The Biker Next Door (4 page)

Read The Biker Next Door Online

Authors: Jamallah Bergman

Later on at work, Hailey heard Mr.
Stevens call out to her and say, “Hailey, I need for you to come into my office

Walking into his office, Hailey
went to his desk as he told her to sit down. “Hailey, I have some exciting news
for you today. You will be moving up to the executive offices. They need a
secretary and I told them that you have been here longer than Tori and you’re
one of the best. It does mean more money for you. So you’ll be moving on
upstairs today.” Hailey was in shock but happy since being upstairs meant she
was going to get better pay along with more advancement opportunities. After
thanking Mr. Stevens she walked back towards her desk and told Tori the good
news. “No way, I can’t believe they are moving you upstairs Hailey,” Tori said
watching her getting her things together into a box.

“I know I can’t believe it either.
I just hope it won’t be so boring up there.” She giggled as she got her purse.

“Good luck, girlfriend, I’ll talk
with you later at lunch. I want to know all that’s going on up there.” Tori
smiled as she went towards the elevator. Soon people started coming out, while
others quickly got inside, pressing the button as it headed on up. When she
finally came to the floor, an older lady was sitting at the front desk. Hailey
walked over and said, “Hi, I’m Hailey from downstairs, I’m the new secretary.”

“Why yes, just go down the hallway,
make a left and it’s the last door on the right.” The lady smiled and went back
to talking on the phone.

Hailey made her way down the
hallway following the woman’s instructions. She knocked on the door that was on
the right. When no one answered she walked inside to see an office complete
with a desk, phone, a computer, and chair. The view from the room was amazing
she thought looking out at the city. Hailey just couldn’t believe her luck.
While getting her things squared away in her new office, she heard a knock on
her door and said, “Come in!”

“Hello Hailey, how do you like your
office?” asked a now familiar voice.

Hailey’s heart immediately stopped
as dread filled her body as she cringed to even look behind her. Slowly she
looked at Brad standing there in the doorway.

“Good grief, what the hell do you
want from me?” she asked as he closed the door behind him.

“Now you can’t be starting off on
the wrong foot as my new secretary,” Brad said with a cheesy grin.

His new

“You son of a bitch, I can’t
believe you did this crap. Find someone else to be your secretary instead.”

She started to get her things
together when he said, “If you leave here, then you’ll lose your job for good.”

The thought of losing her job sent
a shock to Hailey’s system, she realized he had her in a corner now; he
controlled the shots as far as her livelihood was concerned. She couldn’t
afford to lose her job and he knew it. “What would you like for me to do?”

“I want you to tell me how you felt
when you saw me fucking my girlfriend last night?” Brad asked with a smile.

“You’re really getting a kick out
of this. I thought it was disgusting for you to be showing yourself like that
to me. Now you’re over here just rubbing it in my face like the asshole you
are,” Hailey said with disgust in her voice while turning back towards her

Hailey could tell he was getting
closer because his cologne seemed to suffocate her as if his body heat was
making it stronger. She knew he was right behind her, Hailey could feel him
right next to her own body. She hated this man with every fiber of her being,
if he wasn’t such a smug bastard; he would have made a half way decent man. It
killed her that he was so close to her at this moment, Hailey could only pray
that maybe someone would knock on that door to break it up.

But for some reason that didn’t seem
to happen.

“You know I’ve thought about this
sexy ass of yours since the first time I smacked it. Plus I’ve been trying to
tell you that I was sorry for what I did that night but you’ve been as stubborn
as hell these past couple of days. Yes, I like to ride my motorcycle. I do hang
out with a bunch of guys that not a lot of folks would consider the best guys
to be hanging out with, but that’s what I like. I do it basically every weekend
honestly, I go out on my bike and ride with the fellas and raise hell every
chance I can but during the week, it’s work and only work. Only a handful here
knows I’m a biker, they think I’m just living out my teenage years, wanting to
raise hell. If you get to know me better, my dear, you will realize that I’m an
all right kind of guy,” She could feel his breath against her ear.

“All right then, since I am going
to be your secretary, I want to set some rules if you don’t mind,” Hailey said
trying her best to concentrate on what she was going to say next, but finding
it hard with him standing so close to her.

“What kind of rules would you like
to suggest?” Brad asked her taking a whiff of her thick hair, which smelled
like coconuts.

“First off, work remains at work. I
won’t be subjected to your games whatsoever while we are working. As far as you
getting close to me like you are right now, that is a definite no.” And with
that she turned to face him pushing him away from her. “Our relationship here
at work is strictly employee and boss and that is that. Our relationship outside
of work, we are nothing more than neighbors and that’s that. If you are to have
parties at your house with your biker friends, I want the music turned down
after midnight,” Hailey stated.

“Deal, but there is something that
I would like to get across to you. First, I agree about the relationship here
at work should be just business, but I would like for you to have lunch with me
at least twice a week. And as far as our relationship outside of work, I’ll
comply with us being neighbors, but I would also like for us to be friends. I
want to at least take you out on my bike one weekend, that way you can know how
it is to be on a motorcycle with a biker,” he said with that devilish smile of

Hailey was trying her best not to
smile, but she couldn’t help it. Holding out her hand for him to shake she
said, “Deal.”

Grabbing her hand, instead of
shaking it like she thought he would, he kissed it softly. “Deal, now let’s get
started with work. Once you’ve got everything done in here, I need you to come
to my office for dictation.”

After their talk, Hailey and Brad
seemed to be able to work just fine together. She never saw her chair since she
was constantly getting papers for him or getting files. It seemed like they had
been working for hours and Hailey’s feet were killing her in her heels. “Why
don’t we get out of here for a while and grab some lunch, huh?” he asked taking
off his glasses to rub his eyes.

Hailey needed some fresh air and
the thought of having lunch sounded good. “Let me get my purse.”

When they did get out of the
building, there was a Cadillac car with driver waiting for them at the front.
“Your chariot awaits, milady,” Brad said motioning for her to go in first. When
he got in, the driver closed the door and walked over to get inside. “Where are
we going today, sir?”

“The usual, Hank, I think you’ll
like this place,” he said as she gave him a small smile as the car drove off.
“So while we are sitting here, what do you like to do for fun, Hailey?”

Hailey didn’t know what to say at
first, but then she started to talk. “Well, I love to cook and entertain for my
friends and family, going for walks, and sometimes I do some volunteer work
over at the mission as well as the animal shelter. Other than that, I just like
to keep to myself. What about you?” she asked as the driver made a sharp right

“Well you know I like to ride my
motorcycle, hang with my buddies. Like listening to my music when I get the
chance but I really enjoy just riding on my bike. Say, I just got a new bike
that’s in the shop getting detailed. I’ll be getting it out probably later on
today, why don’t you come with me this weekend for a ride? We can go for a ride
in the country I like going on my hog thru the country, it helps clears my mind
you know,” Brad said as they arrived at their destination as the valet came to
open the door for them. They walked inside as a hostess greeted them, took them
to their table and handed them a menu.

“Can you imagine me on a
motorcycle?” Hailey said while they were looking over their menus.

“Why not? Besides I’m going to be
doing all the work, all you have to do is hold on tight and enjoy the ride,”
Brad reminded her.

“Well, I wouldn’t mind going but I
have to go and do volunteer work over at the mission that is unless you want to
come and help out, we do need some more volunteers,” she said when the waitress
came over to take their orders.

“I’ll make a deal with you, you go
on a ride with me and I’ll go with you to your volunteering and help you out,”
Brad suggested to Hailey’s surprise.

“All right that sounds like a plan.
We leave out for the mission around 7 in the morning on Saturday.” And with
that they continued their lunch.

Chapter Three

Hailey poured herself a cup of
coffee the following morning, put some sugar and cream in it and quickly took a
sip. “Damn!” she whispered to herself for it had stung her lip. Rubbing them
together hoping to get some feeling again, she heard the sound of a motorcycle
coming up the road.

She knew it was him she thought to
herself while getting her shoes and socks; Hailey sat down on the couch and
began to put them on as a knock rattled the door.

“Come on in, I’m putting on my
sneakers,” she said as she put on the other one. When he came in, she looked
over seeing him standing in the doorway wearing some faded blue jeans and a
white t-shirt along with a black leather jacket, in his big hands he had two

“Good morning,” he said watching
her finish tying her shoes.

“Good morning, let me have some
more coffee, would you like a cup?” Hailey offered.


Walking over to the counter, he sat
down on one of the bar chairs as she brought him a cup and began to pour.
Handing him the sugar and cream, he poured them into his cup and they both
drank their coffee in silence. He then asked, “Do you know what we are going to
be doing today?”

“Probably just organizing clothes
along with some food and toys I think, I honestly don’t know really but more
than likely it’s what I just said. So are you ready to go?” she asked as he
stood back up taking their cups to the sink. When she turned around, he handed
her a helmet as they walked on out the door. When she saw the bike, this thing
was huge, shiny and long. The only thing that was running through her head at
that moment was how in the hell was she going to get on this thing.

“Okay, how are we going to do
this?” Hailey asked. He started laughing at her question.

“Don’t be scared, once you get on,
you’ll enjoy it. Now I will get on like this,” he said and Hailey watched his
long leg go over the other side of the bike to level it for her to get on. “Now
you come and straddle the bike and get behind me.” Walking over to the bike,
she slowly got behind him trying her best to get comfortable. She could feel
herself against his back, pressing up against it crushing her chest a bit.
Something warmed inside of her with having a man this close. “Now put your feet
up on these bars here, good, put your arms around my waist and hold on, but not
too tight cause I do have to breathe.” Brad chuckled and started up the cycle.
Hailey could feel the rumble and her seat began to vibrate underneath her,
completely catching her off guard as they started their way to the mission.

Once they were riding, she found
herself enjoying the feel of the ride. It was like nothing she had ever experienced
before in her life. Just the feeling of the bike between her legs, the
vibrations it caused went right through her She would have never thought she
would ever be riding a motorcycle, especially with a biker and especially a
white man. It didn’t take them long however to get to the mission and now she
wished the ride had lasted longer.

They got right to work once inside
the mission. Splitting up, Hailey was busy folding and organizing clothes and
shoes, while Brad was helping some of the men with heavier things. Hailey
looked over watching him walking by with a box in his arms, wearing that white
t-shirt making her wonder why the hell she even looked his way.

“Where the
hell did he come from looking like that?”

He was already sweating while
strands of hair from his ponytail slicked onto the back of his neck. Rolled up
sleeves showed muscles that were ripped along those heavily tattooed arms of
his, she could tell that he must work out. Then she remembered that night when
he was with that woman, how he looked cemented deeply within her mind.

“Is that your boyfriend?” asked one
of the older ladies she always had seen at the mission helping out.

“No ma’am, he’s my neighbor.”
Hailey smiled folding a young girl’s top.

The older lady smiled and said,
“Well he’s a handsome young man, you better snatch him up before someone else
gets him.”

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