Where I Wanna Be (47 page)

Read Where I Wanna Be Online

Authors: Vera Roberts

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #United States, #African American, #Romance, #Multicultural & Interracial


The thought bothered Simone more than it should. Eli wasn’t officially divorced from Faith. Truth was, he wasn’t even
legally separated
from Faith and there was no telling when a divorce was going to happen, if it was
going to happen. According to the law, Faith was still Mrs. Eli D’Amato and would be recognized as such until there was a divorce decree.


If Simone was frustrated about her situation with Eli, she’d better get used to being so. She had tried in vain to talk to Eli about the divorce, casually bringing it up every so often to see where he stood. Whenever she had mentioned it, Eli would quickly change the subject, nonchalantly telling Simone to stay the hell out of it. “Once you sign those papers, you won't have that title anymore.”


“Once I sign those papers, Eli won't be rich anymore.”
Faith added a touch of honey to her cup and slowly stirred it. “Alimony and child support can get pretty expensive and my son is only in pre-school.”


Is that why you’re holding up the divorce? Because of money?”


I could redirect that question to you,” Faith took a sip, “are you with him because of his money? I’m sure you’re well aware how much money Eli has and how much he could potentially be worth in the future. If any one of us will benefit more by being with Eli, it surely is you.”


Being a homewrecker was a title Simone did not care for but she got over it. She drew the line, however, when she was accused of being a golddigger. She worked way too hard and put in too many hours to be considered just some rich dude’s plaything. “You honestly think I'm with him for his money? Do you honestly believe I wouldn’t be with him if he was broke?”


“I think if Eli left Madre's, your business would suffer.” Faith took a bite of dark chocolate and slowly chewed it. “So yes, you have more to gain with Eli being a part of Madre’s than if he wasn’t.”


“You’re forgetting there are two other D’Amatos connected there.” Simone replied.


“And you’re forgetting those other two D’Amatos don’t really care for you all that much,” Faith shot back.


“I don’t need Nicola and Joey. Hell, I don’t even need Madre’s! They’re not the only floral shop in town, you know.” Simone smirked. “Unlike you, I started my business on my own, without any assistance from anyone. I built my business from the ground up, making contacts and connections.”


Faith calmly sipped her chamomile tea as she kept her gaze on Simone. “You want a cookie?” She softly replied.


“I’m trying to be nice here, Faith.” Simone replied with a bit of tension in her voice.


Simone’s last comment made the hair stand up on the back of Faith’s neck and she stood up. She set down her cup of tea and pretended to clean her salon, a way to distract her from throwing the cup at her husband’s girlfriend. The words disgusted Faith:
her husband’s girlfriend.


She didn’t want to be dignified. She didn’t want to be classy. She wanted to take off her earrings, kick off her Adidas, grab a tub of Vaseline, and beat Simone within an inch of her life. How dare she claim to be nice? Was she doing her some sort of favor? “Are you really serious right now?”


Simone held up her hands. “You're impossible! I wanted to come in here and have a nice, adult conversation and I get nothing but insults hurled at me.”


“You stole my husband, Simone.” Faith let out a deep breath, as she gripped the broom stick. She briefly wondered how much her bail would be if Simone’s face happened to connect with the broom. “What did you think was going to happen when you showed up here?”


“I can't steal someone who willingly left.” Simone smiled.


Faith shifted her stance and gripped the broom stick tighter. “I think this conversation is over now.”


Simone smiled and picked up her bag. “I agree.” She headed for the door.


“Oh, and Simone?” Faith stopped her.


“What is it now?”


“The reason I haven't signed the divorce papers is because Eli didn't present them to me.” A slow smile appeared on Faith’s lips. “Maybe you should ask your boyfriend why.”


It didn’t feel like home sweet home, but it was going to be a close second.


Eli moved into his new three bedroom apartment just a few weeks ago and he’d finally finished decorating it. Well, he’d finished decorating with Simone’s help. She picked out the furniture, the kitchenware, decorated the bathrooms, and even helped decorate Nate’s bedroom.
“I hope he’ll like the car bed I picked out for him!” She beamed at the furniture store.


As Eli sat on the living room sofa, he could admit he needed Simone’s help. His new apartment had a stylish contemporary feel to it with each room having a different theme to it. The kitchen was country. The living room was old Hollywood. The bathrooms were the equivalent of going to the spa. Nate’s room was a playroom with a car theme. Eli’s bedroom was modern with a lush cream color and vaulted ceilings.


The man cave was Eli’s favorite room—it had a fully-stocked refrigerator filled with many different types of craft beers with an adjoining bar. Several large flat-screen TVs hung on the walls, each showing a different game. A pool table was tucked away in the corner and a poker table was on the opposite end of the room.


No matter how nice his new apartment was, it still didn’t feel like it was home. He could remember coming home to a house full of noise—Faith had her girlfriends over, Nate had a playmate upstairs playing some type of cops and robbers game, and Eli thought it was just way too loud for his taste. Now his apartment was deathly silent. It was


He missed his home. He just didn’t know how to go back to it. With the holidays coming up around the corner, Eli really wasn’t sure what was going to happen. Simone hinted to Eli she wanted him to come home with her to Texas so he could meet her family again. Eli was more interested in staying New York since Tiana and Kieran were making a visit and he could see some familiar faces.


He was particularly interested to know if there was any truth to the latest news about Faith’s new friend. He wondered what that man’s plans were with Faith.


So what are we playing for tonight?” Tony passed out the playing cards to his brothers. “Haircuts, tutoring sessions… diapers?”


Oh cute, real cute,” Nick snickered, “you’re gonna talk about me becoming a father while Mom is still changing your diaper.”


Hey, shut up!” Tony commented as the other brothers laughed. “Hey! I’m capable of being my own man.”


Yeah, you are,” Nick studied his cards. “Just as long as Mom does your laundry every week.”


Hey, you don’t know what she uses to get my clothes extra fluffy,” Tony defended. “I don’t know what she does but I could never get my clothes so soft.”


Well, you’re gonna have to figure it out,” Kieran added, “because Mom’s wedding is coming up and well, you won’t be the man of the house anymore.”


Mom mentioned she was going to move in with Art at his apartment on Park Avenue,” Joey chimed in, “which would leave you the house, Tony.”


I know,” Tony cleared his throat and shifted in his chair, “she already told me. We’ve had this discussion. Maybe Mom can come over sometimes and help me with the laundry still.”


Kieran nodded and took a sip of beer. “Can somebody please…?”


Eli reached over and slapped the back of Tony’s head. “What the hell?” Tony rubbed his head. “Why can’t she?”


So, Mr. Eliodoro,” Nick studied his cards, “what’s going on with you? I see you have a new crib and everything with Mom’s business seems to be on point. How’s it going for you?”


It’s going,” Eli took a sip of beer, “could be better but it could be worse. I’m glad it’s steady now. I got a mixed bouquet, customized with a dozen flowers.”


What’s in that mixed bouquet?” Joey inquired.


, roses, calla lilies, daffodils, and tulips.” Eli winked to his brothers’ amusement. “Oh yeah, I can do that. What’s your bet?”


I say I take your customized bouquet and I add a nice reservation at the Chop House since our delightful cousin is now the chef/owner there and he gave me the hookup.” Joey winked.


Add in a nice fade with a pedicure/manicure combo,” Tony added, “I’m down with that.”


And a childless night full of passion courtesy of Fits and Giggles,” Kieran placed his bet, “I can get down with that. But enough of this; how are things between you and Faye?”


It is what it is,” Eli shrugged. “We’re getting along pretty well. Actually we’re getting along better than we were when we were married. We have an arrangement worked out and we’re just trying to keep the lines of communication open between us.”


A semester of tutoring at the main campus or a group of my students reciting love poems for you and the lady, your choice.” Nick placed his bet. “How are things with you and your friend?”


Moni’s great. She’s busy getting her business going and I’ve been helping her out with that.” Eli added. “But other than that, things are good between us.”


Now one more time with believability, please?” Joey asked.


Eli set down his cards. “She’s pressuring me to divorce Faye,” he admitted.


And how does Faye feel about it?” Nick asked.


We haven’t talked about it,” Eli shrugged, “it just hasn’t been discussed.”


Do you two want to work things out?” Kieran asked.


It had been almost two months since Eli had left home and chosen Simone. Chose her? Hmm… that didn’t sound right. He didn’t want to be with Faith but he wasn’t sure if Simone was worthy of the title of Mrs. Eli D’Amato.


For every passionate evening filled with kisses, making love until dawn, and feeding each other with succulent chocolate-dipped strawberries, it ended with them having a fight about when Eli would divorce Faith and how Simone felt he was dragging his feet. She would always inquire when he was going to start bringing Nathan around her and re-introducing her to his family, to which Eli always gave a vague answer. After going back and forth, they always ended up with make-up sex. Truth to be told, Simone was exhausting Eli’s mind and his cock.


Things with Faith, however, had never been better. They communicated more and actually
to each other. When they were married, they had simple ‘hello’ and ‘how’s everything?’ type of conversations. Now they were separated, they talked about current affairs, things going on with their respective businesses, and plans for the weekend. They always kept each other up-to-date with everything going on with Nathan.


The communication that was strongly lacking in their marriage was made better with their current separation. It made Eli secretly rethink the whole separation and wonder if there was a chance for him and Faith to reconnect as a couple.


Word around the campfire, Faye has a new boyfriend.” Tony added.

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