Read Luna's Sokjan (Book one) Online

Authors: Kerry Davidson

Tags: #suspense, #thriller, #supernatural, #horror, #paranormal romance, #paranormal, #changers, #womens fiction, #spirits, #vampire, #demons, #romance, #witch craft, #lycan, #werewolf romance, #wicca, #shifters, #dark, #craft, #witch, #adventure, #spirit, #urban fantasy, #ghost, #magic, #werewolf, #werewolves, #shapeshifters, #suspense fiction, #adult fiction, #witches

Luna's Sokjan (Book one) (32 page)

The blue robe accented my
eyes and hair.

“I don’t know. Some place
online most likely. Looks like ya’ll had Chinese for dinner.” I
said and pulled out the little red and white containers.

Fried rice, chicken with
vegetables on two plates went in the microwave. I dearly loved
microwaves they made life easy and fast. We were almost finished
eating when the first of the men came in.

“Alpha’s” They greeted

I watched them prepare
breakfast and finish off the old coffee. The men started a new pot
before they left, good boys.

“What happened to the six
guards that you left with us last night?” I asked

“After I made sure they
were okay
I sent
them back to the village to recover. What did you do to them
anyway?” He responded.

I cut my eyes to him and
smiled slyly.

“Just a little something
that would clean out their systems, but not really hurt them.” I
shrugged finishing off my meal.

“You will have to
apologize to them. I would like you to promise that you will never
do this again, but I know you won’t give me that promise.” He told
me before he stood up and collected our plates.

I hid my smirk behind my
coffee cup. There was no way in hell I was going to make a promise
like that. I knew I would never hurt his men, but they didn’t. Oh,
I would move them out of my way anytime I needed to. It was better
to keep them guessing how and when I would do it.

“What are we doing today?”
I got up and poured more coffee for both of us.

The men had already left
the kitchen. So
it was just Gabriel and me again. Two arms pinned me between
the counter and his muscular body. I felt his breath in my

“You will be recovering
from either the bed or the couch. Until I deem you well enough for
more active duties.” He told me.

I leaned back against him
and tilted my head to one side. I offered him my neck. Accepting my
invitation he ran his lips and tongue down the length of my flesh.
I felt the warmth from his hand when he slipped it in my robe.
Chills spread over my body as he cupped my breast.

“I truly do like this
robe.” His voice was husky, and I caught my breath in my

He rubbed his chest
against my satin covered back. While his fingers played with my

I didn’t remember teasing
him like this when he was hurt.

“We should go upstairs and
figure out the best way to take it off.” I suggested with a moan
and gripped his arms with both of my hands.

“I’ll add that to the list
of things I want to do to you, my love.” He whispered against my

He removed his hand from
my robe only to set it on my stomach and bit my neck.

He had a list,

We strolled back up the
stairs holding hands to shower and dress for the day. Gabriel went
over the list of things I could and couldn’t do. I heard a lot of
blah, blah, and then more blah, blah, while I settled down on the
couch with my laptop and coffee.

“I have a few more things
I want to settle, before we start hunting for this master.” He told
me leaning down for one last kiss, before he left me. “Try to
behave, my love. I promise I won’t be gone long.”

Not on your

I was running searches on
the computer for all the abandoned houses, buildings, and
cemeteries in the area. When the kids showed up to check on me,
muting, the TV I asked them, “What did Gabriel do to you

“We are grounded.”
Jennifer told me sitting on the floor by the couch and the boys
crowded around us.

“So all of you are
grounded?” I asked Jennifer.

I grinned at her sad nod,
that’s was fantastic. I had thought Gabriel might have been harder
on them.

“Ryan will you finish the
searches I started on abandoned houses, buildings, and cemeteries
here in the city?” I asked him and handed the computer to him at
his nod.

“Well then we will just
have to work on the next phase of our plan.” I told them. “Where is

“He had to go out.” Ben
told me.

Well things just couldn’t
get any better than this. We had to act quickly.

“Someone go get the
ladder. Jennifer
go get the box with the cups and the duct tape.” I ordered as
I got up off the couch.

“How many guards do we
have today?” I asked as we moved to the door.

“Three guards downstairs
and another five outside.” Ryan answered me.

We ran downstairs. Two of
the boys left for the ladder, and the rest of us went to the first
room. Out of the five rooms that had fans, we had picked three to
sabotage. Jennifer rushed in the room with the box. It contained
twelve cups full of confetti, one for each fan blade and a roll of
duct tape.

We quickly tore strips of
tape and placed them on one side of four cups, near the bottom. Our
objective was straightforward. Jennifer would distract the men
while the boys and I would attach the cups to the fan

When the boys came in with
the ladder, Ben was elected to climb up and tape the cups to the
fan blades. The theory was simple. Secure the cups to the topside
of each the fan blades. Once the fan was turned on the cups would
flip over and pour out its contents all over the room. It took only
a few minutes to do the whole fan, before leaving the room I turned
the heat up. An hour later we were back upstairs watching a movie
and waiting for the pizza to be delivered.

“Somebody open the door.”
Gabriel’s voice called out.

Ben and Ethan jumped up to
obey the command. Gabriel carried in seven large pizzas, and Sam
followed behind him with a few more pizzas, and several bags of
drinks. I cleaned off the coffee table so Gabriel and Sam could
unload the pizzas. The kids collected the paper plates and glasses
from the kitchen and lunch was served.

“Where is Angus?” I asked
Gabriel accepting a plate of pizza from him.

“He’s in charge of the
cleanup at Watauga. He wanted to see firsthand what had happened
there last night.” He told me as he sat down next to me on the
couch. “What are you watching?”

“The Lord of the Rings
trilogy, we are about half way through the first movie.” Ethan told
the floor.

“Then continue the movie.”
He said in between bites of pizza.

Gabriel’s cool status
raised two levels with the kids
with those four words. We all settled in to eat
pizza and finish the movie.

I fell asleep against
Gabriel’s chest about half way through the second movie. The
combination of full belly and the warmth of Gabriel’s body lulled
me to sleep. In reality, it was a good thing, since healing takes a
lot of energy. The next time I woke up, Gabriel was still holding
me against his chest. He had stretched out beside me on the
oversized couch and was about a third of the way through the third

With a smile, I rubbed my
nose against his neck and stretched against him with a low

“Where are the kids?” I
asked and ran a hand up his chest to his neck.

Cupping the back of his
neck I brought his lips down to mine for a quick kiss.

“Angus thought they could
use some time outside. So they are in the backyard practicing with
swords, probably reenacting all the battle scenes from this movie,
no doubt.” He replied as he stopped the movie. That sounded like a
lot of fun to me. “That was after they cleaned up the confetti mess
downstairs. You wouldn’t know anything about that would you?” He
asked and patted my butt.

I grinned into his chest.
Oh yeah, I knew all about it, and I would have to find some way to
make it up to the kids.

I tried to move off the
couch, “I have to go to the bathroom.” I told him when he tightened
his hold on me.

I jumped up and almost ran
to the bathroom when he let me go.

“I knew all about the
confetti thing. Gabriel, don’t punish the kids for something that
was my idea.” I told him when I walked out of the bathroom and
stopped in mid-sentence when he lifted his hand.

“They told me the very
same thing when I asked them about it. They knew what they were
doing when they agreed to help you, McKenna. They are very loyal to
you my love. You need to be very careful with them.” He cautioned

He sat up on the couch. I
poured us drinks while I thought about how to respond back to him.
In truth, I loved those kids and didn’t want anyone to hurt them,
not even me.

with all the death and horrors that we have seen in our
lifetime, don’t you want to teach the next generation. Not only how
to survive, but how to laugh as well?” I asked him. I handed him
the glass before I sat down next to him. “That’s all I’m really
trying to do. They learned how to plan and execute an
Simply by
playing a prank on the cats and they had fun doing it. Yes, I did
admit to them that I wanted to get back at Daniel. I explained all
my reasons to them before they agreed to help.”

I looked at

“I’m not going to stop you
know. The next time someone pisses me off. I’m gonna sit down and
plan out some way to get back at them. Well, if I can’t kill them.”
I shrugged.

I was trying to be as
honest as I could with him. If, he didn’t get it, well that would
seriously suck, for him.

“I get it.” He said
settling back into the couch. “I just want you to be careful with
them.” He pulled me back against his chest. “I don’t know if the
world could handle six of you.”

He placed a kiss on the
top of my head and played the rest of the movie.

Afterwards, we took the
remaining pizza downstairs to the kitchen. We had a lively dinner
with the kids, Sam, and Angus. After which we all decided to have a
horror movie marathon. It was a lot of fun, and I for one was
mighty glad we did it. It was marvelous to see everyone relax and
enjoying each other’s company.

The following morning
Gabriel and I sat on the couch going over the collected data I had
compiled. We had narrowed our search to a few cemeteries, three
neighborhoods, and old Madison restaurant. These locations offered
privacy and large buildings. That would be perfect hid people for
long periods of time. I couldn’t wait to begin the searches. I was
trying to be extremely careful and not to show Gabriel any of the
pain that I felt when I moved. I had spent half the night
convincing him that I was well enough to go today and my stomach
was still a little sore.

“We could drive by all of
these places today and scout them out before night fall.” I

“We could do that, or we
could send several groups of men. They can scout out some of the
locations, while we scout out the other areas.” He told me and held
up a hand when I opened my mouth. “McKenna that is a lot of ground
to cover and I know that you are still hurting.”

The perceptive

“Just a little,” I
admitted, “We should take the kids with us. It would be excellent
training exercise for them.”

He chuckled and shook his
head, “Not this time, my love. Maybe next time they can go.” He
caught my chin making me look at him. “I will have my way on this,
McKenna.” He growled at me.

I kissed him.

“Bet I could talk you into
it.” I said and climbed on to his lap placing my knees around his
hips and slowly untied my robe.

“You can try if you like.”
He told me.

Gabriel slid his big hands
under my robe to grasp my hips as he settled back into the

Grinning hugely, I combed
my fingers through his thick hair. Slowly I dipped my head to
teasingly brush his lips with mine. Spurred on by his low moan of
pleasure, I rolled my hips forward against his and then rolled away
from him. I ignored the twinge of pain I felt in my stomach as I
rolled my hips back against him. He jerked my hips tighter against
him and dragged his lips down my neck. I whimpered in the back of
my throat as I watched his dark head move lower to my breast.
Shivering I anticipated the warmth of his mouth against my

Sam’s voice filled the
room, “Alpha everything is ready.”

We stopped. Gabriel took a
deep breath and let it out slowly.

“We’ll be right down.” He
called out and laid the side of his face against my breast
breathing deeply. “We will have to try this again later my love. At
the moment

After a couple of deep
breaths of my own, I asked, “What is ready?”

“I anticipated your need
to do something and arranged to start the searches today. “ He told
me holding me close to him. I made a strangled sound in my throat
and he laughed pulling away from me to gaze into my eyes. “You made
me forget what I was planning to do today. You aren’t the only one
having a hard time with the mating bond McKenna. I’m having a devil
of a time trying not to kill anyone who gets too close to you or
talks to you. Hell, I’m even jealous of the kids.”

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