The Biker Next Door (5 page)

Read The Biker Next Door Online

Authors: Jamallah Bergman

Hailey laughed at her response
while continuing to fold some more clothes. Thinking all along about what she
had said, there was no way whatsoever that she could see herself with a man
like Brad Matthews.

On the lunch break Hailey had gone
over by a tree to sit in the shade. She saw Brad come from inside as he walked
over to joined her. “How are things going so far?” asked Hailey biting into her

“I haven’t worked this hard since I
was working for my friend’s dad at his hardware store when I was young. But
it’s all going for a good cause though so I’m happy about that. Thanks for
bringing me here to help out, Hailey.” Brad smiled.


After another couple of hours of
work, both Hailey and Brad were let go for the day. “Ready for our ride out in
the country?” he asked her.

She nodded as they went to his bike
heading towards parts unknown to her. Soon they were riding through the
country. Going off the main road onto a dirt road, they slowed down and she
held him tighter around his waist, her hands rested on his chest while her head
rested against his back. God, she had to admit that he sure did feel good
against her body.

Hailey was about to let go of him
when they stopped in a clearing. He got off the bike, and took her hand to help
her, but she almost tripped herself only for him to catch her before she fell.
When the dizziness from the ride subsided Hailey was able to get her bearings
while taking off her helmet as she straightened out her hair. “Thank you for
helping me out there.” They both walked over towards an open field of wild
flowers were. “So this is where you go when you ride?”

“Amongst other places, but this
place is one of my favorite though, it’s so peaceful and quiet here. The
scenery here is breathtaking don’t you think.”

Hailey had to admit he was right
about how breathtaking this view was. It seemed the more she got to know Brad
Matthews that day, the more her first thoughts of how he was nothing more than
a no good biker who would drink and smoke diminished completely. Brad was
nothing like what she thought he was, which not only shocked her it also made
her want to get to know him better.

“We better head on back though
before it gets too late.”

Once they got back into town, he
pulled into his driveway as the rumble of the motor stopped. He again helped
Hailey get off the bike and the two of them walked back to her place. “Again, I
want to thank you for going with me today and also taking me for my first motorcycle
ride.” Hailey smiled going into her pocket for her keys.


“Well I’m glad you enjoyed
yourself, I did too. Maybe we can do it again sometime, I mean that is if you
want to?” Brad asked watching her look up at him with that cute smile of hers.
He liked how she smiled. She was a very beautiful woman he thought while
noticing when she smiled, her dimples made her even cuter.

His cell phone rang. “Hello?”

“Hi baby, what are you doing
tonight?” asked Rebecca.

He looked at Hailey who was soon
turning the key into her door. “Baby, let me call you when I get inside, I just
got back from doing some mission work.”

“Mission work? I never knew you to
be the charitable type. Call me right away once you get inside.” He hung up his
phone as Hailey was about to walk inside.

“Your girlfriend calling?” she
asked with a smirk on her pretty face.

“Yeah, calling to see what I was up
to tonight. Honestly, I’m too tired after all that work to be bothered with
anybody tonight. I just might crash for the rest of the evening. Well since you
are inside your home I know that you’re safe, I will let you go and enjoy the
rest of your evening.”

He took her hand and softly kissed
the inside of her palm. Never had he felt such heat off of a woman as he did
with this one. Looking into those eyes, such innocent looking eyes he thought
while they watched his every move. He noticed how hard she had swallowed while
her front teeth grazed over her bottom lip. Once he stopped kissing her hand,
he still held onto it ever so softly looking down while rubbing her knuckles he
whispered, “Have a good evening, Hailey.”

When Brad got in, he called Rebecca
back and told her that he was going to just crash tonight and would call her
tomorrow. Then he went straight to the bathroom to start up his shower. He had
enjoyed his time with Hailey today, but wanted just a tad bit more out of her—
he wanted her in his bed. Brad knew with her stubbornness it was going to be a
game to try and break it. He was willing to play to get the prize known as


* * * *


The following day was Hailey’s rest

Actually it was more of a lazy day
to Hailey since she wouldn’t do much of anything except watch television and
pig out on whatever she had in the cabinets. She decided to watch a marathon of
old movies that she loved, order in some pizza, and drink some wine.

Hailey went to the door when she
heard the doorbell ring only when she opened it, she was shocked to see Brad
standing there with her pizza. “What the, what are you doing with my pizza,
sir?” Hailey laughed.

“Well I saw the pizza guy bring
this so I paid him off and thought I’d deliver it to you myself. What are you
doing today?” Brad walked inside following her towards the kitchen.

“Today is my lazy day. I plan
staying in and enjoy the entire day watching old movies. Would you like to have
some pizza?” she asked going to get herself a plate.

“You like old movies too and yeah
I’ll have just one slice.”

“Oh yes, I’m more of a silent era
buff myself along with some of the horror movies from back in the day. I like a
little bit of everything, would you like a little bit of wine or something else
to drink?” she asked as she went to get her glass from the coffee table.

“No thanks, I’m supposed to be
going out with Rebecca later on but I’ll have some water if you got some.”
Going into the fridge she got him some water, grabbed her plate, and they both
walked over towards the couch and sat down. “They are showing The Hunchback of
Notre Dame with Lon Chaney right now, it’s one of my favorites.”

“Same here, I love old movies like
this, I have some of them on DVD, maybe next time we can have a lazy day
together and just watch some if you like,” Brad said biting into his slice.

She smiled at his offering adding,
“That sounds like fun. Maybe I’ll make us a little dinner, so it would be like
dinner and a movie.”

“Is this a date you’re asking me
out on, Hailey?”

“No, it’s not a date besides your
already dating someone. It’s just a day with a friend,” said Hailey while she
continued watching the movie.

“Yeah, speaking of that, I’ve got
to go and get ready. Oh yeah about tomorrow, we have to go over the Anderson
report, so be ready.” Walking him to the door, they said their goodbyes as she
closed the door going back to watching her movie. He thought it was going to be
a date and the thought of it made her giggle a little as she sipped some of her


* * * *


“No fucking way, you went out with
him,” Tori said to Hailey over the phone later on that evening.

“We didn’t go out Tori, we started
talking and I told him about me doing volunteer work and he wanted me to go
with him on a bike ride. So we decided to do both, he came with me to the
mission and afterwards I went riding with him on his bike,” Hailey said putting
her dish and glass into the dishwasher.

“So how was it?”

“I have to admit, I had a really
good time with him and the ride was awesome as hell.”

“Well it’s about damn time. I think
you’re starting to like him, Hailey.”

Hearing her friend tell her this
shocked her completely and what else she said shocked her even more. “And I
think he likes you too.”

“Now what in the world would make
you to think that?”

“Don’t play dumb, girl. For
starters this cat and mouse game you two have been playing with each other
since the first time you met. Then the part where you got promoted upstairs,
now you are his secretary doesn’t that make you wonder why? It’s obvious that
he wants to get with you, Hailey. Anyways to change the subject, I’ve already
got my outfit for the party; I’m going as a French maid with a duster in my
hand. What about you?” Every year the company would have a costume party and
every year Hailey would dress up as one of her favorite movie heroines.

“I’m going as Christine from
The Phantom of the Opera
, I found the
perfect dress and I’m getting my hair done up for it. I always like these
parties they give to us, makes dealing with some of those folks much better
afterwards because you can always end up reminding them about how drunk they
were at the party.” Both of them had a good laugh and continued their
conversation up until it was time for them to get ready for the next day.


* * * *


It seemed Monday was meant to be
called, ‘The most frustrating day on the planet.’ Nothing was going right that
day for Hailey. Her computer was messing up and she had to end up getting the
tech to come to fix it and even after that, it was acting weird. Plus someone
had misplaced the Anderson files, so she had to go around the entire office
building looking for the paperwork. Finally she was able to find the file and
came back to Brad’s office while he was busy looking through some other files.
“I found it!”

She brought over the folders she
had in her arms watching him quickly coming to her aid as they walked over to
the desk. “Thank God, I honestly don’t know what I would do without you,
Hailey. Where’d you find it at?”

“You don’t want to know what I had
to do to get those files and where I had to go and what I had to give away to
get someone to help me find those damn files,” Hailey said sitting down.

“What did you have to do?” Brad asked.

Hailey started laughing while
taking her shoes off to rub her aching feet. “When I say you don’t want to
know, you honestly don’t want to know. But I will tell you that I had to give
away one of my recipes and tell a secret about someone to someone else.”

“Why don’t I order us some lunch,
have them bring it here instead of us going out because it’s going to be a long
day going through all these files.”

Nodding her head, he got on the
phone and ordered some food while they continued looking over the folders along
with the many papers that had to be organized for the big case coming up. Lunch
came and went then it was time for dinner as they put the finishing touches on
the files. It had been a long day and both were exhausted.

“Are we done with all these
God-forsaken papers?” asked Hailey trying to keep her eyes open, although it
was no use. The only comfort she could get was keeping her head on the desk
even though she knew she would probably get the worse pain in her neck later.
Hailey didn’t care for she wished it was her pillow instead of this hard desk.

“Yes that is it, they can handle
the rest. If they have anything to say about it, I’ll tell them to go to hell,”
he said hearing her laugh turn into a grumble when he looked over at the clock
on the wall, he couldn’t believe that it was already 12:24 a.m. Brad got up to
stretch his arms and back as he watched her sit up for a moment to stretch.

Even when she was doing nothing
more than stretching, she still looked hot. He didn’t know if it was the fact
that when she did stretch, it looked as if her breasts wanted to escape from
underneath her blouse. God, he kind of wished that at least one of those
buttons would pop so he could see a little of something. “We better get on out of
here and are ready to get back here tomorrow.”

He heard her groan. “Damn shoe is
up underneath the desk and I can’t reach it with my foot,” she said. Brad
watched her quickly get on her knees while slowly going underneath the desk to
find her other shoe.

Why in the hell did she have to do
that? For all he could see of her now was that thick luscious ass of hers. An
ass that he could never stop seeing day after day, either sashaying down the
hall way, coming from his office whenever he told her to come in for dictation
or when he watched her behind over to pick or grab something. God, that ass of
hers mesmerized him on a daily basis Brad thought he knew whoever she used to
be with must have had a field day whenever they made love to her. He honestly
couldn’t get that ass of hers off his mind.

“Can you give me a hand?” Brad
heard her ask as she came out from underneath the desk. It was obvious she was
having a hard time getting up because she was so tired. Grabbing her hand, he
quickly pulled her up to where he didn’t realize his strength as she almost
lost her balance. He held her from around her thick waist, looking deep into
her dazzling brown eyes that were looking up at him. Finally he had her in his
arms, never thinking that this moment would happen between them. She felt so
warm, so gentle, he swore he could hold her for hours on end if she would only
let him.

Damn, she wondered what he was
trying to do, take her arm out of the socket. Thankfully when she finally got
her balance, Hailey found Brad holding her around her waist so close for one
awkward moment. This time she got the chance to look at his eyes even though
they were just as tired as her own they were a beautiful shade of hazel, almost
like amber she thought. A strand of his hair had come undone from the ponytail
that had been bugging her so much the entire day she wanted to pull it back
from those eyes of his. But instead she said to him, “Thank you for helping me

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