Lost and Found (14 page)

Read Lost and Found Online

Authors: Megan Fields


That was unbelievable. I’m still lying on top of Ella, trying to catch my breath, after the most intense orgasm we’ve shared. She wriggles underneath me and I pull back to look at her.

“Hey.” She smiles at me.

“Hey, yourself.” I reply back. I climb off her and pull the duvet up over us. “That was intense.”

“I know. It’s never been like that before.”

“Never?” I ask.

“No. I’ve not let anyone have that much control for a long time.” I look at her and see that she’s telling the truth.

“How do you feel about that?” She seems lost in thought for a moment at my question and then smiles at me.

“I feel good. You make me feel safe Jack. I trust you and I love you. I know you would never hurt me. This doesn’t mean I’m not a Domme. I will always have that in me, but now I have you and we will figure it out.” She leans in and kisses me. “Want to play?”

“Yes, Mistress.”



Jack and I arrive at the club for the monthly auction. In the last six weeks our relationship has strengthened. He’s still my sub, but now he’s my boyfriend too. Boyfriend, it sounds weird saying that. It’s been eight years since I’ve had one and I love the sound of it on my lips. What I find even sexier, is when Jack calls me his girlfriend.

“Hey, Izzy.” I give my friend a hug. “We all set for tonight?” I ask.

“Hey, guys. Yeah we’re all ready to go.” She hugs Jack and picks up her drink from the bar.

“I can’t believe Alex is up for auction tonight.” Jack says sitting down on one of the bar stools.

“He will fetch a pretty price. I made sure we did plenty of marketing and I can guarantee he’ll be popular. I hope whoever wants him has enough money.” I notice Izzy acting unusually quiet. “You okay Izzy?”

“What? Yeah I’m fine.” She says tapping the bar for another drink.

“Okay, I’m going to go on up and check everything out.” I leave her at the bar with Jack and make my way to the top floor. We have extra staff on for these events and they all are experienced enough to know what needs to be done. All the chairs are out, the computers are manned for any online bids, the lights are set up and most of the Dom’s and subs, being bid on tonight, are relaxing in a corner of the room where a make shift bar has been set up. I turn to go change and bump into Alex.

“Alex. Jesus you scared me.” I’m still easily rattled, but Jack’s helping me overcome those feelings more and more. We train a lot together now and do plenty of sparring since he found out I could box. I have yet to have my bout with Alex though.

“Sorry Ella, I didn’t mean to make you jump. Jack and Izzy said you were up here, so I thought I’d check in and see if there’s anything I can do to help.” Alex became joint partner in the club a couple of weeks ago. A fact that pleased me, as he brings new ideas and money to make those ideas a reality. It’s also made it easier for Izzy and me to take some much needed time off.

“Nope, we’re all set. I’m curious about who’s going to bid on you tonight. I think you will be rather popular Master Cole.”

“As long as it brings in some money for the club, then that’s all that matters.”

“Oh right and the sub that just happens to win you tonight is what... just a bonus?” He winks at me and walks over to the other Doms.

The auction goes very well and we’re nearly finished. Alex is the last individual and he makes his way to the stage.

“Let’s start the bidding at five hundred pounds.” I shout. Bidding increases quickly, but twenty minutes later, we’re down to three people battling it out. There are two women in the room and one online bidder in a fight to win Alex. The bidding finally stops at two thousand, seven hundred and the individual online is the winner. I wrap things up. “I would just like to take a moment to thank you all for a successful evening. If you have any queries about tonight, please see a member of staff.”

I leave the stage and go to join Izzy, who’s talking with Alex and Jack. “I knew you’d sell for a lot of money, but I had no idea it would reach nearly three thousand pounds.”

“Well when you want something bad enough, you have to pay for it.” Izzy jokes.

“Do you know who the winner is?” Alex asks. She acts a little sheepish but confirms that the bidder is the new client she signed.

“I will give you the details later, as the sub would like to remain anonymous.” She tells him.

“That’s a little unusual isn't it?” I ask her.

“Not really. She’s jumped through all our hoops and is legit, but it’s her decision.” She shrugs her shoulders.

“You ready to leave?” Jack asks me. I shake my head in answer, as I approach him. Jack doesn’t know I’ve booked us one of the private dungeon rooms. I lean in, to whisper in his ear.

“Want to play?”

“Yes, Mistress.”




The End


The first person I have to thank knows who she is. Without her I think I would be lost and I am unbelievably grateful for her friendship. She has been with me from the start as a beta reader, but has become much more than that now. Her support and belief in me has been unwavering and I will be forever grateful that I met her. Annelle Willard, you rock! You are and will always be my PIC (Partner in crime) and I hope to one day meet you face to face rather than just chat to you on Skype and messenger. You lift my spirits everyday with your craziness and I adore you for it. Here’s to many more years of friendship xx


To Louise Bay, Patti Fiala, Cassia Brightmore and Mitzi Pummer Carroll; you ladies have supported me throughout this crazy process in various ways and I thank you from the bottom of my heart. Louise - you have been incredibly supportive; giving me advice on the author world and being a good friend. You say it as it is and for that I am grateful. I am thankful to have you as a friend. Patti - Your support has meant a lot to me. Your amazing beta work on this story has helped me immensely and I now pedal the advice you gave me. ‘Read your story out loud’. You’ve done much more than that for me though and I am forever thankful. I wish you luck and happiness for the future. Cassia - You’re my girl. Your support, friendship and beta work on this book has been priceless. Mitzi - Big thanks to you for all that you have done for me. Your support as a beta and a pimp has been amazing and for that I am thankful.

For all my other beta readers who have helped me at various stages, this is for you - THANK YOU

Thank you to the amazing blog community. You guys work tirelessly to support indie authors and without you we would be lost. Deliciously Wicked Books, Sweet n Sassy Book A Holics, Something Wickedly Delicious, Steamy Book Momma, M&D’s Have You Read Book Blog, Book Sluts, Sexyways of Reading, Spreading the Word, Little Shop of Readers, Cecily’s Book Review, Two Unruly Girls with a Romance Book Buzz and Sizzling Pages Romance Reviews, to name but a few - You rock!

Thank you to Carrie at Cheeky Covers for my lush book cover and the time and dedication you gave it.

Thank you to Jennifer Winderman for editing for me. It was much appreciated.

Thank you to Emma Mack for proof reading for me and being incredibly supportive and thorough.

Thank you to all my friends that have pimped this book for me. You know who you are and you’re amazing!

Last, but by no means least I want to thank all the readers who buy this book. Without you supporting us, we would not exist. I love it when I hear how my book made someone feel; that my characters, which only exist in my head, have touched someone. Thank you for reading and being there for us. I’m looking forward to reading every review. Even the bad ones, as through them I will strive to improve.

Keep in touch

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What’s next?

At the moment I am working on book 2 in the Discovery Series, which is based upon Alex and Lottie. Just thinking about it gets me all hot and bothered, as I do love a good Alpha male. Plus my beta readers love him and they are starting to get to kick my ass to get it finished.

After that I plan to book on Izzy’s story. She is a lot feistier than Ella and I’m thinking her book is going to be incredibly sexy and wanton.

If I stop there, then I have a few more ideas up my sleeve. I will be sticking to the erotica genre though, as that’s my favourite and I hope you join me for the ride.

Sneak peak from Unexpected Chances by A.M. Willard

Chapter One:


This morning’s been crap ever since I rolled out of bed. With less than 45 minutes to dress and arrive at office, boot up the laptop, and make myself presentable. The teleconference with Georgia’s Incorporated is scheduled at 8:30 a.m. I pull on a pair of jeans; locate my blue and black silk sleeveless top and slide on my black heels. My red hair is in every direction that you could imagine, doing my best to tame it as I pull it up into a French twist. With a snatch of my jewellery up from the top of my dresser, I head out and shove it into my purse. I’ll just put everything on as I make my way to the office.

Arriving with ten minutes to spare, just enough time for me to plop into my chair and plaster a huge smile across my face. I’m in desperate need of a huge cup of coffee to fake this smile.

I decided to stay out late last night with my older brother Seth and forgot to set my alarm. I’ll have to wait until after the conference for my caffeine drip.

Normally I’m an upbeat sassy kind a gal, but lately I’m depressed and stuck in a rut. I just turned 33, I’m single and my best friend is always gone these days. To entertain myself and try to stay out of trouble;

I date.

I party.

I work hard.

I shop.

That’s how my life goes. I’m the executive assistant for my best gal friend, Angela Stephens and I adore her. Her husband on the other hand is a serious douche. I can’t stand him, never have and never will.

I’ve watched her marriage over the years and this has caused me to swear off love. Not to mention the douche I was in love with in college that shattered my heart. Pretty sure that God hasn’t made a man that can handle me. Family and friends say that I’m a one of a kind lady; I’d have to second that one.

The last few months have been a world wind here at work; we’ve gained five top scale clients within the hotel industry. Most days I sit behind this computer, smiling, taking notes as I try to figure out what services they are looking for. After each meeting I write up a semi proposal for, Angela and email it. She reviews the documents and decides if we want to pursue the company. If she decides to move forward, I set up a final meeting via teleconference, and fly her out to research and close the contracts.

Today’s meeting is with Carter Northwood, CEO of Georgia’s Incorporated. From what I’ve researched he owns a few hotels and condos in the Seattle, Washington vicinity.

The email Angela sent stated that they’re curious about other ways to expand to a more family orientated environment. Something was said that his condos resembled a senior citizens home, oh wait that was me. That was how I described them to Angela yesterday on the phone.

In dire need for a coffee the size of Texas, I’m not looking forward to this teleconference. Most of the owners are old and drive me nuts while they explain every single last detail of the project. What I need from them is; ‘hey look we want to broaden our horizons, we need to be seen as hip’. That I can handle. I don’t need to know how the carpet is old or the fact that the crowds you attract aren’t paying the bills any longer.

This is the reason that I have empty cups on my desk, a few energy drinks, and every last piece of paper I’ve scribbled on. Just one of my nervous traits, it drives the boss nuts. If it’s an important document, Angela slips it into a folder. Folders mean they are off limits for scribbles.

Angela once bought me this cute Hello Kitty notebook back with her from somewhere,
“Here, this is for you. Only draw on it or in it.”
Yeah, that didn’t work. I ran out of pages after a week. I might have a touch of ADHD and OCD, even though my mad mess is nuts; I know where everything is.

Laptop is up, and I gather the files for today’s meeting. Then search to find my pink pen with feathers sticking out of the tip. Once I have everything lined up in front of me I check to see that I have a few minutes before I need to act bubbly. I lean back into my super soft purple leather chair in order to find my Zen.

The black screen is up and it’ll ding when another party joins in. No reason to smile until it signals me.

I close my eyes for a moment, and take a few breaths; searching for that inner peace. Yes, I’ve been on a hunt now for a year with a few Yoga, Tai-Chi and meditation classes. Don’t judge, some hot guys attend right along with me.

Angela says that’s the only reason I attend; I disagree with her since I’ve not had road rage in over three weeks.

It feels like only a moment when something startles me out of my meditation. I fling my eyes open; “Shit!” I scream out as I jump in my seat, and my hand flies up to my chest as if my heart might jump out.

I take another glance at the screen, thinking someone has hacked into my computer and is watching me. He’s laughing, but I don’t hear him through the speakers.

As I look at the icon, I notice it’s on mute. A quick glance at the time, it’s been 15 minutes since the meeting was scheduled to begin.

Shit, how long was I out? Who is this creeper? Was he stalking me the whole time, lord that’s nuts. I think to myself as I try to pull it together real quick.


“You must be, Tabitha Michaelson.” He states and the inside of my thighs squeeze together. I’m taken back with his voice, it’s pure man; deep, raspy and sexy. I tilt my head at him. He’s as beautiful as his voice sounds. Blonde shaggy curls with short sides. Scruff; oh dear leprechaun I’m a sucker for scruff on a man. It’s when our eyes meet, that I feel as if I’m looking into the ocean. The bluest of blues are staring back at me.

“Oh… Yes that’s me.” I stutter out sounding like a stupid bimbo.

“Well, Ms. Michaelson, I hope you’re ready for the meeting now, after that nap of yours.”

“Yes, I’m ready and you are?” I ask with confusion, thinking they sent in someone else to do the grunt work for, Mr. Northwood.

“Carter Northwood, you set this meeting up, but, appear to not be ready. Do we need to reschedule?”

“No I’m so sorry, Mr. Northwood, I was meditating. I didn’t hear the chime on my computer. My sincere apologies.” I whip out, thinking to myself that Angela is going to kill me if I screw this up.





The board of directors has brought it to my attention that we’re not growing as projected. A friend of a friend heard of this company that does an overhaul on your business. They come in undercover;
“somewhat undercover”
take notes and then suggest where you need to revamp.

The board feels as if we’ve changed our direction. No longer attracting the younger, hip crowd in which we house in Seattle?

I’ve agreed to have a teleconference with Mrs. Stephens’s assistant Tabitha Michaelson, since she’s unavailable.

Running late due to the traffic and drizzling rain, I’d like nothing else than to push this meeting out. I’m not convinced my company needs to go this route. The board has complied that if I go into this with an open mind, I’ll not be disappointed. If by a chance I am, I have the right to overrule the members.

My assistant, Kelly hands me my black coffee as I pass her desk. Entering my office, I glance to the clock and take note on the time.

The day’s packed with back to back meetings. After this I have to meet with the new developer on some condo’s we’re building.

I boot up, and set out the questions that I wrote down last night. Making sure I have my calendar open.

I’ve been informed that this is the first step of the process. Next; you meet with the owner. After she arrives, you’ll get a full report within a week. They will make several passes through as you’re contracted for at least a year with them.

I’ve got at least another five minutes before I need to be online, but choose to log in ahead of time. I can move about with emails and such as I wait for the beep.

Who ever invented these programs for teleconferences were brilliant, they save companies’ time and money. I can meet with the board and other partners from anywhere. That comes in handy, for when I’m beckoned to my wife’s side.

I lean over in search of a folder from my briefcase. As I come back up I notice the screen’s no longer black. Shocked at what I’m seeing. I double check the login and password, as I’m sure it’s a mistake.

Nope not a mistake, I’m on the correct server.

Blinking a few times to adjust my eyes.

This beautiful creature is leaned back into a purple chair asleep.

What professional has a purple chair and sleeps before a conference, I think to myself. It’s not the chair that’s throwing me off or the fact that she’s sleeping, it’s her face.

A face of a porcelain doll with red hair.

Her hairs pulled up, showcasing her cheek bones and neck. Her neck is long, but not too long; just right. It makes me want to lick every inch of it; this thought has me readjusting my slacks. Her lips are coated with what looks to be a pale pink gloss; full; and kissable.

I lean back and watch as her lips move from side to side, as if she’s tasting them. Her head bobbles while she shifts in her seat. She’s caused me to laugh, Lord it’s been forever since a woman has made me laugh. My chest is moving up and down from the laughter.

I know once she wakes, she’ll be embarrassed by her actions. Just as I think this, her eyes pop open.

When her eyes pop open, I cock my head to the side. They’re as green as an emerald. That’s what I see on this side of the computer screen. I can only imagine how mesmerizing they are in person. She’s startled, off her game now as she realizes I’ve been watching.

You can see the fire in her eyes as she stumbles around for an explanation. It’s time to up the game and play with this Tabby cat.

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