Read Dude, You're Gonna Be a Dad! Online
Authors: John Pfeiffer
Tags: #HEALTH & FITNESS / Pregnancy & Childbirth, #HUMOR / Topic / Marriage & Family, #FAMILY & RELATIONSHIPS / Parenting / Fatherhood
You’ll want to choose your pediatrician before you bring your child home. You’ll find out that babies need to go to the doctor often — even more so if they’re going to be in group child care. Their immune systems are limited, and they can catch just about any germ that’s out there. Before this happens, take the time to select a doctor for your new baby. (Guess what? We get another fun list!) Here are a few of the criteria you can consider:
Just as there are some signs that you might have found a good pediatrician, there are several signs you may be on the wrong track. Just a few of the more obvious ones:
As the doctor leans over to pick up some trash,
his white coat slides open, revealing a T-shirt that states: “My PhD stands for Party Hard, Dude!”
The fine print on his diploma reveals that he graduated from
. His minor area of study is listed as kegology.
While being escorted back to the examination room, you overhear the doctor telling someone how he applied to the FBI to be the dedicated physician for all female agents.
“Then,” he continues, “I could tell everyone that I was always right, FBI really does stand for Female Body Inspector!”
She enters the first appointment smoking a cigarette,
and then offers you a glass of wine while you wait.
It’s common for both parents to work. So unless one of you is able to perform masterfully at your job while caring for a child at the same time, you’ll need to make arrangements for your baby’s care while you two parents earn a few dollars.
Many dads are not quite in touch with the reality that you need to do this well ahead of time. All of the quality day-care providers — and even some of the average day-care providers — in your area may have waiting lists. So you need to get out there and scout these places out. If you find one that meets or exceeds all of your requirements, you’ll find yourself doing everything within reason to secure your child’s spot at that location. You may even find yourself slipping the director of the facility a C-note to help things along. Oh, come on, just kidding (as far as you know).
As you and your BMP talk to enough parents about their day-care providers, you may begin to sense that most of them are making the best they can of this situation, and you’ll usually be correct. Any decent day care is very expensive, but when you go for an on-site visit, it may leave you underwhelmed, or simply whelmed. Many of the “teachers” may have trouble with grammar, selecting a flattering hairstyle, and remembering to brush their teeth on a regular basis. This is not the house of dreams you envisioned leaving your little angel at for long periods of time. So right off the bat, you’re attempting to reconcile the cost with the quality of the personnel.
It’s time for another one of my lists! I know you’re excited:
So once you do all your homework, how do you decide? There is no foolproof methodology. Some simply look at what they can afford. Others look at the various costs versus the benefits. If you can, stay around the facility for a few hours, and you’ll get a feel for whether the staff really cares for the children. That plus the location and price should be the ultimate criteria. A quick tip: many employers offer an account that allows you to pay for dependent care with pretax dollars. Every little bit counts!
Unfortunately you can’t just post the following announcement on your fantasy football message board: She did it! The baby popped out. It’s a boy, and he’s hung like his father. Everybody’s fine!
To most guys, this probably covers all the needed information, but it’s not going to make the grade. You’re going to drop more cash than you feel is reasonable to announce your offspring’s arrival into the world. Unfortunately, this requires trips to some sort of store created out of most men’s nightmares, as well as lengthy discussions about paper thickness and quality, in-depth analysis of font type and size, and the difference between Cotton Candy and Cherry Blossom paper samples. As your frustration builds, refrain from these common responses:
Like many things in life, sharing these feelings will feel good in the moment, but there will be payback later. Just strap yourself in for several hours spent dedicating yourself to differentiating between shades of light pink or blue. As the price per announcement climbs, you’ll want to fight back and cross those third cousins off the recipient list. Don’t sweat it. Maybe the force will be with you and those long-lost relatives will give you some of the best gifts.
One night a father overheard his son pray: “Dear God, Make me the kind of man my Daddy is.” Later that night, the father prayed, “Dear God, Make me the kind of man my son wants me to be.”
First and foremost, let’s define exactly what a push gift is:
Push gift (n).
A ridiculous concept created by women to begin a trend in which they receive a gift in exchange for carrying a baby to full gestation. Their hope is for this to become a common practice the whole world over.
Okay, so this definition is sarcastic, inflammatory, and for the most part, meant to be in jest. Looked at one way, a push gift lets men acknowledge the pain and sacrifice women go through to carry and birth a child into the world. But on the other hand, there is no “emotionally scarred for life” gift for men or a “you’ve been wrong for nine straight months” gift to reward us for making it through pregnancy. If you and your BMP decided to procreate, it really wasn’t a question of “Okay, who is going to carry this thing? Honey, are you sure? Thanks for stepping up to the plate.”
So my advice is this: if the gift comes from a good place in you, then go for it. But if you happen to pick up a vibe about how the cost of the gift will be evaluated as a measure of your love, or if your offering will be compared to what So-and-So got from her husband, then at least try to get store credit when you return the gift.
As you near weeks 38 and on, you’ll be a vigilant member of what the media would name Babywatch. While it’s not as stimulating as
, which exists so viewers can ogle beautiful lifeguards as they run down the beach on TV, Babywatch consists of staying in constant contact with your BMP, texting her to see if she “feels” anything happening in there while the two of you are apart, and generally being a pest. But your efforts are not mistimed: Although only about 4 percent of moms give birth on their due date, about 98 percent give birth during weeks 38 through 42.
Although only about 4 percent of moms give birth on their due date, about 98 percent give birth during weeks 38 through 42.
For your BMP, the rest of the way home is going to get pretty uncomfortable. It’s guesstimated that she’ll gain about a pound a week for the rest of the pregnancy, and because she’s roughly the size of a barn, she’ll have a harder time moving around and will suffer more aches and pains.