Sapphire (Steele Investigations) (24 page)

Finally he breaks our kiss and hurriedly pulls my top over
my head and replaces his fingers with his mouth.  I moan and writhe on the bed,
lifting my hips to rub against his erection in an attempt to relieve some of
the pressure from my throbbing clit.  When he’s satisfied with the attention
he’s given my breasts, he roughly tugs my sleep shorts down and tosses them
across the room.  I’m panting by the time he leisurely kisses the inside of my
thighs, slowly making his way towards my centre.  I lift my hips and thread my
fingers through his hair to guide him where he’s needed.

“Tsk-tsk,” he shakes his head, before raising his eyes to
meet mine.  He pins me with his heated gaze.  I can’t tear my eyes away from

“Watch,” he commands.  I watch.  Holy shit do I watch! 
Keeping his eyes on mine, he snakes his tongue out and licks from my ass to my
clit in one slow, torturous stroke.  My eyelid flutter but I will them to stay

“Mmm,” he moans as he licks the glistening moisture off his

I feel the wetness seep out of me and run down my crack. 
I’m sure the bed is soaked with my arousal.  His thumbs move to part my outer
lips, exposing me totally to him.  I feel my face start to heat with
embarrassment and I move my hands to cover up.

“You’re the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen.”  His
passionate words still my movements.

Again, keeping his eyes on mine, he positions his tongue
near my rear and slowly drags it upwards.  My legs involuntarily spread wider
when he spears his tongue in and out of my pussy, then he makes his way further
north and latches savagely onto my clit.  Sucking hard on my swollen nub, he
lets one lip go and thrusts his finger inside me.  Making a ‘come here’ motion
with his fingers he massages a trigger inside me and I explode without
warning.  Technicolor floods my eyelids as they slam shut from the force.  My
back arches as I thrust my hips, writhing and clenching against his fingers as
I come in his mouth.  He releases my clit and softly laps my juices like a
thirsty man.

My eyes spring open when he thrusts himself inside of me. 
Aftershocks from my orgasm are still coursing through my body and the pressure
of his cock against my nerves only heightens the feeling.  I scream out in
pleasure and raise my hips to meet his.

“That’s it, baby.  Give me that sweet pussy.  This pussy is
mine.  All mine.  Say it,” he pants out as he continues to slam into me.

“Yours, Elliott.  It’s all..yours,” my voice is high but

“Yeah it is,” he grunts as he sits back on his haunches,
grabs my hips and rams into me.  I feel his cock expand inside of me.  There
isn’t an inch he isn’t filling.  I know it won’t be long until he comes, so I
clench my muscles tight around him, sucking him deeper into me with every
inward stroke.

“Baby.  God.
he bellows as he spews his hot
seed into me.  His reaction triggers another orgasm in me and I convulse under
him as shudders wrack my body.

“Shit, Rainy.  Those muscles you got.
I can’t
believe you can unman me like that. 
He’s shaking his head

I stroke his face, smoothing the hair away from his
forehead.  “I love you, Elliott Conrad Steele.  I can’t wait to be your wife.” 
I kiss his lips lovingly.

“Rainy Steele,” he whispers against my lips.

Lorraine Steele.  Rainy Steele.  Rae Steele.  Hmm.  I
like the sound of that.  A lot.


By the time we make it down stairs, the others are waiting
for us and immediately I notice something I also noted earlier.  Carter was
absent.  We rush up to the group and then we all make our way to the car that
will take us to the airport.

“Where’s Carter,” I ask Harley quietly once we’re on our

“He left last night,” his voice sounds resigned, but not sad
or upset.

“Are you okay?” I ask

“Yeah, I guess I knew it wasn’t going to work out, so I’m
not sad or anything,” he shrugs his shoulders and barks a humorless laugh.

I rub his shoulder comfortingly.  I’m not sure what to say,
so I don’t say anything.

The six and a half hour trip back goes quickly, because I
fall asleep five minutes after take-off and don’t wake until we land.  Elliott
gathers me into his arms and carries me off the plane.

“I can walk you know,” I grumble.

“I know, but I like to carry you, my wife,” he whispers the
last part seductively and my breasts tingle.

I snuggle into his arm and relax, deciding it’s quite
comfortable right here in his arms; Like I was made to fit right there.

“I can’t wait to be your wife,” I mumble sleepily.

I hear his chuckle as he belts me into his waiting car.  I’m
asleep again before he gets behind the wheel.

“What the

The tone of Elliott’s voice has me rousing from sleep.  I’m
in his arms again, but he’s arms are locked solid and he’s standing frozen,
eyes trained on whatever, or whoever, is in his line of sight.

“What is it?” I ask

“Elliott, what is it?” I semi-repeat when he doesn’t answer.

“My place tonight,” he snaps cryptically.

I’m not sure if he’s talking to me, or whoever is in front
of him.  He turns abruptly to leave, but catching site of my front door, I
wriggle and kick in his arms.  “What the Hell is that?” I screech.

Elliott tightens his grip and starts moving again. 
“Elliott, put me down. NOW.” I grit out. 

He huffs his reluctance and then loosens his grip.  My feet
hit the floor and I stomp over to the mess at my front door.

I look over the area in shock.
have been sprayed on my wooden door in bright red paint. 
Who the Hell would
do this?
  Instantly, I think Andi.  I know there is absolutely no proof
that points to her, however she is the only person I have ever had an issue
my voice of reason narks,
She’s sleeping with your
ex-step-father-asshole-from-Hell.  So why would she bother?
It’s a point I
can’t argue with, so I sigh and rub my hands over my face in frustration.  I
can’t leave the door like this.  Some neighbors have young children and besides
that, it’s so embarrassing to have that shit plastered on your door in paint so
bright I’m sure they can make out the words from the moon.

I grab my house keys from my pocket, while telling Elliott,
“I’m going to clean this up. I don’t want anyone seeing it.”  I locate my keys
and move to unlock the door.

“I’ll take photos while you get the cleaning supplies.  Then
clean this up,” he says sternly.

I don’t bother replying.  I just make my way into the
kitchen and grab the cleaning gear and some cloths.

Silently, Elliott and I go about cleaning the door.  We’ve
done well in the hour it’s taken so far.  The white door has a pinkish tinge to
it, but it’s coming cleaner now I refreshed the water bucket we’ve been using. 
I dip my sponge back in the bucket, squeeze the excess water out and just I’m
about to scrub the door frame, I hear a commotion coming down the hallway. 
Elliott stands from his kneeling position and places himself slightly in front
of me in a protective stance.  I shiver, hoping that whoever did this is not
back to do more damage.  Then Kami and Will come barreling around the corner. 
They stop dead when they see us.  I watch as Kami’s eyes go from the bucket, to
the sponge, to the door and back to me, then to Elliott.  Then she swings her
gaze to Will.  Both stand there with their mouths open, staring at us. 
Finally, I break the silence.  “Hey,” I offer, trying to sound chirpy, like I
clean nasty words off my door every day.

“Oh, God,” Kami breathes. 

“I’m so, so sorry,” Will says looking distraught.

“Will you’ve got nothing to be sorry about.  I’m sure this
is directed at me, so
sorry you guys have to see this,” I tell them,

“What? No, wait, Rae.  This has nothing to do with you.’s..there’s a fan of mine who I’ve had some trouble with in the past. 
This,” he waves his hand towards the door, “is how she likes to…communicate.”
He grimaces and then keeps talking, “I had an restraining order put out against
her a while back and I haven’t heard from her since…Until tonight.  We’d just
got back to my place and there was a note on the door.  Reading it, I knew
she’d done something here.  I’m so sorry.  I’ve kept the note and I informed
the detective who’s worked on the case in the past.” He looks apologetic. 

“That’s terrible, Will.  I can’t imagine why someone would
want to do such a thing.  She wrote nasty, nasty things on here.  Neither of
which Kami or I are.  She needs to move on and…and find something else to do
with her time,” I fume.  I wasn’t pissed before because I thought the slurs
were directed at me, but now I know they’re directed at Kami, I am pissed
the Hell

“I took some photos before we cleaned it.  You’ll come by
the office tomorrow morning and we’ll have a chat.  Meantime, Kami stays at
yours.  You got security, right?”  Will nods his head once, so Elliott
continues, “Rae, we’re at mine…which is now ours, anyways.  Kami, be a good
idea for you to stay at Wills for a few days, this shit blows over.”  She nods
her head, and Will wraps his arm around her, pulling her close.

“Tomorrow?” Elliott confirms.  Will nods.  “Right, get my
sister home.  We’ll finish up here and head off as well.”  Will nods again and
mutters ‘Thanks, man. Later.” 

“Later, guys,” I call.  Will waves as he leads Kami away,
his arm still protectively around her shoulders.  I’m stunned.  Firstly, I’ve
never heard Kami speechless and secondly, I automatically thought the slurs
were directed at me.  I think I’m shocked that they’re not.

However, it doesn’t matter who they’re directed at, they
don’t belong on my front door.  Finally we get the door back to pristine
condition and take the cleaning gear inside, dumping it in the laundry. 

 I yawn loudly and Elliott pulls me into his arms, tenderly
kissing my hair on top of my head.  “C’mon Baby, let’s get you home.”

I can’t think of anything that sounds better, so I don’t
argue.  Instead, I wrap my arm around his waist and we walk out the door to
head home.  I hear Elliott click the door shut behind me and I have an
overwhelming feeling of closure.  I want to be wherever Elliott is. 

Chapter 22


The next few weeks zoom by in a blur.  My days are consumed
with Kami and the store as we knuckle down to ensure everything is perfect and
running on time for the store’s Grand Opening.  Surprisingly, everything ran
smoothly and as promised, the renovations were complete within the two week
timeframe we’d be given.  Actually, Graham and his team were out in one week,
five days.  They did a superb job and we couldn’t be happier with them.  Milan
also weaved his magic and dressed our store so elegantly; I wouldn’t be
surprised if he came in one night with an Interior Designer Wand and threw some
‘Abracadabra’ shit about.  It looks
fabulous!  Kami and I spent our
days unpacking boxes of stock and placing it on our shelves, filling our store
full of amazing clothes and shoes.  I took the time to meet up with Ruby and
let her know I’d have to stop working for her.  She was expecting it anyways so
she’d already hired another girl in a permanent position just after I started. 
Regardless of me not working for her anymore, I know we’ll remain firm

My nights are consumed with Elliott.  I’ve hardly been to
the apartment since we got back from Hawaii.  I stop by every now and then to
pick up different things I need, but lately it seems more of my stuff is at
Elliott’s, than is at my own place. Kami and I made the decision to move out of
our place when the lease expires next month.   Kami rarely spends time there
either.  Since the incident with the spray paint, Will decided that they should
move in together.  She’s gradually been moving her stuff into Will’s over the
last couple of weeks.  Will and Elliott met up and Elliott made it his business
to find the spray paint bandit.  It didn’t take long and from what I’ve been
told, they handed her over to the police and Will and Kami both took out
Restraining Orders against her.


“Eeeekk.  I’m so excited,” My hands slam over my ears to
mute the sound of Kami screeching.

She spins around in a circle, taking everything in.  Finally
her eyes come back to me and she grabs my hands, lowering them from my ears. 
Shaking my hands vigorously in hers she asks excitedly,

“Are you excited Rae? I can’t believe today’s the day.”  Her
excitement is contagious, so it only adds to mine, “Yes, Kam.  I can’t believe
it.  We’ve done it and it looks amazing.  I can’t wait till everyone gets
here.”  I give a little shriek of my own.

“Okay, it’s six now, so folks should be arriving any minute
now,” she says efficiently as she checks her watch and then looks to the front

We busy ourselves to calm our nerves, straightening things
that don’t need to be straightened, wiping invisible dust, pacing back and
forth, annoyingly checking on our very capable caterers. 

Finally, our guests begin arriving.  Judy, Grant, Travis,
Elliott, Gramma Maude and both sets of Kami’s Grandparents arrive together,
followed shortly after by Mom, Michael and Gran.  Harley arrives solo not long
later.  Soon, our guests have filled the room and all are full of praise for
our store.  The caterers are effortlessly working the room, offering champagne
and canapés.  Nursing my glass of bubbly, I make my way through the guests,
making small talk and accepting their compliments.  I notice Kami is doing the
same; it was a game plan we had.  We wanted to make sure at least one of us
spoke to each and every person individually, to thank them for coming and show
our appreciation.  I spot Elliott across the room, engrossed in conversation
with some of the guys.  As if he knows my eyes are on him, he lifts his gaze to
meet mine.  I can see the pride in his sapphire eyes from here.  I can’t look
away.  Then he gives me ‘my smile’ and a wink.  My knees buckle, but I manage
to give a small smile back.  I’m not even going to attempt a wink. I’m positive
it would be an epic fail at looking sexy.

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