Return of Condor Heroes (185 page)

Seeing the gigantic bell dropping, Yang Guo instantly understood the ploy. He immediately drew out his black iron sword and sent out with it a thundering force. A ‘dang’ sound echoed as the sword tip made contact with the copper bell. Even though this bell weighed a thousand catties, the force from this sword was strangely fierce and hit the side of the bell. The bell was then bumped off course by a couple of feet. If dropped, Sun Bu’Er’s body would be crushed beneath.

Liu Chuxuan and the other masters who were looking down through the hole at the top of the hall realized the situation and cried out in alarm, their hearts aching. Nobody could have expected that this boy’s sword would have such a divine power. They now saw with their own eyes that Sun Bu’Er would be wretchedly crushed by the large bell, with flesh and blood splattering. Liu Chuxuan shut both eyes, not daring to look, but then heard Qiu Chuji calling out: “Many thanks for your mercy!” Liu Chuxuan then opened his eyes in surprise, only to see the large bell unexpectedly covering Sun Bu’Er’s body. There was no trace of crushed limbs at the side of the bell, and not even a part of her Taoist robe was seen.

As Yang Guo saw his sword pushing the bell off course, which would definitely violently kill Sun Bu’Er on the spot, he suddenly thought: “Today is our husband and wife’s happy day, why bother taking someone’s life? This old Taoist priestess only has a bad temperament and doesn’t possess any real evil intent.” Once thought, he acted. His right sleeve flared out, pushing the prayer mat that Sun Bu’Er was sitting on and sending her right under the bell.

The Liu-Qiu-Wang-Hao four masters at the top of the hall were pleasantly surprised and thought of Yang Guo as enemy no longer. But the numerous disciples below had earlier received their orders. As soon as the large bell was dropped, they were to rush in to attack. Also as they were outside, they didn’t see that the bell’s supposed location was changed. Only hearing a loud noise and seeing dust flying, they all cried out and ran into the hall to attack with their long swords.

Yang Guo then put his black iron sword back onto his back. He used his arm to carry Xiao Longnu and leapt out the back of the palace hall.

Qiu Chuji called out: “Disciples, be careful. You may not take these two people’s lives!” His voice was loud. Even among the noisy battle cries of hundreds of people, each person still heard it clearly. The numerous disciples ran out the back of the hall, their voices echoed: “Capture the treacherous scoundrel!” “The scoundrel violated our founding master’s painting, don’t let him go!” “Quick… Quick, they went out the eastern side!” “The great master ordered, don’t take their lives!”

Before Liu Chuxuan jumped to the top of the hall, he had ordered twenty-one strong men to hide in the courtyard at the back of the palace hall. Yang Guo was just about to open the screen door when he saw the sword reflections in the courtyard, and knew there were men waiting to block them. He thought: “It would be better to leap out through the hole in the roof of the hall. Although there are four big masters there, those people actually won’t dare kill me.” He carried Xiao Longnu and quickly leapt back inside.

Xiao Longnu held on to Yang Guo’s neck with both hands and softly said: “Anyway, we are now married. Our ultimate wish in this world has been granted. If we get out, it’s wonderful but if we don’t, it still doesn’t matter.”

Yang Guo said: “You are right!” Then his right leg flew up, following quickly by his left leg. A ‘peng’ ‘peng’ sound followed as two priests were kicked out of the hall. Unlike the Cave of the Jade Void area which was much wider, the palace hall was packed with the Taoist priests, who now blocked them with the “Big Dipper Formation” [Bei Dou Zhen Fa]. Yang Guo’s left arm was carrying Xiao Longnu so he could only use his legs to injure the enemy and couldn’t break out of the heavy encirclement. He darkly thought: “These dumb Taoist priests can’t spread a complete formation. If only I had my arm free, how would you be able to stop the two of us?” Then another ‘peng’ sound was heard as a priest was kicked, his body flying out and crashing into two other priests.

In between this chaos, an old man with white beard and hair suddenly ran into the palace hall. Trailing behind him was a swarm of honeybees. It was the Old Urchin Zhou Botong. When he first arrived behind the palace hall, the disciples there didn’t pay him any attention, but then the honeybees that followed him started to sting. These bees were not just any ordinary honeybees but indeed were the Jade Bees that Xiao Longnu kept and tamed at the Ancient Tomb. The Quanzhen Taoists who were stung immediately felt the itchy pain that was difficult to endure. Some couldn’t bear it and rolled down on the ground, crying out. This of course added another commotion to the situation.

Zhou Botong was originally on his way to Xiangyang city to help Guo Jing; but then he stole Xiao Longnu’s Jade Bee honey. Afraid to run into her, he decided not to go to Xiangyang but instead came to Mount Zhongnan to find Zhao Zhijing and to investigate how come he dared to plot his Martial Grandpa’s [Master of Masters] death. Along the way he played with the Jade Bee honey and mulled over ways to direct the bees. Playing with the common bees on the road was easy but once he reached Mount Zhongnan, suddenly it all became a disaster. The Jade Bees on the mountain sensed the smell of the Jade Bee honey, many of them buzzed out. Since the Jade Bees were used to Xiao Longnu’s hand signals and whistles, Zhou Botong naturally couldn’t direct them and also couldn’t drive them away. And more than that, they wouldn’t let him rest. The Old Urchin saw the situation was not very funny so he speedily ran to the Chongyang Palace, thinking to find a place to avoid the bees. It just so happened that there was also a commotion at the palace, and actually much noisier.

Seeing Xiao Longnu and Yang Guo in the palace hall, Zhou Botong was delightedly surprised. He quickly threw Xiao Longnu the Jade Bee honey and called out: “Can’t soothe them anymore. I can’t deal with these grandparents of bees. Good Guniang [good Miss] quickly come and save my life.” Yang Guo’s shirt sleeve flared out, catching the bottle. Xiao Longnu let out a small smile and stretched her hand out to take it.

By now the palace hall was filled with buzzing bees. Qiu Chuji and others jumped down to greet and kowtow to their Martial Uncle. Hao Datong shouted out: “Quickly go get torches!” Some of the many disciples were covering their faces with shirt sleeves while others were wielding their sword to strike the bees. Several went to get torches as told.

Zhou Botong paid no attention to Qiu Chuji and others. The Jade Bees had stung him twice on his forehead, which was now swollen with two big lumps. Right now he only wanted to find a secure hiding place where a bee couldn’t sneak in. Seeing a large bell on the floor, his heart was filled with delight. He quickly used his energy to lift it up, only to see that there was someone inside. He didn’t even look to see who that was, saying: “Excuse me. Excuse me. Let me get in.” He pushed Sun Bu’Er out and let himself in. Then he released his hands and a ‘teng’ sound was heard as the heavy bell fell back down. He was very pleased with himself and thought: “No matter how you thousands and thousands of bees pursue, you can’t sting me, the Old Urchin, anymore!”

Yang Guo said in a low voice: “You direct the bees to form a swarm then we can break out of here.” Xiao Longnu was now Yang Guo’s wife. Hearing his words had an authoritative tone, she felt sweetly comfortable in her heart and thought: “This is good. At last, he doesn’t think of me as his master anymore but really as his wife.” So she immediately said “All right!” in a soft and obedient tone. Then she lifted the honey bottle, waved it a few times, and whistled repeatedly. The Jade Bees flew back to their keeper and formed a swarm but Xiao Longnu continuously waved her hand and whistled. The large swarm of Jade Bees broke into two rows, one making way in the front and the other guarding the back, so the Yang-Long couple could find their way out.

Qiu Chuji and others were pleasantly surprised by Zhou Botong’s visit and found it very funny. Seeing that the Yang-Long couple had retreated to the back of the palace hall, they ordered their disciples not to pursue. Wang Chuyi unsealed Sun Bu’Er’s pressure points while Qiu Chuji went over to lift the large bell. Zhou Botong, hiding inside the bell, didn’t know the situation outside. Suddenly he felt that someone outside was lifting it up, he cried out loudly: “Can’t soothe them anymore!” His arms stretched out, pushing the side of the bell and shouting: “Come down!” Qiu Chuji couldn’t match Zhou Botong’s profound internal energy. A ‘dang’ sound was heard as the bell, which was already half a foot from the floor, came down once again. Qiu Chuji laughed and then said: “Zhou Shi Shu [Martial Uncle Zhou] is joking again. Come. We all will fight with him!”

So Qiu Chuji, Wang Chuyi, Liu Chuxuan and Hao Datong each held out a hand and pushed against the outside of the bell. Qiu Chuji shouted: “Lift!” Between the four great forces the bell was raised three feet from the floor but the underside of the bell was empty, not even a shadow inside, and nobody knew where Zhou Botong had disappeared to. The four people cried out ‘Ah!” in surprise. Suddenly a shadow flashed and Zhou Botong was standing beside the bell, laughing his head off. This was because Zhou Botong had glued his hands and feet to the inside of the heavy bell so when it was lifted, people outside naturally couldn’t see him.

Qiu Chuji and the others stepped forward to kowtow to him. Zhou Botong frantically waved his hand, calling out: “Enough, enough. No more kowtows, you good boys get up!” By now Qiu Chuji and the others already had white beards and hair but Zhou Botong still called them ‘Good boys.’

Many people were about to start small talk when Zhou Botong caught a glimpse of Zhao Zhijing slyly sneaking off. He gave out a loud shout, jumped forward to hold him, and scolded: “You cow-nosed thief, still thinking to run away?” His left hand shot out towards the large bell and lifted it, two feet from the ground, while the right hand tossed Zhao Zhijing underneath. Then he let loose his left hand and the large bell came down, all the while repeatedly scolding: “Cow-nosed thief, cow-nosed thief.” At this time in the palace hall, except for him, everybody else was a Taoist. His loud scolding “Cow-nosed thief” was the same as scolding all Wang Chongyang’s disciples and followers. Qiu Chuji and the others knew their Martial Uncle’s temper and did not think to disobey. They couldn’t help but smile at each other.

Wang Chuyi asked: “Shi Shu [Martial Uncle], what did Zhao Zhijing do to offend the Old Master? This disciple will definitely punish him heavily.”

Zhou Botong said: “Hey, hey, this little cow-nosed thief led me to steal a flag that was put in a cave but before that he hid these very big colorful most deadly poisonous spiders there,. Luckily that small Miss, hmm, where’s that small Miss? Where are all the bees?” He talked without order and Wang Chuyi couldn’t quite understand yet but then saw him look around trying to find Xiao Longnu.

At this time ten disciples rushed in and reported that the Yang-Long couple had retreated to the Sacred Scripture Chamber on the back side of the mountain. The following disciples didn’t dare to use torches to fight off the bees for fear that they might burn the Taoist scriptures. Qiu Chuji and others were startled. The Sacred Scripture Chamber was the Quanzhen Sect’s sacred place as it stored the Taoist scriptures of the past dynasties and the work of Wang Chongyang and his seven disciples. There were several secret documents of the sect hidden there. If something happened, it would be a great loss. Qiu Chuji said: “We’ll go and take a look. Yang Guo has shown mercy and spared Sun Shi Mei [Apprentice Sister Sun]. We could definitely turn an enemy into a friend.”

Sun Bu’Er said: “You are right!” Then everybody rushed out to the Sacred Scripture Chamber at the back of the mountain.

At the door Wang Chuyi saw Zhao Zhijing trapped inside the bell, he thought: “Zhou Shi Shu’s [Martial Uncle Zhou] affairs are quite silly. This matter might not necessarily be Zhao Zhijing’s fault. We’ll investigate this in details when we come back.” For fear that there would be no air inside the bell and Zhao Zhijing would be suffocated to death, he used his energy to lift the bell up a few inches, kicked up a brick, and placed it under the bell. He left the crack a few inches wide so air could ventilate it and then went out to catch up with other people.

In front of the sacred scripture chamber, several hundred disciples were shouting loudly but nobody dared to go upstairs. In a loud and clear voice, Qiu Chuji called out: “The Yang-Long couple, we’ll let bygones be bygones. How about we stop fighting and become friends?” He waited for a while and no sound from the chamber could be heard. Qiu Chuji said again: “Long Guniang [Miss Long] has been injured. Please come out and we’ll try to treat the injury together. Our sect’s disciples won’t dare to be disrespectful to the two of you. Qiu Chuji roamed Jiang Hu for several decades and has never broken a promise to anyone.” Half a day passed and there was still no sound.

Liu Chuxuan pondered the situation and said: “They are already gone!” Qiu Chuji asked: “How?” Liu Chuxuan said: “Look at the bees. They are flying scattered.” He took a torch from one of the disciples and rushed inside the chamber.

Qiu Chuji and the others stepped into the chamber but only saw the four walls of books and not a single person. There was also that bottle of Jade Bee honey on the writing desk. As if he had found a treasure, Zhou Botong snatched it and put it away in his chest. Many people turned the chamber upside down but didn’t find any books missing. They only saw a pile of books on the floor and the wooden chest that used to house them was nowhere to be seen. Suddenly Hao Datong called out: “They left from here!” The people followed Hao Datong’s voice to the window in the back of the chamber and saw a rope tied to a wooden pole, with its other end tied to a tree on the cliff on the opposite side. Between the Sacred Scripture Chamber and the cliff was a deep ravine, with no way to pass through it. They didn’t expect that Yang Guo would actually have such lightness Kung Fu and could carry Xiao Longnu and also across the valley on a rope.

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