The Biker Next Door (7 page)

Read The Biker Next Door Online

Authors: Jamallah Bergman

He knew she wanted to be kissed
just as much as he wanted to give it to her and at that moment he did, softly
kissing her while he could feel her trembling in his arms. Their tongues played
with each other while he quickly pushed her up against the wall.

“We mustn’t do this you know, what
if we get caught in here?” she asked between kisses.

Brad wasn’t even paying much
attention to her pleas to stop. He had her exactly where he wanted her, alone
and up against the wall. Looking at her for a moment, he walked back over to
the door, locked it and took her back into his arms once more. “Does that make
you feel a better now, my dear?” Brad chuckled and kissing her neck, she gasped
and dug her nails into his arms. God, just her voice excited him. Her moans
made his cock grow harder. Her cries echoed softly through the room while
fingers ran through his hair. His hands roamed every part of her body from back
to the front of her dress. He wanted so badly to break those breasts of hers
free and feel them in his hands, but now wasn’t the time. He was just happy to
have her here at this moment to kiss and taste. “God, you taste so warm and
sweet, Hailey.”

His breathing grew more rushed
while his cheek rubbed along her face. Man, he couldn’t have been more grateful
to have this moment. It had been a long time coming, they played too much with
each other. Once Brad Matthews had his sights set on something, he planned to
succeed in getting it. At first he had just wanted to get next to that luscious
ass of hers. But as they got to know each, he had to try conquering her heart
and show her that he could be the one for her to love and cherish.

She smiled as he softly kissed her
lips over and over again while she kept her fingers in his hair. Hailey
couldn’t believe that this man, who she had hated so much in the beginning, who
showed a side of himself she never thought she would see, had her cornered in a
room, making her feel hotter than she had ever felt before in her life. God,
she didn’t want this moment to end but if they didn’t get back to the party,
folks would wonder where they were. “I think we need to straighten ourselves
back up and get back out there to the party before people start to wonder where
the hell we are,” Hailey reminded him as he kissed her forehead softly, nodding
in agreement. They quickly fixed themselves up. When they walked towards the
door, he grabbed her arm. “I hope we can continue this sooner rather than
later,” he said with a smile.

“I’d like that, I’d like that a
lot. I’ll go first and then you come out a little while later.” Before she
could step out of the room, he kissed her quickly one last time before they
parted. Her heart skipped a million beats while she was going back into the
bathroom to make sure her makeup wasn’t smudged or anything, which luckily it
was just like nothing had happened.

“Where have you been at?” asked
Tori as she sipped on some wine.

“I had to go to the bathroom, do
you know how hard it is going in the stall with this thing on?” Hailey laughed
as Tori did the same.

“Well, I was wondering if you could
find yourself a ride home because I’m hooking up with someone tonight.”

“Who?” Hailey asked looking around.

“The guy wearing the gladiator
outfit, he’s a friend of Cecilia and hot as hell. We’ve been talking most of
the night and necking in the corner.”

Hailey laughed and agreed her
friend had good taste in men. “I’ll find a ride home, you go and have fun and
I’ll check in with you on Monday and be careful.”

Tori gave her a hug and headed over
towards her gladiator. While she watched her friend leave, Brad came through
the door looking around the crowd. Soon their eyes locked in a gaze so intense
she felt like she was on fire. She knew they had gotten a taste of one another
at long last and by the look in those hazel eyes of his, he wanted more. Slowly
he walked her way while she tried her best not to smile. The attraction between
them was imminent, the look in their eyes told the story and they wanted each
other badly.

“Want to dance some more?” he

“I would be honored to,” Hailey
said with a smile. She found herself in his arms as they danced. Hailey never
thought she would be dancing with her boss, who was as attracted to her as she
was to him. It felt so good in his arms. Their bodies fit like they were made
for each other. After a while of dancing, her feet started to hurt and she was
so ready to head home. “Would you honor me, kind sir, by offering this lady a
ride home?”

With a smile, he nonchalantly said,
“If I give you a ride, it won’t just be a ride home, but you riding my hard
cock. Do you understand that while we were kissing, you got me so fucking hard
that I would have taken you right then and there?”

Hailey knew he wasn’t lying about
that, Lord she could only imagine how he was going to be in bed for that was an
answer she was looking forward to finding out about tonight. “Why don’t you
take me on home?”

“All right we’ll talk in the limo,”
Brad said. When they got inside the limo, he closed the window that was between
the driver and them.

“If we are to do this, Hailey, I
want to do it right. Even though I might be a biker, I can be a bit of a softy.
I really like you very much, more than anybody I’ve ever met before in my life.
I want our first time together to be hot and tempting and everything in
between. I just don’t want to fuck you, Hailey baby; I want to make passionate
love to you. If I was to fuck you right now, it would be like as if I was
fucking someone like Rebecca. You are nothing like her whatsoever, even though
you both are full of spunk, she isn’t as passionate as you are and that’s what
drew me to you. Along with that ass of yours,” Brad said with a chuckle while
holding her hand in his.

Quickly she grabbed a handkerchief
from underneath the sash of her dress and wiped her eyes as she started to cry.
“That was the sweetest, yet craziest, thing that any man has told me before in
my life. No one has ever said anything like that to me ever; I swear I would
have never thought that I would hear those words come from a man like you. But
you said it and I have never been more grateful for hearing it from you.”
Hailey smiled wiping her tears.

“So give me a week, just one week,
baby, I promise we’ll have a good time together, it will so be worth the wait,
darling,” Brad assured her with a small kiss on the lips which ended up being a
bit more passionate as they continued kissing even more until they got back to
their homes. He helped her out and walked her to her door. “Well, I’ll be
seeing you on Monday.”

“Monday, aren’t you going to be
here tomorrow?” Hailey asked.

“Going riding with the boys this
weekend, I’ll bring something back. I better get on in so I can get some rest
because they’ll be here in the morning, good night Hailey.”

“Good night Brad, be careful out
there,” Hailey said as he kissed her forehead.

“I will, I promise.” He walked away
and even though he did, she saw him suddenly stop to turn around to look at
her. Quickly he walked back, grabbed her face with his hands and smothered her
lips with his own, almost knocking her down but he held her before she fell. He
literally took her breath away with that kiss. He looked down at her face,
softly smiling and said, “Damn you taste so sweet. I can’t wait to taste the
rest of you.”

God, what had just happened, Hailey
wondered still standing on her porch breathless and watching him. This whole
evening had been nothing more than some wonderful dream, it couldn’t be real
she thought while touching her lips, feeling how swollen they had gotten from
their fiery kisses, she thought. God she loved how he just took over her like
he did tonight, how he made her feel helpless even though she knew she wasn’t.
Just having a man
her like he did made her feel
just as much of a woman.


* * * *


“So you didn’t tell me how last
night was?” Hailey asked Tori the next day when she came over for a visit.

“Oh it was dull as hell, that
gladiator was a dud. I thought we were going to have a little fun but we ended
up talking most of the night. I didn’t want to talk, I wanted to have some
fun,” Tori said and started laughing.

“Well that’s what you get for
getting with a man who had a nice six pack. But we all had fun after you left
though, you should have stayed longer,” Hailey said.

“Oh hush, what about you? Did you
get lucky last night?”

“I wish I would have but the only
thing I did was talk and dance and laugh most of the night. It was pretty
uncomfortable in that costume though.” Hailey knew if she told Tori what
happened, she would never hear the end of it. This secret she didn’t mind
keeping to herself.

“You know I heard last night though
that Brad and his girlfriend had a big argument out in the parking lot.
Something dealing with you being his secretary and you smart mouthing her. What
did you tell her?” Tori asked.

Hailey started laughing

“Oh my God, she thought that since
I was his secretary that I wanted to get with Brad. So she went and started
trying to be smart with me, asking me where my date was and telling me that I
could probably hook up with someone there. So I set her straight, you know me,
I don’t take shit from anybody, especially not some girl who thinks because she
can squeeze in some tight ass dress that she can tell me off. Oh no, it wasn’t
going to happen.”

“Damn I hate I missed out on that,
no wonder she was going off like she was. She even wanted to him to fire you
and this was from someone who got it from the bartender, she was going off on him
saying that he needed to fire you and he said what for because basically she
was the one who started it. And then she said something else and that’s when
they went outside. Girl, you really got under her skin last night,” Tori said.

Both of them had a big laugh to the
point where Hailey fell off the couch and they ended up laughing even more.
“You know I’m going to have to ask him about that because now I’ve got to know
what was said.”

“Where is he anyways?” Tori asked.

“He told me he was going riding with
the boys this weekend.”

“You haven’t let him ride you yet
have you? I mean you guys are together all the time and he hasn’t locked the
door, put you over the desk and fucked you senseless in your office yet?” Tori
smirked as Hailey spit out her drink.

“Don’t ever do that shit again to
me while I am drinking something, it almost came out my nose. And no, he hasn’t
done it yet because we both have an understanding as far as our work and
outside of work. He knows not to go there with me and that’s that.”

Chapter Five

That Monday when Hailey got to
work, it seemed like everybody was looking at her when she walked through the
lobby. A lot of women as well as some of the men were smiling and whispering as
she passed by. When she got into the elevator, Ralph from accounting said, “How
are you today, Hailey?

“What is going on here, Ralph,
everybody has been eyeing me since I got in here. What is going on?” she asked.

Ralph smiled. “Word got out about
you telling Mr. Matthews’s girlfriend off at the party. Plus you’ve got a
surprise in your office upstairs and from what I’ve heard, it’s pretty sweet.”
Then he got out of the elevator leaving Hailey perplexed.

When she finally got to her office,
Hailey was shocked at what she saw. On her desk was a gigantic bouquet of roses
of every single color imaginable. She couldn’t believe how beautiful it was
while sitting in front of it, she saw a box of Godiva chocolates with a small
card tucked into the ribbon of it. When she picked it up, she opened it only to
feel herself smiling big and bright.

It only said one word— ‘LOVE.’

She knew it was from him but
couldn’t keep from smiling so much while she wiped a tear from her eye. “Wow,
what a lucky girl you are,” Brad said. She turned around only to be shocked
once more when she saw he now sported a black eye.

Grabbing his arm, she pulled him
inside her office, and closed the door. “What the hell happened to your eye?”
Hailey tried to touch it. She couldn’t believe how black and blue it was, with
a cut and a few small stitches over the eye. Hailey didn’t know whether to
either touch it or feel his pain for him. She knew he probably had gotten into
fights before, but this was the first time she had known of anybody who had
been in a fight. Seeing it up close and personal like this was something
completely different.

Brad laughed when he saw her making
such a fuss over nothing; he had been in many fights before on his travels, but
that idiot at the bar Saturday night had it coming to him, especially when he
decided to talk with the guys about him hooking up with Hailey. “Say man, you
remember that girl who came over a couple of nights back when we came from
Sturgis?” Brad asked his friend Todd.

He watched his friend take a gulp
of his beer as he looked like he was thinking and then he smiled, “The one with
the big booty right, the black chick.”

Brad laughed when he heard his
friend say that, “Yeah the one with the big booty. I found out a while ago that
she works with me. Now she’s my secretary and the other night at the costume party
we had, she went up against Rebecca.”

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