Microsoft Word - MeantForEachOther.doc (26 page)

“Maybe you’re right, but that doesn’t make the problem any easier.”

“You’re right.” Andrew’s heart was pounding. His cock had become fully erect and his blood coursed through his veins. He had to work to contain his excitement before speaking once again. “Thanks, Robert. I’m glad we talked about this. Now I can enjoy the weekend.”

Robert kept the conversation light for the remainder of the trip. They changed CDs, talking about what music they liked, work, and the workshops they would be attending at the convention. The four hour trip to DC flew by and the next thing Andrew knew, they pulled into the hotel parking lot and were checking into their room.

Once unpacked, Robert led him down to the hotel restaurant. Andrew splurged on dinner, making the evening as enjoyable as possible. He ordered them an expensive bottle of champagne, as Robert continued talking about the market and his work at Goldman. The two of them ordered every appetizer catching their eyes and meals of the best cuts of beef. Once finished, Andrew suggested they continue talking at the bar, opening a tab for them.

By the time they headed back to the room, Andrew was stumbling on his feet, but happier than he could remember feeling in a long time. The evening had encapsulated everything he wanted out of his life. A five-star hotel, sumptuous food, expensive drinks, all without a thought for the money he was spending.

Back in the room, Andrew started undressing, heading into the bathroom to take a shower. Robert said he would call room service and order them another bottle of champagne.

As the hot water pattered against his skin, Andrew closed his eyes, a mixture of guilt and pleasure passing through him. He had betrayed Jeremy on the ride to DC. Not only had he complained about him, sharing intimate details of their problems with Robert, but he had betrayed him mentally as well. His attraction to Robert grew with each passing moment and the feelings excited him more than they alarmed him. At the same time, the thrill of enjoying the evening, the food, drink, and company, with no thought to consequences held a particularly strong allure. Rather than continue to contemplate the situation, he simply concentrated on the alcohol still coursing through his veins and enjoyed the heat of the water penetrating his skin to sooth his tense muscles.


D.H. Starr

Meant For Each Other

When Andrew came out of the shower, Robert had slipped into a polo shirt and loose fitting jeans. He handed Andrew a glass of champagne. “Here, let’s toast. To a fantastic weekend between friends who understand one another.”

Andrew clinked his glass against Robert’s. Robert’s choice of words sent a thrill straight to his groin and he suddenly felt extremely exposed as his cock began to shift once again, the only thing separating his erection from Robert’s vision was a thin layer of fabric. “Thanks.” He stretched his arms and started to rub his shoulder. “Huh, I must be stiff from sitting all day in the car.”

Robert got up. “I give a mean back rub. Do you mind?”

Andrew sat on the couch so his back was turned to Robert. “Not at all.”

He sat behind Andrew, wiggling one leg onto the couch along Andrew’s body and placing the other on the floor. Andrew became acutely aware the only thing separating Robert’s package from his ass were jeans and a towel. Robert rubbed his hands to warm them, before working on Andrew’s bare shoulders. He kneaded the tight muscles until the knots began to loosen. Andrew sighed, leaning into the pressure. Robert moved his hands down Andrew’s lats, squeezing at the cords of muscle which ran down his sides.

Andrew lifted his glass to his mouth only to find it empty. “Let me refill that for you.” Robert leaned to the side to grab the bottle and in doing so, his body pressed against Andrew’s back. The contact sent shivers through him and caused his cock to lurch underneath the towel. His glass full, Andrew took a large sip, the bubbles tickling his throat.

Robert slid his hands to Andrew’s chest, massaging the large, well-defined pectoral muscles, pulling Andrew back to lean against his chest in the process. Andrew tensed at the touch. “Shh. Relax. I told you I’m good at giving massages.” Andrew obeyed.

Continuing his rubbing, Robert pinched Andrew’s nipples which sent a shock through him. He drew in a deep breath and leaned back against Robert’s chest. He couldn’t recall nipple stimulation as a recognized massage technique, but he didn’t care.

Robert’s touch felt too good.

“How’s that, Andrew?” Robert’s voice was a silky whisper close to his ear.

Andrew pushed up, into Robert’s hands. “Good.”

A low throaty chuckle answered him. “Enjoy.” Slowly, Robert’s hands ventured down Andrew’s abs, his fingers pressing and rubbing at the planes of his six-pack, then working lower down his body. Again, Andrew tensed, but relaxed without being coaxed this time.

Robert made the final move and lowered his hand to Andrew’s cock, reaching beneath the towel and circling his hand around Andrew’s shaft. Andrew let out a deep moan as his cock jumped in Robert’s grip.

Robert gave a light tug, rotating his hand in a soft motion to create additional friction. Andrew moaned, a breathy oooh escaping his mouth as he tilted his head back and to the side so it rested on Robert’s shoulders, their mouths inches apart.

Tentatively, he leaned toward Robert until their lips met. Robert’s mouth opened to him 120

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Meant For Each Other

without hesitation, his lips soft and smooth, his tongue tasting of champagne. Their mouths locked, tongues dancing against one another.

Andrew felt Robert’s pace quicken on his shaft, his fingers slipping across the head of his cock which had become lubricated with generous amounts of precum.

Andrew pulled from the kiss. His initial thought to put a stop to things before hey got out of hand. What he said, matched his desires, not his better judgment. “Maybe we should move this to the bed.” As soon as the words escaped his mouth, shock and excitement filled his mind. He shouldn’t want this, but he did.

Without a word, Robert stood and walked over to the bed, first removing his shirt, then his pants, until he stood before Andrew, naked and erect, an Adonis with bronze skin. “Your turn. I want you to remove that towel and come over here, make a show of it to get me excited.”

The commanding words sent a thrill straight to Andrew’s groin and he lifted his towel, freeing his cock from the confines of the fabric and stood. He wasn’t accustomed to allowing someone else to take control sexually and the change in roles overwhelmed him with lust and arousal. His erection was full and heavy, standing directly in front of him, a thin string of clear liquid dripping from the tip. He reached down, scooped the string with his finger, and placed it in his mouth. The salty tang combined with the sweet taste of champagne.

Robert gasped, then closed the distance between them, grabbing Andrew and pulling him into a kiss. When he pulled his mouth away, it was only long enough to whisper in his ear. “That was so fucking hot.” He then locked his mouth on Andrew’s neck, licking and nibbling at the skin as he backed Andrew to the bed and lay them down.

They continued kissing and rolling on the bed until Robert pulled back gasping. “I want you to taste my excitement.”

Andrew sat up, placing his hands on Robert’s broad chest and pushing him down so he lay flat. Crawling down his body, he grasped the base of Robert’s cock and lowered his head until the glistening tip of Robert’s erection entered his mouth.

The salty flavor of precum filled him and traveled along the length of his palate, triggering his sense of smell. The taste and aroma sent bolts of excitement through him, straight to his groin and his cock began to pulse in time with his rapidly beating heart.

As he lifted and lowered his head, swallowing Robert’s hard shaft, more and more of his essence filled Andrew’s mouth.

Robert’s groans increased in volume as he bucked his hips, fucking Andrew’s face.

Just as Andrew prepared for his reward, he felt Robert’s hands cup his armpits and pull him up along his body until they were face to face. He dropped his head to capture Robert’s mouth in a hungry kiss, their tongues dueling, exploring and probing until Robert broke the kiss once again and pushed Andrew onto his back. Straddling him, the expression in his eyes was one of pure lust.


D.H. Starr

Meant For Each Other

Robert slowly kissed his way down Andrew’s body, until his hot breath brushed along the length of his shaft. When Robert closed his lips over Andrew’s cock, the sudden shock of hot wetness sent fire from his groin to all of his extremities, as if someone had touched an electrical wire to his body. Currents of bliss rushed through him. Robert took Andrew all the way in, slowly lifted his head so only the tip remained in his mouth, then lowered back down again. Steady, slow motions maintained a slick friction over his skin, eliciting more and more precum from him. The tickle of the fluid travelling up his length before escaping through the opening at the tip, caused his muscles to quiver, the ring of his anus, spasming.

As his pleasure increased, Andrew placed a hand on Robert’s head, forcing his mouth to separate from the expert sucking. “I’m getting too close. I want you to fuck me.”

A wicked grin crossed over Robert’s face. “Your wish…I have condoms in my bag.”

Robert got up and walked over to Andrew’s bag, his cock bouncing with each step.

After retrieving a condom and a bottle of lube, he returned to the bed. Andrew pulled his knees to his chest, exposing himself to Robert. And was rewarded by the cold sensation of fingers slicked with lube probing at his opening, gently pressing into him, working his tight ring open.

Before long, Robert was finger-fucking him, two digits pushing in and out of him easily. “Enough. Fuck me.”

Robert smiled once again, placing the corner of the wrapper in his mouth and tearing it, spitting the bit of the wrapping across the room. He then sheathed his cock and guided it to Andrew’s entrance.

As the head of Robert’s erection pressed against Andrew’s opening, he pulled in a deep breath, the burn cutting through the champagne induced haze. “Do you want me to go slow?”

Andrew hissed his response. “No. Fuck me.”

Robert pressed forward, spearing Andrew. The stretch created a burning sensation as he accommodated Robert’s shaft. Lights danced in the corners of his eyes. It had been years since anyone had fucked him. He always topped Jeremy. Giving himself over to someone else, forcing himself to submit, to open and expose himself, touched at a side of him he had buried. For a moment, he wondered why he didn’t feel comfortable allowing this level of intimacy and vulnerability with Jeremy, but quickly pushed the thought aside, not wanting anything to spoil this moment for him. Control had become part of his routine; control at work and control at home. He needed to break it if he wanted to move forward with his life. And maybe Robert was the person to move forward with.

Reaching down, he gripped Robert’s ass and pulled him in, urging his pace to quicken. Robert responded automatically, pounding harder and faster. Each thrust rubbing against Andrew’s prostate, the center of his erogenous core. A tingling 122

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sensation took hold deep inside, replacing the burn with utterly blissful pleasure. He closed his eyes and succumbed completely to the onslaught.

Each thrust increased the quivering of dormant muscles. Sweat dripped off Robert’s face and from his hair, splashing against Andrew’s chest, mixing with the sheen of perspiration coating his entire body. In an explosion, they both erupted, screaming in release, Robert buried to the hilt deep inside Andrew and Andrew’s seed shooting out of him onto his chest and stomach.

They remained connected in that position until the waves of pleasure subsided and their breathing returned to normal, then Robert pulled out of Andrew, carefully removed the condom, and dropped it into the waste can next to the bed.

Flipping off the light, Robert snuggled close to Andrew, wrapping his arms around him so Andrew’s back pressed against Robert’s chest. For a brief moment, Andrew thought of Jeremy and the betrayal he had just committed, but pushed the thought out of his mind, refusing to allow anything to spoil the first evening in years he felt truly happy. Snuggling back into Robert’s embrace, Andrew closed his eyes, unaware of the moment he fell asleep.


D.H. Starr

Meant For Each Other

Chapter Thirteen

Craig didn’t go into work on Friday, telling Janet he wanted to see Robert off. The truth was he and Jeremy had plans to spend the evening together and he wanted time to prepare. Once Robert left, he hustled out to purchase wine, the ingredients for the pot roast, baked potatoes, and sautéed asparagus. He then picked up flowers to decorate the apartment. He wanted to make sure that every aspect of the evening would be perfect. Passing by a Newbury Comics store, he dashed in and picked up Squeeze’s Greatest Hits, it had been his and Jeremy’s favorite group. He didn’t care that the last two times they had been alone together, they had taken things to a place where no two people in relationships should go. They were adults and could handle themselves. Still, as the hours ticked by, his nervousness increased exponentially.

Jeremy showed up at seven o’clock, a couple of bottles of wine in hand. He smiled as Craig stepped aside, his masculine scent flowing into Craig as he passed. The smell of cooking beef filled the apartment with a hint of the asparagus, which he had simmering on the stovetop. “Wow! This reminds me of your house on a winter night.”

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