The Biker Next Door (9 page)

Read The Biker Next Door Online

Authors: Jamallah Bergman

“You fucking fat bitch, you fucked
up my relationship with Brad. He broke up with me thanks to you!” Rebecca

He broke up
with her?

She heard a knock on the door and
in walked Brad with a bag full of Chinese take-out. He was about to say
something, but Hailey motioned him to not say a word. He looked concerned as
she continued talking, “Listen, I am sorry that this has happened to you but I
don’t know why you would blame it all on me, I didn’t do anything to you at
all.” Then without her knowing, she put Rebecca on speaker phone so that he
could hear what she had to say as well.

“Listen, you fat bitch, I know
where you live and if I ever see you out on the street, I swear to fucking God
I will snatch you up by your weave and beat you senseless,” Rebecca bellowed.
Hailey looked up at Brad who she could tell was boiling over.

Brad said, “And you know what,
Rebecca, I would love to see you try it. If you even think of stepping onto my
property, much less Hailey’s, I will have you arrested and since I have heard
you make a threat, I will know who the police should get in contact with.”
Rebecca hung up the phone. They both laughed out loud at her antics.

“That vindictive bitch,” he said.
“How dare she call you up like this and blame her for what had happened,
knowing that it was all her fault to begin with. Listen Hailey, I’m sorry she
called you up like that, I knew she wasn’t going to be happy with me today but
I didn’t think that she would have called you up,” Brad said taking out the
food and laying it out on the small table in the corner of her office next to
the window. “I lost my cool with her today after how she was going on about
you. I told her it was over with us plus I want to be with you, Hailey. That is
if you will have me, Hailey, say you’ll have me.”

Touching her cheek, Hailey smiled
hearing him tell her that he wanted to be with her. It had been the welcome
sign she had been waiting to see for such a while now. She knew she wanted to
be with him and now he validated their union by breaking up with Rebecca. “Yes,
yes I’ll have you for my very own, Brad.”

Brad kissed her softly on the lips
and smiled. “Let’s eat lunch because I am starving.”

After dealing with files, calls,
virus laden computer files and such, the only solace they found was when they
got home. It was only when they were together where they could actually spend
just a little time together. “Can you do me a favor?” Hailey asked while they
were lying in his bed that evening.

“Sure, what is it?” Brad asked.

“Always wear your hair down
whenever we are together, I love it when you have it down instead of wearing it
in that ponytail.” Her fingers curled around a strand of his dark brown hair.

He kissed her forehead and
chuckled. “You ask for so little you know that? For you, I’ll wear my hair
down. Oh yeah, be ready on Saturday because that’s the day I have planned just
for us.”

Looking at his expression made her
smile. God, he was handsome, she thought as he hugged her tight and softly
kissed her lips. Hailey couldn’t believe this man belonged to her, and they
were lying together in his bed holding each other close. He quickly deepened
their kiss, a kiss that nearly bruised her own lips while his hands roamed over
her shirt grabbing hold of her breasts. She moaned when one of his hands
squeezed her breast tightly, while the fingers of his other hand roamed down
her stomach and started to unbutton her jeans.

Kisses and nibbles ran across her
cheek to her ear, and then he started to lick and nibble on her earlobe. His
long fingers slipped in her underwear touching her warm wetness. His chuckles
turn into a growl. “My God you’re wet, my pet. I wonder how you would sound
when you’re moaning your way to a sweet orgasm, why don’t we see.”

His fingers started to softly rub
her clit while he continued nibbling on her neck and ear. Suddenly, his fingers
dove deep within her; the sensation caused her to buck up against them as she

“I want you to moan, baby, I so
love how I’m making you feel,” Brad whispered, his fingers kept up the pace.
Her eyes closed, and her hips fell into rhythm with his fingers. “Baby, look at
me while you’re coming, I want to see you look into my eyes and call out my

He kissed her fiercely while his
fingers went faster, as did her hips. Looking into her eyes, he could see pure
desire, the love he had so been wanting with a woman never thinking he could
find it.

Her breathing became more haggard
and she started to shout out his name, “Brad, oh God, Brad don’t stop!” He
never did as she continued to moan and grind up against his hand into an
orgasm. God, her body was an amazing sight to behold, gyrating against him; she
had no idea what she did to him when he saw her like this. Slowly he stopped
himself once he knew her orgasmic spasms were slowly but surely ceasing.

Her head lay against his chest as
he held her close. God, Brad had never felt anything so strong before in his
entire life than this connection with this woman. Something about just touching
her to the point where she couldn’t help but to succumb to what would happen
next. He cupped her chin gazing into her eyes and smiled when he heard her say,
“That was amazing. I swear I can’t wait to see what you have in store for me on
Saturday. Can’t you at least let me know a little something about it?”

“Nope, I can’t say a thing my dear,”
Brad said.

“There is not even a little bit you
can say?”

Sitting up in the bed, he looked at
her and repeated, “Nope, I can’t say a thing.”

Hailey jumped up sitting in his
lap, his hands grabbing hold of her hips, a smile crept over those luscious
lips of hers. “You know I have ways of making you talk, sir.”

“Oh really, huh and how do you
think you can do that to me?” he said with a smirk.

Stretching out her fingers, he
wondered what she was going to do with those. “Now, are you sure you don’t want
to at least give me a hint as to what you have planned for Saturday?” Hailey
said giving him a final warning.

“Oh come on now, what could you do
to me?” Brad asked.

Suddenly he felt her fingers grab
his sides fiercely tickling him to the point where he almost threw her off the
bed. He started laughing hard trying to escape her tickling fingers. Brad
quickly turned the tables pulling her back down and lying on top of her
tickling her right back as she screamed with laughter. “All right, all right I
give up. I give up, please stop!” She screamed as he soon did what she asked
him. While he still lay on top of her, he watched as she played with his hair.
Scooting over to his side, he held her while she continued to play with his
hair until they both fell asleep in each other’s arms.


* * * *


That Saturday, Hailey had been on
pins and needles for most of the day. Brad told her to only pack five things
and five things only, something sexy, something to wear the next day,
toothbrush and paste and a brush. She thought it was odd he would tell her to
put it all in a backpack. When she heard a knock at her door, she went to open
it and saw him standing in his biker gear and a single red rose. “Why thank
you, baby.” Hailey smiled as they hugged each other.

“Are you ready, no wait, you’re not
ready just yet, you’re missing something,” Brad said looking her up and down.

“What could I be missing, I have
everything in my bag that I need.”

“No, you’re missing something,
stand right there and close your eyes.” She closed them waiting to see what he
was up to. Hailey could feel something heavy on her shoulders while the smell
of new leather hit her nose immediately. When she opened them, she saw a black
leather jacket on her shoulders and quickly she put her arms through it while
walking over to the mirror to get a better look. She looked at his smiling face
still wondering how this came to be.

“The back is our gang’s insignia, I
told the guys all about you and I also told them that you were my girl so
you’re part of the gang now, baby. Now before you start crying, we’ve got to
get out of here, so come on!” He grabbed her bag and hand.

The ride was long but the sights
along the way were amazing, although she didn’t have a clue where they were
going. She just enjoyed having him near her like this while they rode and she
couldn’t wait to see where they were headed. They soon turned off onto a dirt
road that twisted and turned upward as they made their way up the hill. She was
shocked to see a big field with a huge log cabin. They parked up front.

“This is beautiful, is this place
yours?” Hailey asked while admiring it.

“Actually it’s one of my biker
buddies place, he brings his family up here during the winter and they hunt and
all. I asked him for a favor since I was the one who set him up with his wife.”
Getting their things, he took her hand as they walked to the front door.

The place was big as she looked
around at the stone fireplace already waiting for a fire to be lit in it. She
couldn’t believe how wonderful this cabin was. “I love it, so what do we do

“Why don’t you go and start a fire
and I’ll go and fix us something light to eat.”

He helped her out of her jacket
with a kiss on her forehead. Hailey smiled as she walked over to get the fire
going. It didn’t take her long, she was a pro at making fires and soon a
roaring fire was brewing within the fireplace. After about an hour in the
kitchen, he came over with a fondue pot with some vegetables and bread. “Wait a
second now, I have to get the wine and dessert too,” Brad said going back to
the kitchen. Soon he came back with a platter of graham crackers, chocolate
bars, and marshmallows for S’mores along with a bottle of wine and two glasses.
Carefully she took the glasses from between his fingers as he sat down next to

Popping open the wine he poured
into their glasses, Brad raised his for a toast. “A toast, to new beginnings
and new endeavors with you, I have to say that I have never been happier in my
life than I have been with you, baby,” Brad said with that handsome smile on
his face.

“I have to say that once I got to
know you, the real you that is. I found someone that I knew I could love and
who could love me as well for who I am. No matter how stubborn and hardheaded I
was to you, you accepted her and rolled with the punches. And I admire and love
that about you, Brad. You took me just as I was,” Hailey said smiling through
the tears. Their glasses clinked and slowly sipped their wine as they soon
began feed each other the fondue he had prepared enjoying the time they were
spending together.

“Why don’t we get a little
comfortable, baby, I can’t wait to see what you are going to wear,” Brad
whispered in her ear after they had their meal and dessert.

“I think you’ll like it a lot,
sweetheart.” She smiled and grabbed her bag, walking into the first room to
change while he cleaned up the dishes, then went to get changed. When he came
out a couple of minutes later, he was only wearing a pair of black boxer briefs
and was running a brush through his hair.

“Are you out there already?” she
asked from behind the door.

“Yeah I’m waiting on you, hon, come
out and let me see you,” Brad said sitting back down in front of the fireplace.

“Close your eyes because I don’t
want you to see what I got on.”

“Okay baby, my eyes are closed. Now
bring your pretty self on out so I can see you.”

Once he closed his eyes, the
anticipation of seeing her made him nervous, he never thought he would ever be
nervous about seeing a woman in a nightgown. But this time it was totally
different, they were into each other and he honestly cared so much about her.

He was in love with this woman.

“All right open your eyes,” she
said ever so softly. When Brad opened them, he couldn’t believe what stood
before him. He had to stand up as he marveled this vision before him. He rubbed
his eyes for a moment to make sure that what he was seeing before him wasn’t a
dream or a mirage or something. No, what he was seeing before him was for real.

She stood before him like from some
beautiful dream in a sexy sheer black chemise with floral trim and a pair of
black bikini underwear. Brad didn’t know what to say much less do at that
moment, but stare at her. Her soft skin glowed from the fire, which only
enticed the mood that he was already in. God, he couldn’t believe the woman
standing over him was all his.

“I guess you like what I’m wearing
because you’re not saying much at all.” Hailey giggled as she twirled around in
the chemise, looking back at him as he still stood. “Wow, I can’t believe I
made the great Brad Matthews speechless. You haven’t had a heart attack on me
there have you, Mr. Matthews?”

Brad started to laugh so loudly it
seemed to fill the entire space around them. “No baby, I was just mesmerized by
how fucking hot you look in that and how fun it’s going to be tearing it off of
you.” Hailey got into his arms as he nuzzled up against her. “Oh wait a minute,
I completely forgot about something else.” He quickly went over to his bag and
got out a CD and then put it on as he dimmed down the lights.

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