Renewed Faith (CSA Case Files 3 / Military Romance) (22 page)

Read Renewed Faith (CSA Case Files 3 / Military Romance) Online

Authors: Kennedy Layne

Tags: #Mystery, #Thriller

With the back of his fingers, Kevin brought them to her forehead, trailing them across her questioning lines and then down her left cheek. Crossing over her chin, he completed his circle before tracing her nose. The minute he connected with her rosy lips, dragging his thumb over the plush flesh, her tongue reached out to touch the tip. As she had done to him, his eyes flew to hers, needing to see what emotion lay within.

Longing and something else so innocent that he couldn’t name glittered through and caused his cock to throb. They had just scratched the surface of this connection that was between them and now, with just a tender caress, they’d unlocked an inferno.

“I love surprises,” Kevin murmured, dropping his gaze once more to watch his exploration. “Don’t you?”

*   *   *   *

Elle felt the world spinning around her while she remained locked in place. How could Kevin affect her this way with only his hands and his words? When he’d basically given her permission to come, similar to what she’d witnessed in the club, she didn’t bother to hide her incredulity. She’d only ever come by her own hand; the men she’d been with were not worried about her pleasure. She couldn’t come from just his exploration of her body. That was ludicrous. So why was she responding in such a fashion that she now doubted herself?

Elle thought about her safeword and where she’d heard that word before. It was from a particular scene she’d witnessed in the club. The electricity of that night’s activities had energized the entire place. She recalled how the sub she watched screamed in ecstasy and how Elle had secretly wished to be in her place. Later that evening, when she’d been seeing to a guest’s request in the lounge, she came across the same sub as she was cradled in her Dom’s arms. She was obviously in aftercare as she softly wept and repeatedly whispered just one word over and over…Firefly.

“You are so beautiful, city girl.” Kevin brought both hands to her shoulders, drawing her back into the present with the warmth of his palms. He kept tracing the edge of her arms and down to her hands. “More captivating than any skyline that a camera could ever capture.”

By the time Kevin had worked his way up her sides, Elle’s muscles were quivering. She couldn’t withhold the cry that escaped her lips when he cupped her breasts, capturing her nipples in between his thumbs and hands. Her eyes involuntarily closed as pleasure wracked through her. There seemed to be a direct connection between her sensitive nubs and her clitoris, which now pulsated with her heartbeat.

“I absolutely love to hear you cry out when I give you pleasure.” Kevin released his hold on her nipples, stroking the backs of his hands over her stomach and down her thighs. He leaned in front of her, covering every inch of her outer legs before starting to glide back up her inner thighs. Instead of continuing, he wrapped his arms around her until she could feel his breath on her mound. When his finger traced the crevice of her ass, Elle found herself standing as still as he’d originally wanted her to. It wasn’t for the reason of his demand, but more so that she wasn’t sure which side she wanted him to touch more. “I think I’d like to hear what you sound like when you come.”

Each breath stroked her clit as if Kevin had actually used his tongue. She didn’t even notice that his hands had moved until he stood up. His gray eyes seemed to be the color of granite, yet the heat that resided inside made them resemble a melting pot. It only fueled her body to give him what he desired. And just like that, standing in the kitchen without a stitch of clothing and reacting to just the warm tip of Kevin’s finger on her swollen nub, her orgasm took hold and didn’t let go until he did. The entire time her body enjoyed the contractions her pussy produced, Kevin watched her face and intimately took in every reaction. It was unlike anything she’d ever experienced before and had he not been there to catch her, Elle would have ended up on her knees.

“As much as I want you there, I don’t think we’re quite ready for that.” Kevin’s soft and tender voice washed over her as he spoke low in her ear. Her body still felt electrified and every word seemed to trigger another spasm. Swinging her up in his arms, he started through the house and up the stairs. “I did like the little mews you emitted. Very sexy.”

Elle turned her face into his neck and pressed her lips against him for several reasons. One, she wanted to tell him that she was too heavy to carry but knew he’d only argue. Two, she was afraid she’d go into an uncontrollable laughing fit at having her strangled cries described as sexy. She was relatively sure the irrepressible urge stemmed more from the endorphins coursing through her body. Three, the time that had been spent in the kitchen seemed surreal and she didn’t want to say anything that might alter the rest of the night.

“Back under the covers you go.” Kevin carefully situated her on the bed and again, Elle refrained from saying she was a grown woman and not a child to be taken care of. She never stopped looking at him and was totally captivated when his large fingers, including the one that caused her body to explode, unbuttoned and unzipped the denim that kept her from viewing the rest of his glorious form. “You keep looking at me like that and I’m going to find it very hard to unearth the strength to do what I need to do.”

Kevin’s words didn’t make sense but Elle chalked it up to her frenzied hormones. His jeans fell to his ankles and one by one, he kicked them free. The size of his thighs was corded with muscle, his abdomen was contoured to announce his physical well being, but it was his erect cock that captivated her. Long, thick, and with a pearl of pre-cum at the tip, Elle felt her body responding all over again.

“Scoot over.” Kevin grabbed the comforter and lifted it higher, sliding his hard body next to hers. She reached for him, wanting and knowing what came next, but instead was stunned when he gathered her up and just held her. The sheets and comforter surrounded them, capturing their warmth. “Close your eyes. It’s been a very long weekend.”

Elle knew that sleep was in a far off place that she rarely visited. If Kevin thought now would be any different, he was sorely mistaken. Why weren’t they going to have sex? It dawned on her that she hadn’t really spoken since he began touching her and she didn’t want to now, but the need for answers overcame her.

“Kevin?” Elle whispered, her head nestled into his shoulder although her body was far from relaxed. “Why aren’t we doing more? You didn’t…”

Elle was uncertain of how to describe what they weren’t doing, knowing he would make it sound more intimate than she would. When Kevin didn’t answer right away, she tentatively lowered her hand down his chest but he caught it before it moved any lower. The steel grip sent another wave of desire through her, yet she couldn’t bring herself to tell him that the scene in the kitchen wasn’t enough. She needed more.

“Close your eyes.” It sounded as if his words were spoken through gritted teeth and she felt ire rise up, her hand closing into a tight fist. “Go to sleep.”

“I don’t want to go to sleep,” Elle snapped, struggling to sit up. Although it was said in a normal tone, her words seemed to echo throughout the room. It was dim, but not so dark that she couldn’t make out his features. He’d left the hallway light on, for which she was grateful. “We can’t just…share something like that and then go to sleep. It doesn’t work that way.”

“It works that way if I say it works that way.” Kevin refused to let her sit up. Elle emitted a deep frustrated sigh and settled back down, far from the relaxed state he wanted her in. She’d wait until he loosened his grip before slipping out. “You keep forgetting that I don’t intend for us to be fleeting. When we’re ready for something more intimate, we’ll know.”

Elle bit her lower lip to state that she damn well knew what she wanted, but discerned that would sound like a bitch. Instead, her mind raced with thoughts of what had happened, things she’d witnessed in the club, and scenes she wouldn’t object participating in with him. Their relationship had gone from one big mind fuck to being physical. If she were honest with herself, it was both and that was why she was so on edge. She’d lost control of every aspect of her life. What was she to do now?

“Relax.” Kevin spoke as if he’d heard her unspoken question, but Elle knew it was just because her muscles were taut and he could feel the tension radiating off of her. At least she was relatively sure he didn’t have the power to read her mind. At this juncture, considering where she was, anything was possible. “I’ve got you. We’ll wake up early, enjoy a nice breakfast while watching the snow fall, and talk about our week’s plans. And maybe, just maybe, we can have a repeat performance of what happened in the kitchen. Those sexy little cries will get me through the day.”

Elle inhaled and forced her body to relax. She pushed away the insidious fear that still crept around inside of her, baiting and taunting her that this would never last. She was truly afraid that the more he learned of her life on the streets, the more it would push him away. She would focus on the here and now, her different experiences having given her an unusual perspective. Would fear win out over hope? Or would hope instill faith in her as Kevin had once suggested?

The last few weeks had been leading up to this moment, albeit she would have thought they’d consummate their relationship together, and she’d answered him honestly in the kitchen when she’d said
. She was ready to embark on this journey and see where it led them. She would also freely admit that she wanted the mental escape that the submissives at the club seem to have found, but knew that should they ever take their physical relationship that far, she would enjoy testing and setting new boundaries. She smiled against his chest and hoped that he didn’t catch the motion. Tomorrow might just start out a little better than he’d described.

Chapter Twenty

evin stirred, not wanting to wake up from the dream that consumed his soul. Warmth coated him and he instinctively elevated his hips, wanting more. Silk, maybe satin, rubbed against his cock and he felt the building tension in his balls. Up and down, over and around, there was no getting away from the overwhelming heat that was tempting to pull his seed from deep within.

“Fuck,” Kevin whispered, struggling to open his eyes. Sunlight didn’t pour in like usual, giving him the indication that snow was falling. Either that or it was damn early in the morning. His room appeared the same and the warm spot beside him let him know that Elle was near. Everything was fine, except something wasn’t quite right. He went to bring his hands up in order to rub his face only to realize his fingers were entangled in strands of mellifluous hair. Fuck. “Elle, stop.”

With one long hard draw and a distinct flick of Elle’s tongue, Kevin groaned when he felt the pressure of his balls erupt. Tightening his hold on her head, he kept her in place to receive his seed. He had no doubt this was exactly what she had planned, but nevertheless, it wasn’t how he wanted the day to start. This was supposed to be about her, about acclimating her to his life and familiarizing her with the significance he wanted this relationship to have. His release was strong and by the time she’d drunk every last drop, Kevin seriously contemplated calling the office and telling Jessie that he wouldn’t make it in today.

“Good morning,” Elle murmured, slowly working her way up his body. He waited until she was directly over top of him before quickly flipping her over and pinning her to the mattress. “Oh!”

“Nymph,” Kevin exclaimed before claiming her mouth. He kissed her until they couldn’t breathe and then he relented, pulling away as they both gasped for air. “Ground rules. We need ground rules. This week will be spent getting to know one another, but on my terms. You had the run for almost a year, so now it’s my time. Starting now. Take a shower and meet me in the kitchen. I never did manage to get your clothes washed, so borrow a pair of my sweats. We’ll talk about the week over breakfast.”

Kevin levered himself off of her and the bed, walking across the cold wood floor to grab some clothes out of his dresser. He made a mental note to buy some throw rugs, not wanting Elle to be uncomfortable. Flicking on the lights, he ensured the dimmer was activated so her eyes weren’t bothered by the brightness. He nabbed the required garments and when he didn’t hear the rustle of the sheets, turned back around. With her back against the headboard, she’d managed to tuck the sheet over her breasts and under her arms. Her black hair had come loose from its band sometime throughout the night and it draped over her shoulders. Rosy lips were visible and his dick hardened once more, knowing
was the reason for such a sensual look. She followed every movement he made, as if gauging his reaction of what had just taken place.

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