to experience them and not be afraid to try new things. If you don’t like what I’m doing to you, then you just have to say so.”

“Okay.” He blinks a few times. “What about the pain side of it?” Just then the waiter brings out our food. As soon as he leaves I decide to try something. The garden’s fairly quiet due to it being way past lunch time and I slip my foot out of my shoe and slide it up the inside of his leg. He jumps at the contact and looks down to see my foot vanish inside his shorts. “Ella?” My toes find their goal and I gently caress his cock, which has immediately started to grow.

“No underwear. Good boy. Want to play?” I ask, challengingly.

“Yes, Mistress.” He whispers.

“Eat.” I order, as my foot continues to stroke him. He complies, but when I move to play with his balls, a small groan escapes his mouth. I continue to eat my food as normal and halfway through, he stares at me, his eyes silently imploring. I slowly retract my foot and he adjusts his self. It must be slightly uncomfortable for him. “Meet me in the gent’s toilets in 5 minutes.” I make my way inside without another word.

Thankfully the gent’s toilets are located at the back of the restaurant and no one sees me slip in. I enter a cubicle and wait. Within minutes someone enters the room and gently knocks on the cubicle door. I unlock it and Jack steps in. With my flat sandals on, he towers above me, but being shorter than my sub has never stopped me before.

“Hands behind your back.” I command. He obeys immediately and I run my hands up under the front of his t-shirt. I let them wonder over his chest and abs. His skin is hot to the touch and I decide I can’t wait any longer. Forcing his t-shirt up over his head, officially blinding him, but leaving his mouth available to me, I take a moment to stare at his magnificent torso. “You want to know about pain, Jack?”

“Yes, Mistress.” He whispers, sounding unsure. He stiffens and I gently lay my palm over his heart.

“What are the safe words Jack?” I leave my hand on his chest, while my other one rubs him through his shorts.

“Green, amber and red, Mistress.”

“Good.” My face is at the perfect height and is level with his chest. I lean forward and place a kiss in the centre of his sternum, then kiss my way over to his left nipple, licking it before biting it with my teeth. Jack hisses and I lave his nipple with my tongue, as his chest rises and falls rapidly. “Colour?” I ask, kissing my way across to his other nipple.

“Green, Mistress.”

My tongue finds his right nipple, but this time I suck on it hard first before biting it. This time instead of a hiss, he growls in the back of his throat. “You like that Jack? You like me biting your nipples and sucking on them?”

“Yes, Mistress.”

I continue to bite, lick and kiss his chest, working my way down his stomach until I’m face to face with his crotch. Slowly pulling down his shorts, I moan at the sight of his manhood, as it springs free.

“God I love your cock, Jack.” I take him into my mouth and he groans. I immediately remove it, letting it make a popping sound as it does. “I don’t want to hear a noise out of you. If you alert someone to us being in here and we get caught, you will be punished. Nod if you understand.” He nods fervently and I slide him in deep. Hollowing out my cheeks, I suck him so hard; I almost manage to pull him off balance with my ministrations. I can hear his ragged breathing and I unsheathe my teeth and drag them along his cock. At first he jumps and tries to escape, but I grab his ass tightly, not letting him move. As my teeth graze up and down his thick length he adjusts to the feeling. Just when I feel he can’t take much more, I slow and lick my tongue all over his cock and balls, like I’m licking a lollipop. He’s panting hard and I know he’s close to coming. “You’re not allowed to come Jack.” His mouth drops open, as I pull his shorts back up, making sure he’s as comfortable as one can be with a raging hard on desperate to explode. “On your knees.” I sit on the lid of the toilet and lift my skirt. I didn’t wear any panties today either and I guide his face closer, so he can smell me. “You wanted to taste me last night, but I had to punish you for a silly mistake. If you can make me come by using just your tongue then I will reward you.” I reach down and caress his balls. “I know they must be aching. I may even let you decide where to unload if you do a really good job. Understand?” He nods again. “Use your hands to support my legs, opening me up nice and wide for you.” He shifts forward slightly to gain his balance and I help him place his hands on my inner thighs. Being blinded, with only his nose and mouth in view is perfect for him to learn some of his other senses. He grips my thighs hard and forces my legs wide. I inadvertently groan at his show of force and a small smile plays on his lips, as he leans forward to press his nose to my mound. Breathing in deeply, he gently presses his nose against my clit, circling it slowly. Who knew that could feel so amazing? He rubs his nose up the sides of my lips and blows softly. I know what he’s doing and its bloody working. He’s withholding his tongue, which must be killing him as much as it’s killing me. He nips my clit with his teeth making me brace my arms against the sides of the toilet. Holy shit! Finally he takes a little lick of my clit and his whole body shudders, pushing out a warm breath that coats my wet pussy. He’s holding onto his control by a thread and I’m desperate to order him to stick his tongue in my pussy, but I love how he’s demonstrating his control. He moves down me, gently blowing as he goes. When he reaches my ass, he sticks his whole tongue out and roughly licks my nub. I let out a little whimper and he continues to lick me, moving up over my perineum. He again stops himself from sticking his tongue inside me and gently flicks my clit. I’m seconds away from grabbing his head and riding his face when he finally gives me what I want. Fuck! “Yes.” I breathe out, as his tongue probes me. He alternates between licking my clit and tongue fucking me. I can feel my impending orgasm approaching, and fast, and I can’t hide it as my body starts to shudder and I come hard. He laps at my cunt, licking up every ounce, before kissing my clit, which is so sensitive I shake uncontrollably.  He sits upright and I can see my juices all over his face. I surprise him by kissing and licking him clean.

“Fuck, I taste amazing on you.” I kiss him passionately and am breathless when I pull away. “Now you get to decide how you want to come. What will it be Jack? In my mouth, while I deep throat you? Or deep inside my walls, as my pussy milks you dry?” I continue to kiss down his throat and bite his shoulder hard.

“I would like to bend you over and fuck your pussy. Please, Mistress.” The way he talks is intoxicating and he doesn’t have to ask me twice. I rip off his t-shirt and he blinks a few times adjusting to the light. I kiss him hard and stand up dragging him with me, but he forcefully turns me away from him, hiking up my skirt and placing my leg on the toilet seat. He yanks down his shorts and positions his cock at my entrance, teasing me briefly before thrusting into me. In one move he is balls deep and his fingers dig roughly into my hips. He fucks me hard and fast, like his control has been blown to smithereens. I reach down to fondle his balls, as he drives impossibly deeper. His hands move up to my shoulders, pulling back on them hard, forcing me against him. Suddenly someone enters the toilets whistling and Jack slows... “Keep going.” I whisper. I can tell he’s close and if his cock rubs my g-spot one more time I’m going to explode. He pulls me up against his chest, wraps one arm tightly around my hips and one just below my neck, my back arched against him. His mouth is right by my ear and as he pushes deeper, he grunts.

“Permission to come Mistress?”

“Yes!” I reach my hand to thread through his hair and hold it tightly. My fingers find my clit and circle it. “Come Jack... now!” He leans down and bites down on my shoulder to stifle his moans, but let’s go of me, bracing his arms on both sides of the stall. As I feel his cock throb and pulse inside of me, this triggers my own orgasm and my walls clench his cock, milking him dry. As we come down from our orgasms, we hear the man leave the toilets. Turning to face him we smile at each other. “That was close.”

“That was incredible.” He says, reaching out and running his knuckles down my cheek.

“I think we better get dressed don’t you?” He pulls up his shorts and I smooth my skirt down after cleaning myself up; Jack heads out first and then signals for me to leave. We spend the afternoon walking around the shops and enjoying the weather. He holds my hand and I love the feel of it; he makes me feel so free and happy.

It’s dark by the time we arrive back at my place and I’m unsure about inviting him up. We sit in the car for a few minutes before Jack speaks first. “I had a lovely day Ella.”

“Me too.” I lean over and kiss him softly at first, but then let it deepen. As I pull away he narrows his eyes at me.

“That’s mean.” He says jokingly.

“Sweet dreams.” I say as I step out of the car and go inside. Walking up to my apartment, I hear my phone beep.

Goodnight, Mistress x

I smile as I read the text from Jack. Every time he calls me that, it makes me horny.

Goodnight Jack x

Entering my apartment, all is quiet. Lottie seems to be out a lot more these days and I wonder what she’s up to. I hope she’s kept her promise to curb her drinking.

Just then my phone beeps quite a few times. I look to see a couple of messages and a voice mail from Izzy. I call her back immediately, wondering what could be wrong.

“Ella. Where the hell have you been all day?” She answers on the first ring.

“Hey, you okay? I was out with Jack and had no signal. What’s the matter?”

“I just wanted to check on you and see how things are with Jack?”

“I see. Things seem to be going okay and I believe I have you to thank for that?”

“What did he say?”

“He hasn’t tattled on you, if that’s what you’re worried about. I can only assume you’re the one that talked to him though.” All is silent on the other end. “Thank you Izzy. Jack and I are good. He’s agreed to be my submissive.”

“WOW. That’s great news hun.” She sounds shocked.

“It is. I fucked him last night in my office and today I fucked him in the men’s toilets at a pub.”

“God damn, you don’t waste any time.” She says laughing. “Well as long as you’re happy. If he hurts you at all though, you can tell him I will personally drag him down to the dungeon and torture him.”

I laugh at her protectiveness. “I will. Maybe not right away though. I doubt he even knows we have a dungeon. So how’s work tonight?” I ask.

“Oh, I’m not working tonight. Well not at the club anyway. Tina is running things. It’s quiet, so this will be a good test for her, to see if she can handle it.”

“So, what’re you up to?”

“Oh, I’ve taken on some one-on-one, training for a new client that’s joined. I’m just running through what I can here at home in my personal play room, before she comes to any sessions at the club.”

“Oh, okay. That’s quite unusual. Is she too shy to come and be with all the other students?” I’m curious now about who this person is and why Izzy’s giving her preferential treatment.

“Yeah, something like that. She’s also paying me well, so it can only benefit the club.”

“Okay, well I’ll leave you to it.”

“Okay. Night, Ella.”

“Night, Izzy. Love you.”

“Love you too.”

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