Read Luna's Sokjan (Book one) Online

Authors: Kerry Davidson

Tags: #suspense, #thriller, #supernatural, #horror, #paranormal romance, #paranormal, #changers, #womens fiction, #spirits, #vampire, #demons, #romance, #witch craft, #lycan, #werewolf romance, #wicca, #shifters, #dark, #craft, #witch, #adventure, #spirit, #urban fantasy, #ghost, #magic, #werewolf, #werewolves, #shapeshifters, #suspense fiction, #adult fiction, #witches

Luna's Sokjan (Book one) (35 page)

With the wave of Myurr’s
hand, all the women disappeared. I narrowed my eyes at

“Gabriel is right there.”
Anthony pointed at Gabriel. “And she is not part of the deal.”
Anthony nervously told him.

“She is my mate. You can’t
have her.” Gabriel growled standing up.

Sam and the other men
joined him ready for a fight. Now that they were free from their

Oh goody, let’s talk about
the helpless female like she’s not here.

“If, this one is your
mate, why is she standing next to him?” Myurr asked

He was studying Gabriel
and his men sizing up his competition.

“The female can hear ya
know. Myurr please bring the women back, Anthony didn’t have the
right to offer you their lives.” I told him. “And I will give you
Anthony Steven Robinson in their stead.”

“You have the right to
make this offer?” Myurr questioned me, before I could say another

His eyes flared yellow for
a second when he looked at me, and I could feel his power wrapping
around me. I pushed back forcing his power away from me.

“Ah, you will do very
nicely. I will bring the women back only if you will take they’re
place.” He said with a smile.

“Keep it up big boy and I
will teach you a thing or two.” I warned him softly.

“Never!” Gabriel growled
at him. “She is mine and I will never let her go.”

Myurr snarled at him
showing his long knife like teeth. Gabriel growled back.

Oh great, he had just
challenged Gabriel for his mate. I rolled my eyes, please. I could
kill both of them with little ease. Nobody was paying me any
attention and why would they I was just the prize,

“Look you can have Anthony
and some power, but no one else is going with you. What do you
say?” I asked him. “Bring the women back.”

I was trying to hide my
anger, but it wasn’t working terribly well.

He continued to stare at
Gabriel. He was the biggest threat. After all I was just a

“No deal Sōkjan. If you
want the women back, you take their place.” His voice had taken on
a hard edge. He moved to position himself between me and Gabriel,
ignoring Anthony all together.

“I am your master!”
Anthony yelled at Myurr’s back.

Myurr turned just a little
and hit Anthony in the face with his wing knocking him out cold. I
had to smile at Anthony’s body. I had been thinking about doing the
same thing to him. Just to be fair I walked over to his body to
check and see if he was still alive.

“Poor Anthony nobody wants
to be your slave. Whatever will you do? You really shouldn’t have
made a deal with this devil.” I told his unconscious body, before
straightening up.

Glancing at the other-hood
figure, and wondered if it were Daniel. Myurr and Gabriel had
started circling each other. Taking full advantage of the situation
I moved over to squat down beside the second body. Pulling the hood
back I stared down into a handsome face. I didn’t know who he was.
He obviously wasn’t a werebeing.

What a shame, that it
wasn't Daniel. It would have made things so much easier. Now I had
to keep Anthony a live long enough to find out how he was

I peered at Myurr. He was
swinging one of his wings at Gabriel. He jumped out of the way to
keep from being hit by it. Sam and the rest of the men had made a
wide circle giving the two monsters room to fight in. Yet, close
enough should Gabriel need their help they were there. I sized up
the two.

Myurr had four arms,
claws, wings, and a mouth full of teeth. If, Gabriel shifted he
would be effectively the same height, body mass, with claws, and a
mouth full of teeth. In my opinion, he could easily out muscle his
opponent, but that was my opinion.

“Gabriel do you want
help?” I called out getting to my feet.

“No, McKenna I don’t need
any help.” Gabriel called back as he started shifting to his
warrior form.

I shrugged and let the big
boys duke it out. Grabbing the closest man to me, I ordered him to
watch Anthony.

I left to explore the rest
of the building. I needed proof that Daniel was involved with what
was going on. Entering the office, I scanned through the papers on
the desk quickly, nothing. I searched the rest of the room, and
found nothing useful, but a laptop.

I heard a wolf
Gabriel had
shifted to his warrior form. Grabbing the laptop, I headed for the
door, and then I stopped. Where was Anthony’s cell phone? I looked
through the desk again, no phone. Hurrying out of the room I ran to
Anthony’s body, shoving the laptop into the arms of the guard. I
searched the body, finally. Flipping it open I scrolled through his
contact list, and there was Daniel’s number. Just to make sure it
was our Daniel. I called the number and when he
I hung
up. Gotcha dumb ass!

“Did I miss much?” I asked
the dark, headed man next to me.

“No they are still feeling
each other out.” He replied.

I sat down next Anthony to
watch the show. Damn it, I wish I had a Milky Way.

Gabriel was dancing just
out of reach of those long, massive black wings. So his attacks at
the moment were limited. To my surprise and Myurr’s, Gabriel threw
my dagger at him and scored a hit in the right upper arm joint.
Myurr roared in pain and reached up to pull it out, but it was
gone. I did love that part of the spell, my daggers always returned
to me.

I felt it in my hand ready
to throw if I needed to, nice. Myurr looked around searching for
the dagger. I waved it at him with a big smile. A shocked
expression crossed his face before it quickly changed into a feral

“When you are mine, I will
take pleasure in learning all your secrets.” He promised

Taking his eyes off of
Gabriel and looking straight at me, big mistake.

Gabriel grabbed him by his
wing, spinning him around and threw Myurr into the wall. Myurr was
momentarily stunned when he hit the wall
Gabriel charged him, Myurr
recovered enough to hit Gabriel with his other wing, in a back
handed strike. Gabriel caught it and slammed a foot down on Myurr’s
chest and pulled the wing out of joint. Myurr roared in pain as he
raked eight of his claws down Gabriel’s chest. Blood poured out of
the wounds but no vital organs where hit.

Gabriel stepped back and
kicked him in the face. Like a power hammer, he drove his fists
into Myurr’s chest. Myurr roared in pain and swung out to rake
Gabriel again. Gabriel caught one of the arms under the joint and
pulled back breaking it at the elbow. Picking up Myurr, Gabriel
threw him across the room and Myurr slammed into another wall. The
impact was hard enough to shake the building. Myurr didn’t react as
Gabriel charged at him again. Gabriel ripped off an arm this time
and waved it in Myurr’s face as he roared at him.

I just didn’t have the
heart to tell Gabriel that he couldn’t kill the devil demon and
when he got back to his domain he would heal all this damage. Well
maybe he wouldn’t regrow the limb, but all the other stuff would
definitely heal. So I let him beat on him while I hummed Bon
Jovi’s, ‘Wanted Dead or Alive’. By the time, Gabriel finished he
had pulled off two more arms and ripped off one wing.

Standing up, I walked over
to the devil demon
I nudged him with my foot, before squatting down next to him.
Myurr was a bloody mess when I got a close look at him.

“I am McKenna, mate to
Gabriel, the man who just beat the hell out of you. Daughter of
Luna, and I command you to return the girls you took without
right.” I told him, “If you don’t, I will give your spirit to
another for punishment. It’s your choice, which one do, you

“I will never return the
women McKenna, but one day I will come back for you.” He promised

Myurr pulled power from
each of us, just before he and Anthony’s body

I stared at the spot for a
moment. Swell, now I had another reason to watch over my back.
Glancing, up at Gabriel I studied his wounded body and sighed
getting to my feet.

“Are you badly hurt?” I
asked him. Placing a hand on his bloody chest and felt his body
vibrating with anger. Pushing energy into him, “Be calm my love,” I
whispered to him.

“I will live.” He said and
gave me a lopsided grin before he kissed me.

“Let’s get you to the
car.” I said to him.

With Sam’s help, we got
him back to the SUV. I touched Sam’s arm after we had Gabriel
settled in the passenger seat.

“I want to burn that
building. Will you help me?” I asked him.

He moved his arm out from
under my touch and at Gabriel’s nod said, “Yes we will.”

After, I had cleaned all of
Gabriel’s wounds and made sure that he was okay. Sam and I, along
with the four other men, helped me pour all the old liqueurs on
everything and set the building a blaze. I called the fire spirits
and invited them to play in the flames. While we watched the
building burn down. I called Ted and Adam letting them both, know
what had happened and what we were doing. We managed to keep the
fire trucks and police at bay.
We told
them a story about demon rituals and blood sacrifices, sometimes a
white lie is a righteous thing.

Chapter 23

It was dawn by the time we
finally made it home. Sam and I helped Gabriel upstairs to the
shower and then to bed. I chanted the healing spells over him,
before trying to leave the room. I had intended to sleep on the
couch, but Gabriel wouldn’t let me.

“My mate sleeps with me
hurt or not, Branwen.” He pulled me close to him.

“I just don’t want to hurt
you, while you heal. You need to sleep.” I told him trying not to
touch him.

“I will sleep better with
you near. That way I won’t have to wonder what you’re doing.” He
closed his eyes and was a sleep with in minutes.

Carefully I placed a kiss
on his cheek, before I followed him.

Over lunch, the next day,
I told the kids what had happened at the brewery and promised to
take them by to see it. I called Adam to tell him about the laptop
and handed the phone to Ryan along with the laptop. I figured,
between the two of them, they would find what I needed. I taught
the kids the healing chant, and they practiced on Gabriel, who was
lying on the couch in the sitting room watching a movie.

“You should be feeling
better soon with all the extra healing. Thank you for letting them
practice on you, it was, nice.” I told him after the kids left the
room. Leaning down I gave him a quick kiss. “Angus said your fever
should pass by tomorrow and you won’t scar.”

Angus had run me out of
the bedroom that morning, so he could check Gabriel’s wounds.
Thirty minutes later Angus gave him a clean bill of

“Did you tell the kids
what happened?” he asked casually.

Gabriel narrowed amber
eyes at me when I offered him a cup of black coffee.

“Yes I did. I told them
you saved me from the big bad devil creature. I also told them that
if, you hadn’t been there. He would have taken me home with him,
never to return again. That you single handedly saved Sam and the
rest of your men from certain death. I also explained to them that
you allowed Anthony’s creature to jump you. Then you allowed it to
bind you in silver just to make me feel good.”

Sam told me what happened
when they had entered the building through the side door. Anthony’s
creature had been hiding in the shadows and jumped Gabriel as soon
as he entered the building. The creature then used Gabriel as bait
to catch Sam and the rest of the men. I didn’t laugh until after
Sam bowed to me and left the room.

“You told them all that
did ya?” he asked and set his cup down on the table. “Did you also
tell them I told you to wait fifteen minutes before coming in? How
long did you wait thirty or forty five minutes before you came

I moved away from him when
he sat up on the couch.

“I waited thirty minutes.
I thought you and your band of merry men would need an extra
fifteen minutes to secure the building. It was a pretty big
building. Good thing I waited so long or I might have been caught
like you.” I told him with a smile. Then I could no longer hide my
humor and laughed out loud. I raced for the door and almost made it
before Gabriel pinned me to the door with his hulking

“Think it’s funny that I
got jumped and tied up do you?” He growled in my ear, using his
body to crush me against the door.

“I let you beat Myurr
until your heart was content, didn’t I? I knew how upset you’d be,
after I found you and your men all tied up and helpless. I just
wish I could have found a way for your men to save face also.” I
told him, with the side of my face pressed against the

“You didn’t let me beat on
him. I beat on him after he challenged me for the life of my mate.
I beat on him because I wanted to. Now I’m wondering if I should
have let that beastie have you.” He said.

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