My Body-His (21 page)

Read My Body-His Online

Authors: Blakely Bennett

Tags: #sex, #bdsm, #domination, #submission, #bondage, #whipping

Did you make all your calls?” Luke said,
looking at me from under his brow.

I called Sandy and Parker but have put off
calling my mother.”

Give me her number,” he said as he picked up
the phone beside him.

I dictated the number to him and could hear the phone
ringing. Luke held me in his arms as he waited.

Hello,” he said.

Who is this?” I heard her say in her usual
aggravated tone.

Jacqueline?” he said. His voice sounded
pleasant and inviting.

Yes?” she said as a question.

This is Luke, Jane’s lover and we would like
to invite you over on Friday evening … say around seven. I look
forward to meeting you.”

Oh … well, I will have to check my schedule,
of course,” she said. I stifled my laughter but still shook up and
down. I rolled my eyes.

I’m sure you will cancel whatever you may have
scheduled. Go now and get a pen so I can give you the

The ease with which he handled my mother gave me a
great sense of relief.

Jane, you still need to call Allison and I
want you to invite Pierce and your boss as well.”

Oh Luke, you have got to be kidding,” I said
in a whiney voice. I stopped short of stomping my foot.

Not at all. I don’t want Pierce or your boss,
for that matter, bothering you. Having them over will make things
clear to all ... unless, of course, you’re ready to leave your job.
In that case just call Allison.”

I knew what he was doing, but I also knew I wasn’t
ready to give up my independence. Leaving my job meant that I had
to give up my apartment and car and I wasn’t ready for that.

Another thought occurred to me. “Maybe we should have
this get-together at a restaurant,” I said. “That way we don’t have
to worry about the food or cleaning up.”

Luke laughed so hard I thought he would fall off the
stool he was sitting on. “You are so transparent, Jane. I haven’t
yet decided whether or not I will allow you to wear clothes. We may
have to do a trade for that privilege. We have a couple of days to
talk it over.”

If I’m so transparent then you should know I’d
never consider meeting with those people naked.”

people,” he said, still laughing.
“Of course it won’t be up to you. Rule Number Seven states clearly
that you will always be naked in this apartment. We have already
made an exception for your running on the tread. You, as always,
are free to leave at anytime but make no mistake: this is up to me,
not you. Get out of here,” he said, pushing me away from him toward
the door. “I have work to do. Make those calls, Jane, and thanks
again for the sandwich.” He dismissed me like some hired

I left the room in a furious mood. Who the fuck did
he think he was? Why was nothing simple with this man? He was
capable of making me so happy one minute and then completely
pissing me off the next. I didn’t want to call Pierce or Brian. I
grabbed the phone from the table next to the couch without thinking
and dialed Allison’s work number.

Hi, this is Allison, how may I help

Hi, Ally, it’s Jane,” I said.

Oh, hi Jane, I didn’t think you were at work

Oh, I’m not.”

Are you okay?”

Yes, I’m fine, I just needed the time off.
I’ll be back tomorrow and by the way, I told Brian I was fighting a

Okay, so—”

So I called to invite you over to our
place—mine and Luke’s—for a get-together Friday evening at seven.
Rick can come, too.”

Rick works until at least seven, but I’d love
to come. I’m looking forward to meeting your man. By the way,
Pierce came by my office today to ask if I knew anything about your

Really?” I said. I was sure that was a bad

Yes, really. Of course I told him I know
nothing and he took off quickly.”

I hope he’s not going around asking other

I wouldn’t worry about him. He just has a
small crush on you is all. See you tomorrow at work?” she

I heard the other line pick up. “Jane?” Luke said.
His tone of voice clearly told me he was livid.

Oh, sorry,” I said. “I’ll be right off.” My
heart pounded out of my chest. I knew I shouldn’t have used his
phone but my anger propelled me to get the calls over with and
clearly I wasn’t thinking straight. I knew it would make no
difference to Luke.

Come in here as soon as you’re done,” he said
and hung up.

I have to go,” I said to Allison.

Is everything okay?” she asked.

Yeah,” I said. “I have to go.” I hung up the
phone. Petrified, I didn’t move right away. I couldn’t handle
another disciplining on top of the one I’d received last

Somehow I managed to propel my feet in the direction
of the office and knock on the door.

We’re not having a good day, are we, Jane?” he
said. He stood there next to the whips and paddles as a way of
intimidating me and it worked.

It was stupid of me. I wasn’t thinking. I just
called Allison. I didn’t mean anything by it. I thought you meant
to use the phone when you said make the calls.”

I’m not sure I’ve impressed upon you the
importance of respecting my belongings. I thought I was very clear
that phone is for work only.”

I promise it won’t happen again,

I think you know by now how things work
between us, Jane. Please sit in the chair.”

Luke, please,” I said.

Say the words, Jane, or shut the fuck up and
sit down. What’s it going to be?”

I moved slowly over to the chair that was on the
canvas backdrop and sat down. The chair was bare metal and cold.
Its hard surface pushed into my welts, making me wince.

Luke knelt before me and tied my legs to the chair.
He then walked behind me and tied my arms together and fastened the
rope to the chair’s back legs. I couldn’t imagine what he planned
to do to me. He had never struck me anywhere but on the back of my
body. I panted, finding it hard to breathe. I was more scared then
aroused but my nipples disagreed.

After tying me securely, Luke knelt down in front of
me again and gently sucked on each of my nipples. He seduced them
until they were completely erect. By then the fear had subsided and
the raw need to be filled and used had taken over.

He strutted over to the wall and took down a small
paddle. It looked exactly like the paint stirring paddle he’d used
before but was much smaller.

Oh … uh … oh,” I said as I realized his
intentions. I had almost blurted out NO! But I was fully aware of
the consequences of such a reaction.
Please no,
I begged

This is going to hurt those big nipples of
yours,” he said without any particular expression, which frightened

I wouldn’t let myself cry, although the tears were
already brimming in anticipation of the first jolt of pain.

Uh … uh … uh ….” Sounds of protest came out of
me involuntarily as the pain of the first swat on my right nipple
ripped through my body. I needed to scream,
Oh fuck, oh
, but managed not to utter a word. The
pain was so acute that it knocked the breath out of me. I tried
desperately to twist my upper body to keep my nipples away from his
strikes but he grabbed my breast and pressed my nipple

He switched to the other side of me and I braced
myself in expectation of the pain my left nipple would endure.
“Ugggggh.” The sound tore out of me as a wave of nausea roiled my
stomach. He grasped my breast as he had on the other side.

One more on each side,” he said.

Oh, oh, oh,” I said. What I wanted to say was,
please, wait. You’ve made your point
, but then I
realized that the pain had already subsided somewhat. I would
survive. The need to cry had vanished and a lustful craving had
taken its place. I wanted him to untie me and fuck me hard. I
wanted him to throw me down on the ground and ram his hard cock
into me without mercy. I wanted to be devoured and reborn. My mind
twisted inside with strange thoughts and visions.

Reality called me back with a harder thwack to my
poor swollen right nipple and the tears I had struggled to hold
back broke loose. I didn’t think I could stand the hit to the other
side. I struggled to pull my arms loose but couldn’t free them. I
wanted to protect my left nipple with my hand but I was exposed and
bound and helpless.

Last one,” he said. “You are amazing, my
love … such tolerance.”

I wanted to hit him, spew my anger all over him. I
wanted to make him eat his compliments. I wanted him to ….

Oooopf,” I groaned. “Uh, uh, uh, uh.” The pain
made me dizzy, and without the ropes holding me tight, I would have
fallen off the chair.

You can’t imagine how beautiful you look,” he

I shook my head no as he lifted my head by my chin
and looked down on me.

Oh, but you do, my love, so

Tears spilled over my cheeks as I continued to shake
my head in protest at his assertion that somehow under these
conditions I looked beautiful to him. He knelt down in front of me
and pulled my buttocks forward. He tasted me for the first time
since leaving for Japan.

You may think you don’t care for pain, but
your body says otherwise. You are so wet, Jane, and you taste so
good. Should I continue or untie you?”

Yes, please,” I said.

Yes, indeed,” he said and lowered his mouth to
my wet cunt.

After giving me two powerful orgasms he picked up his
camera and took pictures. I was so satiated I didn’t care what he
did. He untied me from the chair and turned me around, leaning my
upper body forward.

Push your legs out more, Jane, so I can see
the marks on your thighs.”

My salvation came when he finally laid me on the
ground and fucked me hard from behind. My nipples pushed against
the floor reminding me of my punishment. He came into me with the
force of a powerful animal having its way.

We lay on the floor recovering together, my head on
his chest. He gently stroked my hair and held me close.

I need to get back to work, love,” he said.
“And you still need to make some phone calls. Your

I don’t want to move,” I said and snuggled
deeper into his arms.

It shouldn’t take me much longer and then we
can grab a bite out if you’d like.”

Okay,” I said. I dreaded the phone calls I
still had to make. I walked out the door of the studio, stopped by
the bathroom to clean up, and headed to our bedroom.

My cellphone sat in its charger. I rested on the edge
of the bed and stared at it. I couldn’t decide what to say. These
weren’t men with whom I socialized. I decided to blame it on

Brian, please,” I said, after his secretary
picked up.

Hello, this is Brian,” he said.

Hi Brian, its Jane.”

Hello, are you feeling any better?”

Yes, thanks. I’m calling to invite you to a
small get-together we are having on Friday night at seven. Luke, my
boyfriend, would like to meet you. Allison will be there and I am
inviting Pierce as well. What do you think?”

Oh well, sure, I’ll come,” he said.

Great,” I said but wished he had declined. I
gave him the address and hurriedly ended the call.

The next call I put off for another twenty minutes. I
knew Pierce would ask too many questions. I wondered if he would
talk about me at work. I ignored the possibility that Luke would
require me to be naked. He must have already figured out that it
would be a deal breaker for us. I guess I’d learn soon enough if
Luke wanted to keep me around.

Hello, this is Pierce.”

Hi Pierce, this is Jane,” I said.

I know who this is,” he said. I forgot that he
would be upset that I missed lunch with him today. His voice made
it clear he was angry. “What do you want? Another

I took a deep breath and said, “I want to invite you
to a get-together on Friday evening at seven that Luke and I are
having at our place. He’d like to meet you.”

I don’t get you, Jane,” he said.

Is that a yes or a no, Pierce?” I said.
Please say no,
I pleaded silently.

The chance to meet the infamous Luke? Of
course I’ll be there.”

Fuck, shit, fuck,
I thought. I gave him the
address and hung up.

I still needed to make the food arrangements. Pizza
was too casual and sushi too formal. I decided on Italian and
considered asking Luke what restaurant we had just gone to then
thought better of it. Never would I willingly face those people
again. Being blindfolded and not actually seeing them didn’t lessen
my humiliation. I called a place nearby and placed an order for

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