Renewed Faith (CSA Case Files 3 / Military Romance) (23 page)

Read Renewed Faith (CSA Case Files 3 / Military Romance) Online

Authors: Kennedy Layne

Tags: #Mystery, #Thriller

“Not all men are the same, city girl.” Kevin couldn’t tell what she was thinking, as her lashes came down just enough to cover the rich brown of her eyes. He didn’t want to say or do the wrong thing here, but it was vital for both of them to be honest if they stood a chance of this lasting between them. He crossed back over the floor, needing to see her reaction in case he fucked this up, and sat on the edge of the bed. He reached out to firmly hold her chin, ensuring that their gazes were connected. “I love how you woke me up this morning, but I don’t want that to be some sort of obligation from last night. Just because I didn’t physically benefit doesn’t mean I didn’t obtain satisfaction. Being in your presence and being able to please you does that all on its own. Not all fulfillment is corporeal.”

“And what if pleasing you gives me a sense of accomplishment?” Elle whispered the words, as if she too were afraid of muddling this moment. “I need to feel…”

“That your effort is substantial too?” Kevin could just imagine how hard it was for Elle to be truthful in this situation when her basic need was to withdraw any emotional strings left dangling in the wind. She was staying true to her word though and giving them a chance. That was all he could ask for. “The fact that you’re in my bed, giving me access to your pleasure and willing to navigate this newfangled path we’re on is all the effort I need.”

Elle nodded slowly, as if she didn’t really believe him. It was Kevin’s job to make certain she did and he would spend every moment doing just that. The sheet had slipped a little, revealing a pert nipple practically begging for his attention. Releasing her chin, he guided the back of his fingers over the sensitive nub and was rewarded by her swift intake of air.

“You are hell on a man’s resolve,” Kevin murmured, knowing that if he were to touch her in any other way, he’d be buried deep inside of her within seconds. Forcing his limbs to do as directed, he stood. “Take a shower. If you keep testing me like this, your ass
be over that spanking bench.”

*   *   *   *

Elle had taken care of the inventory and made sure the bar was restocked before heading back up to her apartment and grabbing her jacket. Monday was the day that she usually stopped in at Reformation and since Kevin had spelled out how their week was going to be spent, she knew that she’d have to keep that part of her schedule. As she walked into the bathroom to grab her hair clip, her reflection in the mirror caught her attention. Who was that woman staring back at her?

Elle still looked the same. Her hair was still black, her eyes were still brown, her features hadn’t changed and yet there was a glow that she hadn’t seen before. A smile. Happiness. Her heart fluttered.

She’d tried so hard to convey what she was feeling this morning, but the words hadn’t come out exactly how she’d wanted them to. Reciprocating in the physical sense
how she was able to give back. How else was she to show her worth? Elle cringed at her thoughts and quickly grabbed the clip before making her way out of the apartment. It sounded like the same lame emotional and physical issues that every ex-hooker had. She refused to be in the same camp and having made it this far affirmed that she would continue and do her damnedest to give the effort that Kevin spoke of this morning. How hard could it be? Every normal woman seemed to be able to do it, why not her?

Frustration and exhilaration warred within Elle as she bundled up and walked the distance to the shelter. It always felt farther in the winter, with the wind whipping her about and the slick ice spots that she tried to avoid on the mostly empty sidewalks. The skyways were how the majority of people maneuvered throughout the city, but where she was going there was nothing of that nature. Finally arriving at her destination, Elle hurried up the stairs and through the front door.

Cinnamon and another delicious aroma shrouded the entryway, leading the way into the kitchen. Cam had a red apron tied around his neck and waist, along with a matching chef’s hat sitting almost sideways on his head. Three girls, one of them Rachel, surrounded him at the table with cookie sheets filled with pink lady fingers lined up perfectly in rows of three.

“I can see I came at just the right time,” Elle quipped, unraveling her scarf and taking off her gloves. “Any hot chocolate with that?”

“For you, dear friend, I’ll even add on the marshmallows,” Cam replied with a bow. As he busied making her drink, Elle removed her jacket and placed her stuff around the corner on a chair in the common area. Returning, she took a seat and knew immediately by the gleam in Rachel’s eye that the girl was about to say something. What it could be was anyone’s guess, but Elle instantly tensed. Cam beat Rachel to it. “A little birdie told me that someone’s love life is spicing up just in time for Valentine’s Day. Do share, beautiful lady.”

Elle looked between Cam, Rachel, Molly, and Angela. All of them watched her expectantly, like she would share something like that with them. She had trouble just thinking about her relationship with Kevin when she was by herself. And how the hell had they known about her and Kevin? It wasn’t like they were at any of the places Elle and Kevin had been.

“Who told you about Kevin?”

“I like the name,” Cam said in approval, walking her way with a package of mini marshmallows. He set the bag down on the table with a wink. “Wait a second. I just connected the dots. Is this Kevin the one that came here months ago to question the tenants about the rapes and murders that have been taking place?”

Elle was too busy trying to figure out how they had come by the news to answer Cam’s questions. He rarely left the center, so that left one of the women. Elle swung her gaze to Rachel, whose Cheshire smile said it all. It still didn’t explain how she knew and it was starting to make Elle uncomfortable. She liked to fly under the radar. This was putting her in a damn red zone with flashing lights.

“Rachel? How would you know that I’m…that Kevin and I…that we’re seeing each other?” Getting the words out almost strangled Elle. It was the first time she’d admitted it out loud. Swallowing in order to regain her voice, she continued her inquiry when Molly elbowed Rachel in the arm. Molly had known too? “Rachel?”

“A friend told me.” Rachel shared a look with Molly and then with Cam, who suddenly seemed to be aware of the underlying tension. A friend? That didn’t narrow it down and the simple statement made Elle all the more wary. She waited, knowing that was the best alternative to getting Rachel to talk. “Yeah, a friend. Said they saw you and Kevin together holding hands.”

Cam set the hot chocolate on the table in front of Elle, but her stomach revolted immediately. A vision flashed in her mind of her and Kevin holding hands as he walked her into the club this morning. It was the only time they had done that publicly, besides at the hospital. The problem with anyone being witness to that is that Kevin had pulled his truck into the parking garage, which couldn’t be seen from the street. That could only mean that someone had been inside the garage.

“Rachel, could I speak with you in private for a moment?”

“Oh, Elle, don’t give her a hard time.” Cam opened the bag of marshmallows and sprinkled some on the surface of her hot chocolate. “We’re just teasing you.”

“About what?”

Eric walked into the kitchen and straight for the coffee machine that was on the counter. He hadn’t even bothered to look their way. His tone gave the indication that he was in a bad mood, but then so was Elle.


“Elle’s love life.”

Elle and Cam spoke in unison, causing Eric to finally turn around, mug in hand. It struck her that Eric appeared exhausted, considering his eyes were bloodshot and there were discolored bags underneath. His features seemed to be set in stone although his surprise was evident. She wasn’t sure she should be insulted or understanding that he would feel that way.

“Really? Who’s the lucky guy?” If it had been any other person to say that, Elle would have taken it as is, but knowing Eric, he meant that in a derisive manner. He could be such an asshole. “Anyone I know?”

“No.” Elle pinned her sights back on Rachel, who was now standing with Molly and Angela. All three appeared to want to leave, but that wasn’t happening. At least not for Rachel. “Rachel, the living room please?”

With a defeated and dramatic sigh, Rachel moved around the table and walked into the common area. Cam was tsking, as if Elle was going overboard. She sent him a glare that had him holding his hands up in surrender. Eric watched the scene unfold in front of him as she scooted back her chair to follow Rachel.

“There’s several people who know who Kevin is that we both know, but no one that should have seen Kevin and I this morning.” Elle was very uncomfortable with the conclusions she was drawing, but she didn’t want to jump to any assumptions before calling Kevin. “Unless they were in the parking garage. Is someone watching me, Rachel?”

“It’s not what you think.” Rachel crossed her arms and tapped her foot, obviously anxious to get this conversation over with. Regret was written across her features, but Elle was certain it wasn’t regret for the right reason. “Don’t be mad at Hash. He was in the area and saw you. That’s all.”

“In the area?” Elle wished that she had her phone in hand right now to let Kevin know what was going on, but it was in her coat pocket. Anyway, she needed more information. “Rachel, we were inside a parking garage. What was Hash doing there?”

“I don’t know.” It was a blatant lie and Elle was done with this conversation that was getting them nowhere. She’d had dealings like this the majority of her life, mostly arguing with the girls over whose turn it was to take the next john. Elle had learned early on not to take shit from anyone and when she’d stepped closer to let Rachel know that she’d had enough of this shit, the girl finally wavered. “He was just doing a favor for someone.”

“This is your last time to come clean,” Elle warned, standing her ground. “Why is Hash following me?”

“Bee wanted him to keep an eye on you,” Rachel exclaimed, rushing her words together. “He wasn’t convinced you were really leaving the streets and was willing to wait you out. Everyone knows that you were his go-to girl. The one who made him the most money. He took a big hit in business. He wanted Hash to keep tabs on you and to report back to him if Hash thought there was ever a chance that he might be able to convince you to come back and work for him.”

Elle was instantly sick to her stomach. She turned away from Rachel, not wanting the girl to see her reaction. Vulnerability had no place on the streets and for a brief moment, that was what it felt like. It was as if she’d been drugged back into that helpless pit of vipers, wanting any piece they could get from her. Anger pushed out the disgust and she was even more grateful that Kevin had used his influence to keep Bee from harassing her during this past year. Bee was just smarter than the average pimp and found another way. What he didn’t seem to understand was that it was her life. It was time she took matters into her own hands.

“Please don’t be mad at Hash. He—”

“Stop.” Elle walked to the corner and grabbed her coat, scarf, and gloves before finally facing the woman who reminded Elle so much of herself when she’d thought she knew all the answers. “It’s time you grow up, Rachel. Hash is a low-level drug dealer that will never amount to anything. He’ll obviously do anything for money, and in the end he’ll pick the streets over you any day. As for Bee, he uses his street credo to keep his girls in line. God only knows if he’s the one who’s actually murdering those girls, but I’ll be damned if he gets to keep his seedy little fingers in my life. Take a page out of this book, Rachel, and open your eyes to the risks of the profession. If you hide from it, you’ll end up like Francie.”

Elle walked to the door, hearing Cam calling her name. The last thing she needed was a lecture from him. He’d tell her that none of this was Rachel’s fault and that Elle should be sensitive to her plight. Fuck that. Elle gave her time to Reformation to help, but Rachel’s naiveté was going to get her killed. Someone had to be honest. She ignored Cam, slamming the door as she left. Slipping her arms into the sleeves of her coat, she’d made it to the sidewalk before looking back over her shoulder. Eric stood in the window watching her. She didn’t need his shit now either and purposely turned her back toward him. Following the sidewalk, she pulled out her cell phone and shot off a text to Kevin. Their evening plans would have to wait. She had things to take care of.

Chapter Twenty-One

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