Where I Wanna Be (39 page)

Read Where I Wanna Be Online

Authors: Vera Roberts

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #United States, #African American, #Romance, #Multicultural & Interracial


I’m a big fan of yours,” the brunette purred in Darren’s ear.


I’m a
fan of yours,” the blonde purred in his other ear.


It seems you have your hands full, partner,” Victor winked at him. “Now are you happy?”


Darren knew Victor didn’t understand what he was saying but it wasn’t the time for semantics. His friend just treated him to a potential threesome and he would be a fool to turn it down. “I’m satisfied for the time being, yes.”




Moni, I’m home,” Eli called out to Simone.


Simone raced from the kitchen and jumped on her boyfriend, wrapping her legs around his waist. She planted a series of kisses on him as he walked over to the couch. “Hey, hey, hey…” Eli smiled as Simone kept kissing him. “I missed you, too.”


Simone sighed and smiled. Eli was truly the highlight of her day. “It’s been a long day, baby.”


Oh?” Eli asked. “What happened with your day?”


Where did Simone want to start? The lecture she got from Pepper at the office? Or the polite verbal smackdown Nicola gave her at Madre’s? Both talks made her feel like a Class-A asshole. “Well, I had a visit with your mother.” Simone grimaced.


Oh?” Eli got off Simone and sat beside her. “What did she say?”


Don’t do anything that could make me want to destroy you…
“She just told me she wouldn’t be very accepting of our relationship but she would be cordial towards me.” She answered truthfully.


Eli shrugged. He briefly wondered which brother was the one who broke the news to her. She didn’t call him or send any word that she wanted to speak to him. She would’ve said something already but was remarkably silent on everything. It was then Eli knew his mother was very, very upset with him. “Well, that’s to be expected,” Eli defended his mother, “I’m pretty sure I’m on my mother’s shit list right now.”


Simone playfully ran her fingers through Eli’s hair. “Have you spoken to her at all?”


Not yet,” Eli admitted. It was bad enough his brothers threatened him in not-so many words and made him feel like the black sheep of the family. He was so upset by their reactions, he opted to call off work for the week so he didn’t have to deal with Joey’s attitude and give him some time to cool down. His mother still expected Eli over to Sunday dinner, however, and he already dreaded that visit. “But I’m sure that conversation is coming.”


Baby, I want to talk to you about us.” Simone began. “I think it’s time we actually talk about what we really want out of this.”


What we really want out of this?” Eli repeated. He just got with Simone the night before and she was already giving him “The Talk” that every woman seemingly gives her boyfriend when she wants clarity on their relationship. Eli normally wouldn’t have a problem with “The Talk” if they had been dating for a while and were straddling the line between just fucking around and being serious. The major issue was they only got together just twenty-four hours ago. “What are you talking about?”


I just want to see where your mind is with us and our future,” Simone grabbed Eli’s hand. “I know it’s really soon and all but I just want to see that we’re on the same page.”


What page are you on, Moni?” He asked.


I see a future with you, Eli. I see us being together. I see us possibly getting married and giving Nathan a little brother or sister,” she confidently smiled. “But if I shouldn’t think those things, I need to know now so I can cut my losses.”


So you can cut your losses?” Eli repeated. “Moni, we just started dating last night. I can’t promise you anything until I work something out with Faith. I’m still legally married to her and she’s the mother of my son. Not only that, but I’m also a co-partner in her salon we need to talk business with that as well. I can’t promise you anything until I speak with Faith first.”


Simone’s nose upturned and her chest slowly rose up and down in frustration. “And when do you plan to speak with Faith?” She folded her arms.


Eli glanced at Simone, then away from her. “Don’t start that shit.”


What shit?” Simone defended. “Can I at least know what’s going on with my boyfriend’s divorce so I don’t get too excited about our future?”


Moni,” Eli said with a bit of tension in his voice, “do not start that shit now.” He got up and headed to the kitchen. He grabbed a beer from the kitchen and cracked it open, taking a nice long gulp of the amber liquid. It was bad enough Eli got flak from his family for being with Simone. He really didn’t need more flak from Simone for not divorcing Faith.


After a few minutes, Simone followed Eli into the kitchen. She wrapped her arms around his waist and pressed against his back. “I’m sorry, baby. I just want to be with you with no strings attached. I don’t want to compete with Faith or anyone.”


I understand that, Moni,” Eli took another swig of beer while a free hand caressed her arms. “But I need you to be patient for the time being. Let me handle things with Faith the way I need to. I’ll let you know if there’s a hiccup along the way.”


Okay, baby.” She nibbled on his earlobe. “I’ll be patient, Eli.”


A low groan emitted from Eli’s lips. “Is that a promise, Moni?”


Simone’s hands moved down to Eli’s belt buckle and she hurriedly unbuckled him. She undid his jeans and reached in to massage his growing cock. “I promise to be a good girl, Eli.”


Mmm…” He moaned. “…how good?”


Simone turned Eli around and took a swig of his beer. She then kneeled down and began to suck his cock with beer still in her mouth, the carbonation tickled his cock as her tongue twirled around his shaft. Eli leaned against the kitchen counter and calmly sipped his beer, occasionally looking down at the beautiful sight of his girlfriend sucking him off.


On second thought, life wasn’t that bad.


It was supposed to be a romantic evening. He made reservations at one of the finest restaurants in all of New York. He had string quartet play music. He asked Nick and Zerrin for romantic poems from the Shakespearian era to recite. It was going to be the night when he would finally pop the question to his girlfriend and be done with all this boyfriend-girlfriend mess. They were two grown people in a loving, committed relationship. He was tired of referring to her as his girlfriend. It sounded too childish. He didn’t like to call her his lady friend. It sounded too platonic. But calling her his wife? Oh yes, that’s what he wanted.


Maybe it was going to happen some night, but not that night. Art read Nicola’s face and it was clear she was anywhere but on their date. He had heard about Eli’s marriage through the other sons and he couldn’t say he didn’t share the same disgust and disbelief in Eli’s actions. It seemed like he was so in love with Faith and would do anything for Nathan. Then he just left. He just inexplicably left, without so much as a warning. No chance for a discussion. No wanting to meet with a counselor. Eli just packed up and left. Who knew how long he was with the other woman? Was it just her or had there been others?


Just as Art was in disbelief about Eli, he could tell it was tearing Nicola up inside. She barely touched her food and just entertained conversation with Art. Her mood did seem to brighten when the string quartet made an appearance. Maybe the whole night wasn’t lost, after all.


You must think I’m the worst girlfriend ever,” Nicola shook her head and pushed her dinner plate away. “I’m just so sorry, Art. I really didn’t mean for this to be so horrible.”


No, not at all,” he wiped his mouth and reached over to hold her hand. “I know today was something no one was expecting and I know there are no words I can say that could possibly offer you any sort of comfort. Nic, I just want to let you know that whatever you need from me… whatever the other sons need from me, just ask and I’ll see what I can do.”


Nicola was silent for a long moment as tears streamed down her cheeks. “I could still remember it like it was yesterday. Giorgio woke up and just started in on me. The house is a mess… you’ve let yourself go… the kids are all running around like wild animals… I didn’t sign up for this… and he ranted for an hour. He wouldn’t stop talking. He berated the life out of me. And those were only the nice things he had said. I refuse to repeat what other filth came out of his mouth.


And then he just left. No ‘Let’s talk about it’. No ‘I just need time alone.’ He just up and left me to raise the boys. He never came by to see how they were doing. He never sent them any cards for their birthdays or Christmas. He never called. Do you know how many nights I stayed by that phone, thinking he was going to call and ask if he can come home? Do you know how many nights I cried myself to sleep because I was just so angry? Angry I had to raise five sons alone. Angry I had to work two jobs to make ends meet. Angry I was given this life… this life that I didn’t want, this life I didn’t ask for. I prayed to God every day and often, asking Him, begging Him, to bring my husband back to me. And it didn’t happen. Instead, I received divorce papers.


I raised my sons the only way I knew how. I taught them to treat women right. I taught them to be on their best behavior and I didn’t want to hear about them running around in the streets. And I thought I did good.” Nicola sniffled. “I thought I did good.”


Art got up from the table and kneeled in front of Nicola. “Nic, listen to me. You’re a great mother and an equally amazing
. You did a fantastic job with all of your sons. They all have college degrees and their own careers. They don’t have to depend on you or anyone else. They give back to the community and always make it a point to see you. You accepted Tyson with no hesitation and spoil Nathan and Gianna rotten. And I’m sure when Pietro arrives, he’ll get the same treatment. You can’t beat yourself up for what Eli did. Honestly, no one knows why he did what he did and we all hope he will soon come to his senses. But don’t think you’re a horrible failure because of what
son did. I say four out of five ain’t too shabby.”


Art’s comment made Nicola laugh and she blotted her tears with a napkin. “Even on my worst day, you always know how to cheer me up.”


I wouldn’t be a good partner if I couldn’t.” Art smiled. “But I hope something else will cheer you up tonight.”


Oh?” Nicola wiped her nose with the napkin. “What is it?”


I know my timing is off and this was probably the worst night to do this,” Art reached into his pocket and dug out the little ring box. He opened it to reveal a three-diamond ring. “but I hate waiting to see you smile. Now, Tony recommended a jeweler who comes into his barber shop so I went to him. Kieran told me what type of ring you liked, and Nick and Joey helped me pick out the ring, so, if you don’t like it, please blame them.” He laughed and Nicola smiled. “Nicola D’Amato, will you marry me?”


You always know how to put a smile on my face even when I’m feeling the worst of the worst.” She sniffled through tears.


It’s my goal to keep that smile for as long as we’re together,” Art promised. “So, what do you say? You want to take a chance on this old fart?”


I would love to be married to you, as long as I can keep my last name. I’ll hyphenate, though.” Nicola smiled.


I didn’t expect it any other way,” Art slipped the ring on Nicola’s finger and kissed her. “Now, can you do me a favor? Can you help me up? I’m not as young as I used to be.”


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