Where I Wanna Be (38 page)

Read Where I Wanna Be Online

Authors: Vera Roberts

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #United States, #African American, #Romance, #Multicultural & Interracial


Instead, he was able to focus on him and his life. Despite what his performance on the field suggested, being a quarterback wasn’t fluid or easy. He often had to submerge himself in ice-cold baths for hours at time. The physical training he underwent on a daily basis was somewhere between merciless and just plain bullshit. One time, he couldn’t feel his throwing arm and he forced himself to practice with his other arm just in case.


But all of that was a small price to pay. He led his team to three Super Bowls, winning two; an impressive feat for someone who just signed only a few short years prior. He was already being compared to the legends of the game, but Darren shrugged off the comparisons. He didn’t want to be the next so and so; He just wanted to be Darren.


He fixed himself a protein smoothie and stared out into the sunny Florida morning. He just knew it was going to be a great day. He was going to hang out at the hotel pool for a little bit and then he was going to get a massage. Then he might do a little shopping before calling Tammy back for their rendezvous later that night.


He just knew it was going to be a great vacation.


Walking into Madre’s was a little different for Simone.


A week ago, she was just a friend to one of the owners. No, that wasn’t correct. She wasn’t just a friend to Eli. They were never quite
But now it was official. Eli was her boyfriend. No more denying their feelings for each other. No more heated and passionate exchanges at her work, or somewhere else public, just for Eli to go home to Faith.


Everything was perfect now. They’d found each other again, and they were going to stay together.


Hello,” Maria greeted Simone and her client, “how can I help you today?”


I’m Simone Harris from SHE and this is my new client, bride-to-be Marissa.” Simone introduced the ladies to each other. “I was wondering if Eli was available today?”


Eli had a family emergency to take care of so he won’t be in for the rest of the week,” Maria mentioned, “but the owner of Madre’s is here to assist you. If you ladies just have a seat over here, I’ll be out in just a moment. Do you prefer coffee or tea?”


Simone was so alarmed to hear about Eli’s sudden disappearance from Madre’s, she didn’t pay attention that Maria was talking to her. She jumped back into reality. “Um, tea would be fine. Thank you.” She sat down and tried to concentrate on work matters but it was no use. She had an idea what the family emergency was, though. She had to wonder what was going on with her boyfriend and if it had something to do with his wife.




Good afternoon and welcome to Madre’s,” Nicola greeted Simone and her bride, “what brings you here, today?”


Hi, Nicola,” Simone smiled at the matriach, “I have a new bride planning her wedding and I thought I would set her up here with a nice flower selection and get an idea on how she wants her bouquet.” She looked around. “I thought Eli would be here to assist.”


Eliodoro had more pertinent issues to take care of,” Nicola replied with a twinge of sharpness in her voice, “he’s taken a leave of absence this week to focus on those issues and hopefully get his act together.” Nicola eyeballed Simone. “Hopefully he’ll come to his senses soon.”


Simone felt the coldness coming from Nicola. The woman who once sheltered her from her parents and considered her to be the daughter she never had, seemingly hated her, and rightfully so. She already knew what was going on between her and Eli, but wondered if Faith told her a non-flattering version of events. Still, she kept the brave face and proceeded with business. “I guess we can begin now…”




Faith and Nathan made their way down to the hotel pool. The weather was perfect—sunny, not a cloud in the sky, and deliciously hot. Faith took a chance on buying a two-piece bikini set a while back, hoping she would be slim enough to wear it during the summer. Thanks to the marathon sex sessions she’d had with Eli, she was able to.


The thought of him filled Faith with incredible sadness. She didn’t think he would just up and leave them the way he did. Maybe they would’ve worked everything out. Maybe they would’ve gone to counseling. Did she push him away? Was she not a good enough wife for him? She could admit their marriage wasn’t perfect and they had their fights, like any other couple. But for him to leave her for another woman? Where did they go wrong?


You look sad, Mommy,” Nathan looked up at his mother. “What’s wrong?”


Faith’s sadness morphed into anger. She was left alone with a young child who only knew his mother and father together. It was never in her plan to become a single mother at 29. When she said “I Do” to Eli, that was it. They would be partners for life. They would share everything with each other. They would grow old and grey together. She never thought she would be raising her son alone. Would she have to move back home with her parents? Would she have to give up everything she had ever known for the past twelve years and start over? She had no idea what to do with her life.


At least she had her son with her. She glanced down to her left and… where did Nathan go? She hurriedly looked around for her son. “Nathan? Nathan?” She called after him.


Over here, Mommy!” He waved at her.


Faith shook her head and cursed underneath her breath as she hurried over to her son, who was talking to a blond stranger sitting on a chair. “Nathan Alexander D’Amato! What did I tell you about leaving my side for even a brief moment!” She swatted his behind and Nathan broke out into a small cry. “You keep crying and I will give you something to cry about.”


He was no problem, Miss. He just wanted an autograph.” The man smiled.


Well, he knows better than to leave my side at any time!” Faith instructed to her son, who stifled his tears. “What do have to say for yourself, Nathan?”


I’m sorry, Mommy.” He sniffled.


That’s much better,” Faith held onto Nathan’s hand. She then addressed the man before her. “I’m sorry about that Mr…”


Matthews. Darren Matthews,” He stood up and shook Faith’s hand.


You’re the football player?” Faith recognized his name.


The one and only,” Darren smiled. “And you are?”


Faith put her sunglasses on and smiled. She had heard about Darren’s reputation through many women passing through her salon. A man who would treat you like class as long as you gave him some ass. His reputation for being a man-whore was overshadowed by his incredible performance on the field. “Not available.” She then walked off with Nathan.


Darren watched Faith and Nathan walk away and head over to the kiddie pool. He was determined to get to know her a little better by the end of his vacation.




Everything was surprisingly cordial. Nicola had great ideas for Marissa and another graphic designer helped with the floral arrangements, though Simone missed Eli’s input. He was always just a little more attentive to the brides and other customers who came into the shop, specifically catering to their needs.


When Marissa excused herself to the ladies’ room, Simone seized the opportunity to speak with Nicola alone. “Listen, Nicola. I don’t know what you know about what’s going on between me and Eli, but I wanted to let you know that nothing happened between us until he was separated from Faith. We didn’t make love or get physical until he left her. I hope we can maintain a civil and professional relationship despite everything.”


Nicola took a sip of tea. “Simone, I don’t know what’s going on between you and Eli. Quite frankly, I don’t care. What’s going on between the two of you is none of my concern. But don’t think I’m going to openly welcome your relationship just because it’s you. What happened back in high school was eons ago. You two are now grown people playing childhood games, and neither one of you are seeing the faults of what you’re doing. You waited until Eli was separated until you slept with him; how sweet. You forgot the fact he’s still
.” She gave a contrite smile. “My advice to you is have fun with this relationship as much as you can. Don’t get used to it, though. As quickly as Eli left his family for you, he will do the same thing to you with another woman.”


It was a reaction Simone should have expected from the matriarch but it still stung to hear it and feel it. “Thank you, Nicola, for your advice and…”


Nicola leaned in toward Simone and placed a hand on her arm. “Don’t do anything that could make me want to destroy you…” She whispered quietly.


Man, you have all these dames throwing themselves at you and you haven’t even blinked an eye!” One of Darren’s friends and teammates, Victor Ferrell, sat next to Darren at the Boom Boom nightclub. “What’s up, bro?”


Darren sat in the VIP section of the Boom Boom nightclub, sipping on a beer. His other friends were popping bottles and entertaining groupies, but Darren stayed quiet and reserved, a drastic change from his usual behavior. By now, he would already have a fleet of women fighting each other over who was going to suck him first. Instead, he was quite content with just being alone. “Nah, just got a lot on my mind.”


What’s up, man?” Victor asked. He was a tall, dark-chocolate brother with a bald head and goatee, and made out of pure muscle. “Talk to me, now.”


A groupie came by Darren and offered to sit on his lap. Darren held up a hand to politely decline her. “Don’t you ever get tired of doing the same thing all the time?”


Fucking bitches and making millions? No, hardly.” Victor laughed.


You know what I mean,” Darren cocked his head. “I mean the same thing, every single weekend. Different women, different clubs but we’re doing the same thing. We’re spending thousands of dollars here, just to blow some more at a strip club later on. And we do this
all the time.
” He shook his head. “Don’t you want more than this out of life?”


Man, this
the life! We’re young, we’re single, we’re rich! I got no baby mamas, you don’t have any, at least not that I’m aware of,” Victor smiled as Darren shot him a look, “we never been in trouble with the law and we get paid millions upon millions of dollars to do the same thing we did growing up in the backyards with our pops! What more is there to want, man? Enjoy it! Drink it up! Live it up!”


Darren agreed with Victor on a few things. He had the lifestyle that many would be envious of and he never forgot that fact, donating large amounts of his wealth to various charities and running a camp off-season for aspiring child and teen football players. He recently upgraded his parents’ home and bought additional property for them so they could have rental income coming in. He had several endorsement deals and was on track to get more.


Yet, he felt alone. Worse yet, he felt bored.


He briefly remembered the small-talk he made with Nathan. The little boy was probably no more than four but he recognized him. He said how Darren was his favorite player and he always watched his games with his daddy. Yet, when he met Faith, he noticed an absent wedding ring. She didn’t mention a boyfriend and if she had one, she surely would’ve said something.


Darren thought about them. They were staying at the same hotel so it wouldn’t be that hard to track her down. He would just have to figure out how to run into Faith and Nathan again.


Ladies, ladies, ladies…” Victor introduced a pair of beautiful women to Darren and they both quickly flanked him. “It seems my boy here needs some cheering up. Please entertain him.”

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