The Biker Next Door (2 page)

Read The Biker Next Door Online

Authors: Jamallah Bergman

When Brad finally stood up, she
raised her neck to look at him eye to eye. Honestly, he was not in the mood to
be bothered with anyone other than his boys, especially not some chick that
obviously seemed lost. She said she was his neighbor he remembered; well
whoever she was Brad had to admit she had guts to come to his place making

Slowly he walked around her as some
of the other guys were smiling and hooting. His eyes scanned her body
carefully, he had seen black women at work even though they had always been
eyeing him. But she was the first one he had seen up close and he wasn’t disappointed
at all in what he saw before him. She looked good enough to just put over his
shoulder and take full advantage of in his room if he wanted to.

“Listen, sweetheart, me and my crew
just got back from a long ass trip and we are winding down and having some fun.
We’ll be done in another hour or so. That is unless you want to join us for a
while, I know I wouldn’t mind having a pretty thing like you with an ass like
that sitting down next to me,” Brad said looking her over.

She was a tempting piece of ass he
thought as imagines of him fucking her from behind while smacking that thick
booty of hers filled his head. He could tell by the look in her eyes that she
was shocked by what he said, hell Brad didn’t even care. He was too drunk and
high to care about what she thought, watching her turning her head to see his
eyes staring at her backside. “All I can say is baby got back!” And with that
comment Brad smacked her ass watching that luscious backside of hers jiggle.
Damn, he thought to himself as ideas of that ass of hers raced even more
through his mind, but that dream went up in smoke when he felt a slap to the

Some of the guys stood up, but Brad
said, “Whoa!”

He grabbed her by the wrist.
Looking down at her he could tell she was nervous, if she had been a man he
would have whooped his ass all over his living room. But something in her eyes
made the blood boiling within him calm down. “I will turn down the music when I
feel like it. So start getting you some earplugs, sister, I plan on turning up
my music tonight and every night.” And with that comment, he let go of her
wrist expecting her to go away, but instead she stood her ground while rubbing

“If you don’t turn down this music
in fifteen minutes, I plan on calling the cops!” Hailey said and made her way
out of his house.

“You think she’s going to do it?”
asked one of the guys to Brad.

Brad rubbed his cheek that was
still stinging from her slap and started to chuckle. “I have to admit she has
spunk, but we’ll turn it down for her.”


* * * *


When she got back home, she found
herself not being able to go back to sleep. Hailey was too shaken up by her
confrontation with her new neighbor. “Who in the hell does he think he is
smacking my ass like he knows me that well?” she huffed as she continued pacing
her bedroom while talking to herself. “All I know is he better turn off or down
that music in 15 minutes.” After about three minutes however, the music was
lowered which was a shock because Hailey didn’t think he was going to turn it

“Guess he doesn’t want the cops on
his ass, don’t blame him though.” Hailey told herself while getting back into

The next day as Hailey was heading
off to work, she saw the bikes were gone and garbage bags replaced where cans
and bottles once were. It looked like there hadn’t even been a party last
night. She met up with her friend Tori in the car garage at work and still
wasn’t very much in her usual good mood. “Girl, you look awful, is everything
all right?” Tori voiced her concerns as the elevator opened for them to get in.

“Well, I found out why my house was
too good to be true. I live right next to a biker.”

“A what? A biker, you can’t be
serious Hailey. What the hell happened last night?”

Soon the door opened and they
walked down the hallway. “Well let’s see, how about a gang of motorcycles
coming up the road, loud music along with whooping and hollering until around
two in the morning. I swear I couldn’t deal with it anymore so I decided to go
over there to tell them to turn that music down or else.”

“I can’t believe you went over
there, weren’t you scared?” Tori asked as they sat down at the large desk that
people would see when they came to the floor.

“Hell yeah I was scared, all those
big white good old boys standing around with their tattoos and leather gear on.
Yeah, I was very scared but I didn’t let them see it. I asked who owned the
place. They told me who it was and I went straight inside to find him. He was
sitting there all drunk and high like the rest of them, then he stood up and
that man was tall as I don’t know what.” Hailey laughed putting her purse
inside her desk to lock it.

“So what happened next?”

“I asked him to turn down the music
so I could get some sleep. He hauled off and told me that he was going to be
blasting his music as much as he wanted. The entire time he was looking me up
and down telling me all this and then had the nerve to tell me that if I
wanted, I could come and sit with him because I had a nice ass. And then get this
shit, he had the nerve to smack my ass.” Hailey told her wide eyed knowing her
friend was having a hard time believing what she was hearing. She continued to
tell her the rest of the story watching Tori shake her head in disbelief.

“Hailey, can you please come here?”
asked her boss, Mr. Stevens.

“Yes, Mr. Stevens?”

“I want you to get everybody here
in the office, the head is on his way up to look over things here plus he’s
bringing some new associate guy who might be working here too. Now hurry
because they are on their way right now.” Quickly with the help of Tori, the
two of them were able to round up everybody in the office, thankfully it didn’t
take them very long because as soon as she got Larry from accounting, the doors
of the elevator opened up and Mr. Stevens was saying, “Welcome to our office,
Mr. Williams, how are you doing today?”

The portly older looking man with a
cigar positioned between his pudgy little fingers came out towards him to shake
his hand. “Hello everyone!” he shouted as everybody in the lobby said their
hellos. Hailey and Tori had seen the head before when he came to make his
monthly visits and every time they saw him, he seemed to get shorter and fatter
in the middle. “Stevens, I want you to meet the guy who I’ve been telling you
so much about for the past couple of months, come here son, Stevens, this is
Brad Matthews.” A very tall man came from around the corner, wearing a dark
blue suit with a crisp white shirt and blue tie to match. Hailey couldn’t
believe it, it was her neighbor.

“What the hell?” she whispered as
Tori wondered what was wrong. “That’s my neighbor.”

“Your neighbor, the biker you were
talking about? Are you sure it’s him?”

When the two of them caught eyes,
Hailey was disgusted he had the nerve to smile at her. Could he be anymore
arrogant she wondered as he continued shaking and talking with Mr. Stevens.
When they started walking towards her, Hailey could feel his gaze upon her. She
swore her heart and head were going to explode from all the pounding. What the
hell was going on, she wondered as she continued to watch him. Then something
that she didn’t expect happened. “I want you to meet my best secretary in the
building, Mr. Matthews and Mr. Williams, this is Ms. Hailey Paige.”

“Good morning gentleman, it’s nice
to meet you both,” Hailey said shaking both Mr. Williams and Brad’s hand. The
same damn hand that had smacked her ass last night. He softly squeezed her
hand. God, he had big hands she thought when she looked at it and then up at
his eyes that looked right back at her with a devilish smile to complete it.

“Nice to meet you, Ms. Paige. I
hope she’s not a handful for you, Stevens?”

“Oh no, she’s not a problem
whatsoever, sir.”

“There is one thing I can’t
tolerate is when someone is too much of a handful for one person. It’s good to
know that we won’t have a problem with you, Ms. Paige.” Soon Mr. Stevens
motioned them to move forward. Brad looked back at Hailey and winked still
wearing that God forsaken smile of his. All Hailey could do was grit her teeth
while counting to ten in her mind.

“Yeah, that’s him all right.”

“Are you sure that’s him, Hailey?
That man that just came through here did not look like some nasty looking
biker,” Tori said when they were back at their desks. Then she giggled just a
bit and said, “He was way too fine and tall.”

Hailey just shook her head as she
picked up the phone to answer a call. Now she had to not only deal with this
fool as her neighbor but also as a coworker too. The day hadn’t even started
she thought and already she wished she would have just called in sick.

“I wonder what he’s like in bed.”
Hailey heard her friend say while they were munching on her lunch during their

Hailey almost choked on her water.
Tori started laughing. “I’m serious, I went out with a white guy one time. Man,
was he so much fun in bed.”

“Is that all you think about?”
Hailey asked her.

“Of course not, do you understand girlfriend
that you have one of the hottest men I’ve ever seen in a suit as a neighbor,
plus he’s a biker and he works with us too. You know they have the wildest
parties ever plus there’s no telling how rough he is in the bed.”

Hailey shook her head at Tori or
else she would have just gone on and on about sex. It wasn’t like she didn’t
enjoy talking about sex, it was just that she wanted more in a relationship
besides sex. Most of her previous relationships had only been about sex. The
fact that she was a full figured woman, most men thought she was naïve and
stupid or someone to push over. This was not the case with Hailey Paige for she
was far from the stereotypical “fat girl.” She had to learn to stand up for
herself and throughout it all it made her a better woman.

“So what time will the party be?”

“It’s going to be at six, but come
early because I will need your help with getting everything together. I have
the food it’s just making sure that everything else is in order,” Hailey said.


* * * *


That evening, the party went
without a hitch. Everybody from work along with her parents came. “I love what
you’ve done in here, sweetheart, everything looks so homey,” her mother said
giving her a hug.

“Thank you, Momma, I really love
this place. Have some more food. Go and mingle around.” She smiled walking over
to some of her friends who were outside in the back yard. Everything seemed to
be going just fine.

That was until Tori decided to
bring Brad to the party.

Hailey could have thrown a knife at
Tori when she came walking inside with Brad by her side. No longer wearing a
suit and tie, he was dressed in a black shirt with a pair of blue jeans that
seemed to hug him just right and a pair of cowboy boots. His long hair was
pulled back in a ponytail.

What the hell was Tori thinking?

“Look who I found when I was
outside talking with Ralph on the porch. He didn’t even know you were having a
party over here. That’s real rude of you Hailey to not invite your neighbor
over. What would you like to drink?”

“How about a beer if you got any?”
Brad’s eyes were on her while Tori walked away leaving the two alone. Hailey
wanted nothing to do with him. He said, “Listen, I want to say I’m sorry about
the other night. You got to know you caught me off guard.”

“Off guard, how the hell did I know
that my neighbor was a loud mouth crude as hell biker who I now find out just
happens to work at the same place I do,” she reminded him as Tori came back
with a beer.

Hailey’s stare caught the two of
them by surprise because Hailey knew what Tori’s intentions were and that was
to try and hook up with her neighbor. “Just stay away from me for the rest of
the night.”

The rest of the evening was all
right except for the occasional bump in with Brad. All she could do was stare
at him when he tried to apologize to her as she shook her head in disgust. Why
the hell did Tori bring his ass over here and how was she going to whoop
ass later on? “Who is that really
tall man, sweetheart?” asked her mother while they were sitting on the porch.

“That is my neighbor Brad,” Hailey

“Nice looking guy and tall too. He
was very nice to me and your dad while we were talking to him, very much a

He talked
to my parents!

Chapter Two

“Oh come on, Hailey, will you at
least talk with me?”

She had decided to give Tori the
silent treatment and it was working just fine. “I told you all night last night
while we were cleaning that I was sorry for bringing him over to your party.”

Hailey watched as a pout came
across Tori’s lips. She finally said, “Will you stop looking like a basset
hound over there, I just hate you went there when I told you not to.”

“I didn’t think it was going to
mess you up that bad. Besides, you’re supposed to get to know your neighbors
since your new to the neighborhood

Tori reminded her as the elevator opened and out stepped Brad walking towards

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