Read Luna's Sokjan (Book one) Online

Authors: Kerry Davidson

Tags: #suspense, #thriller, #supernatural, #horror, #paranormal romance, #paranormal, #changers, #womens fiction, #spirits, #vampire, #demons, #romance, #witch craft, #lycan, #werewolf romance, #wicca, #shifters, #dark, #craft, #witch, #adventure, #spirit, #urban fantasy, #ghost, #magic, #werewolf, #werewolves, #shapeshifters, #suspense fiction, #adult fiction, #witches

Luna's Sokjan (Book one) (42 page)

Chapter 27

The old log cabin sat
nestled away in a group of trees over thousand yards from the road.
During the summer, no one could see the cabin from the road. I had
thought it an ideal place to live. At first glance. So I bought it
and had originally planned to fix it up, but things hadn’t worked
out that way. The old house sat on the front part of twenty acres,
nothing but trees. Its natural beauty was the first thing that
appealed to me. I sat in my black SUV and stared at the old house
for a moment.

If, things went well
tonight, I could start looking at another house design in the
morning. If, things didn’t go well tonight, I would be too busy to
care. Getting, out of the car I walked around to the back, and got
out a large box. It contained all the items I would need for the
ritual this evening. As I walked up to the house, I went over the
ceremony in my head, one more time. I had spent the last two weeks
working out this ritual, and I had accidentally blown up the
basement once. Gabriel had been less than amused over the incident,
even after I had put the fire out. I tried to explain to him. That
sometimes when one worked with magic it could be unpredictable and
dangerous at times. All he heard was the booms and bangs coming for
the room.

Dust and dirt covered
every surface of the airy interior of the living room. Pushing the
door open wide, I surveyed the room checking for trespassers. I
placed the box down by the old fireplace to my left. I walked to
the center to of the room and bent to pick up the large black tarp
off the floor. The room held no furniture, just an old fireplace in
the wall to my left and another opening in the opposite wall
leading to the kitchen. My hiking boots left the only imprints in
the dirty dust on the floor. As I gathered up the tarp and piled it
against the wall.

“Recognize me.” I
commanded the large pentagram that was burned into the hard wood

It flared to life, columns
of yellow gold rushed up from the pentagram, before it died down to
a glimmer on the floor. I had burnt the design into the floor years
ago. One never knew when you might need something like this. My
mother had taught me magic is what you make of it. Sometimes the
line of magic falls between the white and the black, into the grey
areas. This is a place where my life had taken me so many times in
the past years. I no longer thought of it as grey, just a necessary
means to an end.

I walked back to the box
and withdrew candles and several bundles of herbs. I placed a white
candle on each of the five points of the pentagram, and then a
silver one in the middle. I lit one bundle of White sage. It would
cleanse the area. I walked a circle around the pentagram three
times. I began to chant.

“By water, by earth, by
fire, by air, and by the spirit, I create this circle of power. A
shield against the wickedness and evil, a boundary between the
worlds and the mighty realms of devils, I create this circle to
contain and protect from the one I call. I conjure

A circle of white light
flared, for just a moment, between me and the pentagram. Walking
back to the box I pulled out a large handmade bowl and placed it in
front of the fireplace. Dropping the sage stick into the bowl, so
it could safely burn it’s self out. This time I reached for a
bundle of rosemary mixed with sweet grass. Lighting it I walked
back to the circle.

Waving the smoke before me
as I walked the circle three times again, and chanted,

“May you hear my words
tonight and make the journey to me. Use all the gifts of your kind
to cross over the bridge between your world and mine. Leave your
plane and be reborn here in this land of flesh and blood. I conjure

Turning my back on the
bright flare of the pentagram and the circle, I walked back to the
fireplace and dropped the stick into the bowl. Bending down to the
box one last time, I pulled out a plastic bag that contained a
bloody shirt, out of the box.

Moving back to the circle
I held a hand up, “Open,” I commanded.

Pushing power into the
circle I walked through it to the pentagram.

“I am McKenna, daughter of
Luna and the Sōkjan of our worlds. I summon you to me Myurr, and I
command that you come.” I said and pushed power through the
pentagram. Lighting the bloody shirt on fire, I dropped it in the
middle of the floor. “By the power of your blood I call you to this
place and demand that you come to me.”

I felt the power building
in the middle of the pentagram. I stepped back through the circle
and closed it again. Pulling my energy around me like a coat, I
stepped back even further into the darkness and waited for my guest
to arrive

The dirt on the floor
swirled upwards creating a small funnel in the center of the
pentagram. As the power grew stronger a light formed in the center
of the funnel. As the funnel grew in strength and speed, so did the
light, until I had to shield my eyes from its brightness. When the
light died down it left a being wrapped in black scaly

Slowly the creature
unfolded its wings and stood up. He had grown his arms and wing
back. Beneficial to know, his kind could regenerate body parts. His
yellow silted eyes looked around the room and took in the
pentagram, along with the other calling items. He stretched out his
gigantic, scaly black wings and hit the walls of the pentagram, the
candles flared to life.

“Candles are a nice touch,
McKenna.” He commented. “Very romantic, I have been thinking about
you also.”

I walked slowly towards
the circle dropping my shields as I moved.

“I am glad you like it.” I
said and walked out of the darkness.

His wings touched the
walls again, and the candles flared again.

“Do you really think that
you can hold me in this place?” He asked and turned to face

“Oh, yes, I do.” I said
with a smile, stopping just short of the circle.

I didn’t want to give away
any of my surprises, just yet.

I stared at Myurr's,
fifteen feet high heavily muscled body, with four muscular arms and
twenty long, strong claws and his massive hulking dinosaur head. I
thought about those six women trapped in his world, and all the
anger I had felt at the pub came rushing back to me.

“How are our girls?” I
asked and sat cross legged on the floor in front of him.

I had spent my entire life
fighting. I figured if Myurr did somehow get through all my
barriers I could get up in time. He conjured a chair and sat

“Can’t sit on the ground
cause of your wings?” I asked. “It must make your life very
difficult, with those things hanging around all the

“Oh, I manage.” He
replied, “So I can add witch to the list of talents that I know you
have. Where is that big brute of a mate you have?”

He glanced around the
room. I knew he couldn’t see that far past my circle, but I didn’t
say anything.

“He’s around.” I shrugged.
“How are the girls, Myurr?”

He looked back at

“Are you trading yourself
for their lives?” he asked.

“No, I just wanted to know
how they are doing. Are they dead, is that why you won’t answer the
simple question?” I asked

“No, McKenna, they are
alive and healing. Anthony let my servant play with them, even
after I told him not to. I have given them to my brothers. They
will be treated accordingly.” He told me and leaned forward. He
regarded me with interest. “Why did you call me here, if you don’t
want to make a trade?”

“How many brothers do you
have?” I inquired.

I snapped one of my
wrists. The cold, black blade slid into my hand, and I gripped the
black leather hilt.

“Thinking that you can
call my brothers and make them give you the women back?” he
chuckled. “My brothers are many, an army of devils just like

An army of devils, I
couldn’t unleash that upon this world. I glanced away from him
thinking over my options and damned Anthony’s soul

“I was very amused to
learn that you had killed Anthony, before I could get him home.
When did you find time to kill him, during the fight between your
mate and me?”

I could hear his amusement
in his hissy speech, I glanced back to him.

“Yes, I slit his throat
during the fight. If, I did want to trade myself for the women,” I
started and then paused. “How would you get the women back from
your brothers?” I asked him.

“My brothers understand
how much I want you. They would give the gifts back. If, you wanted
to make the trade, that is,” he sounded so sure of

“You know that I would
never do that, Myurr, even if I could. I could never be your
slave.” I told him.

He laughed, “I would make
the experience very enjoyable for you.” He assured me.

I shook my head at him,
“No, it would end up being a power struggle between us and one of
us would die, but this is not why I called you here

“I think that power
struggle, as you call it, would be very interesting. Something I
definitely want to try.” He stood up quickly and moved to the wall
of the pentagram. “I will make your life with me a great one,
McKenna. I can even see you as my queen someday. Of course you will
have to be properly trained.” He told me and placed a hand against
the wall of the pentagram. Pushing power through it, he shattered
it. He crossed over the line and smashed up against the wall of my

“Did you really think that
I wouldn’t have a backup? Your queen?” I snorted. “Please, I would
kill you and your family in your sleep. Long before you could
‘properly train’ me to be your queen, but I didn’t call you here to
listen to your wishful ramblings.” I sneered at him.

I stood up and brushed my
pants off. It was time to finish what we had started back at the

“I am McKenna, daughter of
Luna and her Sōkjan.” I announced. Power flared around the room. “I
have given you more than a fair opportunity to return the girls you
took without right. Now I sentence you to six thousand years of
servitor, thousand years per girl.”

“You are very strong. Does
your Gabriel have any idea how strong you really are?” he asked and
back away from the circle. “I would gladly be your servant for the
next six thousand years. Do you think that you will live that
long?” He asked me.

“As appealing as that
offer sounds. I don’t think Gabriel would understand the nature of
our arrangement.” I replied and lifted my hand up. Energy moved
with me. “I offer your spirit up to the wild spirits of my world to
serve as they see fit.”

“I will not serve any
lowly spirit of this realm.” He declared as he charged the circle
wall again.

The immense boom echoed
through the room and through my head. I threw a dagger at his
chest. It hit him with enough force to kill any other creature. He
yelled in rage.

“You will serve, and there
is nothing you can do to stop your punishment for the role you
played.” I told him and pulled more power to me. “Spirits of the
wild are you here?”

“Yes, Golden Witch, we are
here and waiting for our prize.” Their ghostly voices echoed
through the room.

“No! McKenna I will never
be bound to this plane.” He yelled at me.

He leapt straight up and
crashed in to the ceiling of my circle.

“I’m no novice at this,
Myurr. My circles are complete.” I sneered and threw another dagger
at him.

This time it caught him in
the stomach. He crashed to the floor. Blood gushed from his chest
and his stomach on to the floor under him.

“Open to me.” I commanded
the circle.

Just before I leapt
through the circle and landed on him. I slammed a black dagger deep
into his chest
Making, a quick slice I cut him open and reached in for his

“No!” he screamed and
pushed me off of him with his four arms. I flew backwards and
landed hard against the wall near the fireplace.

“That’s no way to treat
you’re want be queen, Myurr.” I commented standing up slowly. “What
will your family think?”

“You bitch! I will teach
you to fight with me!” He yelled at me trying to get up.

“Don’t bother getting up,
Myurr. I hold your heart in my hand.” I told him and held up his
beating heart.

I grinned devilishly at
him, when he ran his hand over the gaping space in his

“Spirits of the wild, I
give you the spirit of Myurr, for punishment. Please accept his
blood as the calling price. His spirit is yours for no less than
but no longer than six thousand years.” I said and held up the
still beating organ to the spirits

“My brothers will come to
revenge me.” He shouted from the floor as he struggled to

“I hope your brothers are
foolish enough to come and try. I welcome the fight, but know this
Myurr. You will serve out your sentence no matter what they do.” I
promised him.

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