Read The Beginning of Us Online

Authors: Alexis Noelle

The Beginning of Us (194 page)

“Reid, this place is gorgeous. I love it.”

“And I love putting that smile on your face. I would move mountains to see that smile.” I squeeze her tightly, lifting her into the air, and spin her around. I let her slide down the length of my body. She arches an eyebrow when she feels my groin harden beneath her.

She laces her hand around my neck, and her fingers tangle through my hair. Pulling my face to hers, she kisses me passionately. It’s not fevered and fast, but slow and seductive. She’s tasting, licking, and nipping at me with such sensuality that I’ve grown painfully hard behind the zipper of my jeans.

Grabbing my hand, she pulls me into the bedroom. She removes my clothes, slowly; her eyes never stray from mine. When I’m naked before her, she runs her hands over every inch of my chest and back as she leans in for yet another earth-shattering kiss. She pushes me all the way to the bed until the backs of my knees hit the mattress. Pushing me down to the mattress, she begins removing her clothes in the sexiest striptease I have ever seen in my life. She’s not calling on her inner stripper. No, what makes this as sexy as fuck is the innocence and trust in her eyes. Every item of clothing is removed slowly, deliberately. She’s pulling the fabric along every inch of her body, and it makes my fingers itch with need to touch her.

When she’s disposed of all of her clothing, she crawls on top of me, straddling my throbbing length. There are no words; even if there were, there’s no need for them now. I can see her love for me brewing at the surface. I know I’m conveying the same look.

Reaching down between us, I nudge into her dripping wet core, and she sinks down onto me so slowly that I can feel every pulse and beat of her sex.

“Fuck, Maddy! You’re driving me crazy. Ahhh…I love you.” I’m barely holding it together.

When she leans down to kiss me, I wrap my hands around her waist, and pull her up and down along my aching cock.

She doesn’t say anything; I don’t think she can, but every time I bottom out in her, I feel her insides quiver in pleasure. I move her so we are sitting upright together. She’s now straddled on my lap, and I push into her hard and deep. Reaching around with one hand, I grab her ass and move her in rhythm with me. Using the other hand, I rub slow, sensual circles around her pulsing clit.

“Ohhh…Reid…yes, faster, please…yes…oh, baby, I’m coming.”

Her back arches, forcing her perfect breasts close to my mouth. I lick and suck furiously, feeling her inner muscles clamp down on my swelling erection.

When she comes a second time, from only my mouth suckling her sweet nipples, I lose it. Two more hard pumps into her drenched channel, and I come with more force than I ever thought possible. I entangle my arms around her slim body and pull us both down onto the mattress.

She places her head on my chest and runs her fingers through the light spattering of hair on it. I love it when she does that. I pull the blanket that’s folded at the bottom of the bed over us and kiss the top of her head.

“I love you, Maddy. How about we take a nap, and then I’ll take you out to a fancy dinner to celebrate the end of your first semester?”

“That sounds perfect, except one thing.”

“What’s that, babe?”

“We’ll go out to celebrate you graduating and starting your internship. I’m so proud of you, baby.”

My face nearly splits in two at her praise. It’s been so long since someone was genuinely proud of anything I’ve done.

“We’ll celebrate both, then. Let’s get some sleep now. I’m sure we’ll need our energy for later.”

I feel her smile against my chest, and in a few short minutes her breathing has evened out and her hand has stopped tracing patterns lightly in my chest hair.

I fall asleep knowing that when I wake up, my pain won’t be gone, but it will be bearable; it will be less. Life can’t be painful when the most beautiful thing in the world is curled into your side, keeping you warm and safe and protected from the ghosts of your past.



When I wake up from my nap, Reid isn’t at my side, but there’s a note.

Hey, baby,

I had to run a few errands, and yes, they involve a surprise for you. I got you some lunch from the deli down the road. It’s in the mini-fridge. I’ll be back at five to pick you up for our
date.  See you soon.

I love you xx

I eat lunch out on the balcony and enjoy the fresh air and the scenery. I get lost in my book, one that I haven’t been able to read lately because I was so preoccupied with finals, and before I realize it, I need to get in the shower and get ready for our date.

After my shower, I dry my hair so that it curls in soft waves around my face. Keeping my makeup clean and simple, I feel sexy and beautiful.

As I walk toward the bedroom to get dressed, I realize that I have no clue what is in the suitcase. I’m sure that Reid told Mel what to pack, but Mel’s fashion sense tends to lean more toward the “less is sexy” mantra.

When I open the closet and find a gorgeous black dress hanging before me, my breath catches in my throat. There’s a note pinned to the hanger.

I can’t wait to see you in this – and out of this.

I love you xx

I slide the silky fabric over my head, and of course it fits like a glove. It’s not so short that it’s slutty; it hits me just a few inches above the knee. The asymmetrical top shows off my cleavage nicely, but in a classy, sophisticated way – not a “hey, come look at my boobs” way. The most interesting feature is that it’s one-sleeved. One arm is completely bare, while the other
is covered to the wrist in a light, billowing organza fabric.  There are shoes, too, of course. My amazing boyfriend thinks of everything. I’m a little afraid to open the box of Jimmy Choos, but my inner shoe goddess is jumping up and down with glee. I’ve always wanted to a pair of these but could never afford them. They’re silver, sparkly, strappy stiletto peep-toes. I am in love with them.

I check myself in the mirror once more before applying a final touch of nude lip gloss. Grabbing the silver clutch that Reid also left for me, I head to the door, feeling much like Cinderella waiting to meet her Prince Charming.

When the elevator door opens, Reid is right there waiting for me, single red rose in hand. He scans me from head to toe, and he looks pleased. He should; he did pick everything out, after all.

“Hey, beautiful.” He pulls me to his side and kisses me softly.

“Hey, yourself. Look at you! You clean up real nice.” I’m not used to seeing him in more than jeans and a T-shirt or his workout clothes, but tonight he looks like he could be on the cover of
. The light blue button-down shirt makes his eyes glow almost unnaturally. The shirt stretches tight across his broad, strong chest and back. I can see the bulges of his biceps when he moves, and it makes my mouth water. His strong, thick legs and fantastic ass are covered in freshly pressed black dress pants. I didn’t think he owned anything other than sneakers, so I’m pretty sure that the shiny black dress shoes are new. I can’t help but smile at how utterly beautiful he is.

“Ready to go?” I am anxious to leave, to be occupied with us, to not be focused on what I have to tell him over dinner.

“Sure. I just need to do one more thing.” He pulls a long, sleek black velvet box from his back pocket, and I’m speechless.

I’m choking back tears, mostly happy tears – some of guilt. “Reid, you didn’t have to do this. You’ve already done so much for me, spent so much on me. And now this? I can’t accept this.”

“You’re the only woman I know who doesn’t like getting presents. Please let me give this to you. I love you, and I want you to have it.” He cracks open the box and what rests inside is absolutely breathtaking. It’s unlike any necklace I’ve ever seen – not a regular chain and pendant. There are two separate chains intertwined, except they each look like small ropes encrusted in hundreds of small diamonds. One rope is covered with black diamonds, and the other is white. They are braided together, mingling with one another in a simple yet stunning pattern that sparkles and reflects every spot of light in the room.

“Reid, this is too much. I…”

He doesn’t let me finish my sentence. Taking the necklace from the box, he steps behind me and sweeps my hair to one side. When the chain is clasped at my nape, he kisses me softly right below me ear and whispers, “I love you.”

He moves in front of me and adjusts the necklace. “When I saw this, I had to get it. It is the perfect symbol for us. I saw the black and white, and immediately thought of our past and all the crap we’ve both had to deal with, and the white made me think of all of the good things we’ve shared together. How they link together and rest on one another made me think of how, without you,” he kisses the tip of my nose before finishing his speech, “I wouldn’t have the strength to move on from everything. You’ve made me realize that life can be good again and that not everything has to be sad. So believe me when I say that when I saw this, I just knew you had to have it, because it was us.”

“That is the sweetest, most romantic thing I have ever heard in my life. Thank you so much, and not just for the necklace – which, by the way, is the most beautiful thing I’ve ever owned. But for bringing out the happiness in me, when all I felt was pain. I love you so much.”

“Not that you didn’t look beautiful before, but that necklace makes your eyes sparkle.” He kisses the tip of my nose and says, “Come on. I’ve got much more planned for the night.” Lacing our fingers together, he leads me toward the doors where the valet is waiting with his car.

Dinner is simply amazing. He’s brought me to a small, intimate seafood restaurant. The candlelight flickers and dances across his face as he talks animatedly about his internship, which starts in a week. I love hearing him talk about helping kids. Shane’s suicide and how his parents treated him afterward really damaged Reid, and I know that being there to help others will help him deal with his demons. It might not chase them away completely, but I know that it will give him a purpose in his life; it will
him peace, knowing that he’s comforting others . I think that’s why he treats me the ways he does. I can’t be mad that he spoils me, especially when it makes him this happy. But it makes me feel so guilty, because I know I don’t deserve it.

We share a piece of chocolate molten lava cake for dessert, and I am stuffed. “Ugh. I can’t fit in another bite. That was delicious.”

He slides a small gift bag across the table, and I roll my eyes.

“No! I will not accept another gift from you. The dress, shoes, and necklace are more than enough.” I’m practically yelling at him over giving me a gift.

He just shakes his head and laughs at me. “Maddy, just shut up and open the bag, which, by the way, is the only thing I paid for, so don’t get all in a tizzy over spending money on you.”

I roll my eyes at him, but I’m confused. I reach into the gift bag and pull out a small glass jar filled with sand. My brows knit in confusion, and I just stare blankly at him.

He responds to my silent question. “You said you wanted to be able to have a place where you can visit with your parents. We can’t be here all the time, so I thought I would give you a piece of the beach to bring home. Now you’ll always have them with you.”

I’m shocked into silence at his thoughtfulness. “Reid…I don’t know what to say.”

“No need to say anything. Come on. Do you want to take a walk on the boardwalk and let everything digest? You know, before the heavy activity?” He winks his baby blues at me seductively, hinting at the other part of his plan for the night.

“A starlit walk on the beach sounds amazing. A walk anywhere sounds amazing, as long as it’s with you.”

He finishes up signing the credit card slip, and he walks behind me to pull out my chair – always the gentleman.

When we get outside, it has gotten noticeably colder than it was before. The breeze that was cool and calm and warmed by the abundant sunlight earlier on an unseasonably warm fall day is now harsh and bone-chilling. We don’t last more than five minutes before we’re racing back to the car to get the heat on.

“I’m sorry, babe. I guess I’ll just have to bring you back here in the summer.” He reaches into his pocket to check his phone, which has just buzzed.

I’ve heard it a few times tonight, but since we were in the restaurant surrounded by other people, I didn’t say anything. It was just an excuse, really, but now that it’s just us here in his car, I know I have to tell him. I can’t let this go on any longer, because the guilt is eating me alive, especially after everything he’s done for me.

“Who is that, Reid?”

He simply dismisses me, saying, “No one.” He moves to shift the car into drive but stops when I keep talking.

“But I’ve seen you check your phone a few times tonight. Actually, I’ve seen you on your phone a lot recently.”

His face hardens, and there’s a palpable tension building in the car. Maybe starting off by accusing him wasn’t the best idea.

He’s trying to force back his anger, but I see it boiling just below the surface. I have to navigate this conversation carefully. He finally says, “I said it was no one - no one important, anyway. I don’t even know the number.”

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