Read The One Online

Authors: Vivienne Harris-Scott

The One (82 page)

No. You should go to home to Ethan.

he explains, as he sees her facial
expression turn from an irritated frown to pure shock.




Julian!...Are you seriously leaving right now

Julian! You can



Vi was yelling after him, as she watched
him exit the living room where they had been talking for the past few minutes.
She wasn

sure what was happening here...


d expected Julian to react when she
replied to his question, but she hadn

t expected this. She

d expected

she wasn

t quite sure what, but it wasn

t this, this coldness, almost indifference
that pulsed around him like static electricity.

was because of their past that she still loved Ethan. She had replied, simply,
almost unaware of the reaction the statement would provoke in Julian. She had
promised. No more lies, no more omissions; so, she told the truth. But just as
she was about to elaborate, and explains what she meant, Julian had asked her
to leave.

chance of argumentation or understanding was forgotten when he had said in a
cold voice,

Please, go. I can

be anywhere near you right now. Just leave.

and exited the room without a last glance
for her, oblivious to her pleas.

was completely dumfounded and heartbroken.


even get the opportunity to tell him the most important news, the reason for
her trip: she was expecting his child.

at the very same majestic view she had admired the first time she came to his
house she had waited an hour for him to cool off and return. He hadn


she left.

much for








Same script, different cast


Vi and Frances


We haven

t officially met, but do you know who I

asks the woman with a canary smile.

She is perusing me without shame, her nose
wrinkling as if I smell bad.

I know I don

t, unless one considers Chanel Allure an
offensive scent.

I smile, and say,

Let me hazard a guess, and let

s just say I am surprised to see you here
Ms Palmers?

She grins.




When she had left Julian

s house, she had been reeling, staying put
in front of the house for the longest time, pondering, not knowing what to do,
tempted to go back in, and force him to listen to her. Finally, restlessness
won, and she had pulled her cell phone from her clutch bag and had rung James,
asking him to come and get her. She needed to talk to a friend after this

Julian had sent her away. Walked out on
her even before she could tell him the news, and she was hesitant of waiting
against his wishes when he was so visibly upset and angered.

She would come back, maybe even tomorrow,
when he had calmed down; they would talk, and this time, he would listen. She

t giving up.

As she was starting to feel better about
the outlook of the situation, a car had stopped a few feet away, and a woman
had gotten out, marching towards her.

She had recognized her immediately.
Frances Palmers.

Of all days! This wasn

t a good time. She really wasn

t in the mood.




So, you know who I am.

the woman says with a smile that doesn

t reach her eyes.

Is there anyone in LA who doesn


I counter, showing my own pearly whites
and staring at her.

Well, Mrs McGregor, you are not what I
expected. I

ll give you that.

she replies, scrutinizing me, a small
smile on her lips, probably trying to gauge if her knowing my name is going to
send me into a tailspin.


s out of luck.

One of the good things about having been
married to Ethan is that I have learned a long time ago to be cool as a
cucumber when some woman gets into my face to taunt me about my man.

Julian is mine, even if he rejected me
today. I am carrying his child, and it

ll be a cold day in hell before I get
intimidated by the likes of Frances Palmers.


s trying to pull a Anna on me. She really

t know whom she is dealing with



m glad I

m not disappointing you Miss Palmers. You
are making my day.

I pleasantly chime, my head tilting,
perusing her as my own smile expend.

Maybe, I

ll get to say something today
, I think.

I can see she is surprised, but it

s not a good one by the way her blue eyes
are narrowing and darkening.

This is a repeat of scene I have lived
before; same script, different cast.

Were you here to see Julian?

she demands, finally getting down to

Yes, I was and I have.

I smile broadly.

You know, he

s mine. We

ve been together for over two years,

she declares, trying to pin me down with
a stare.

It doesn

t work.

Yes, I have played this scene before, and
now the roles have changed.

I say coyly,

Yes, I

ve heard you were the leading lady in his

still smiling at her.

I can

t allow that woman to think I am beneath
her and can be discarded as some lint.

His star of many nights, actually
my voice sings softly, as I recall a
popular song, the insinuation of her bedroom performances crystal clear.

But I believe, he has left you

for me.

I punctuate with a pout I know will
infuriate her.

She is looking at me, and I can actually
feel her anger, as if, suddenly, hot air has wrapped us both in a bubble.

Maybe, I

ll get to see her infamous temper in action
, I think.

I remain cool and watch her. She really

t picked the right night for this. She

t know me, and I

m simply in no mood to entertain her
attempts on my man. I have played this game before

She steps forward, and she is a mere foot
away from me when she says in a low but crystalline voice,

I want you to go away. Go back down under
and leave us the hell alone. I am warning you

I can

t let her finish. I actually burst out

I know I shouldn

t. I mean, she is La Frances after all,
but this just too much!

First Julian, and now, this?

Fuck her.

I come closer, our bodies are almost
touching and I whisper in her ear, taunting her,

Frances, go in, go on. Get in Julian

s bed, tonight, tomorrow night, the next
few nights even... Do it

Do your very best, and try to enjoy it,
because it won

t last

I step back and when our eyes cross again,
I let the penny drop with a grin,

Enjoy it. I give you my blessing!

She looks at me speechless, as I deliver
the coup de grace,

It won

t last because I

m his future, you

re his past.

And, I walk away without a last glance.




m the future, you

re his past.

She realizes, it

s true. She doesn

t care how awful things are with Julian
today, he is hers. It

s her turn to stake a claim.

This time she will fight for her man.
Julian loves her. He told her so just a few minutes ago.


s only set her free so she can close the
door on her past, once and for all.

She loves him. This is not going to be a
retake of her previous life.





Welcome home. Part II



He had been surprised to hear from her so soon. It
only had been five days since the conference call; he knew Julian had left Australia
the following day after seeing him at the church. He also knew she had met
Julian in LA and their encounter hadn

t gone well. The man had left a message on
his answering machine in the middle of night composed of only three words,


s yours.

without further details, his
cracking voice saying it all.

He had felt his heart soar hearing the
words, but soon it deflated as fear suddenly gripped him when he realized it
was one thing to have Julian out of the way, quite another to get her back.

When she had rang him a few hours later
announcing she would be on the first flight from LA arriving to Sydney the next
day, hope had again soared in his heart.

The conversation had been short and to the

He had wanted to go get at her at the
airport, to be with her from the first step she was setting back in Australia.
Back home.

She had refused, telling him, a taxi would
be just fine, and she didn

t need to be stressed out right off the plane.

It would be hard enough to be back.

He didn

t push. She was coming back, that was






She was scared. Not of him, but of herself. Her
reaction to him. Would he still be able to make her feel? To elicit the same
reaction he had for so long? Could his mere presence in her vicinity cause her
to lose control?

She had been prepping herself mentally
ever since she had made the decision to come home while she was in Boston, even
before seeing Julian.

When she had left Julian

s house, she had been reeling, feeling
angry and bewildered by his discourse but after meeting Frances, her decision
had cemented, she would go see Ethan, but would return immediately after.

She figured Julian would still be there
when she returned. Yes, she would go and deal with Ethan, as promised. Then she

d be free.

The two of them needed to have it out and
say all the things that had been left unsaid.

She would come back to Julian. He was her
future, Ethan was her past.




Ethan and Vi


Her home. As the taxi passes the gates of the
property, she feels her heart constrict, as memories start to assault her
without pity.

Hello Ethan,

she says calmly, as he opens the door. He
stands motionless, staring at her, as if not quite believing she is there, his
cerulean eyes blinking.


hmm, come in, come in. Let me get your

he finally says in a rushed voice, when

s tilting her head looking past him.

She walks into the house. Her house. Their

She stands in the foyer, frozen. From what
she is seeing, nothing has been displaced. She wonders if the rest of the house
is the same.

Ethan has taken her luggage at the
entrance of the living room, and is standing there, watching her.

I can

t help stare at her. She is still so
beautiful. Can she see the effect she has on me
? He thinks.

She forces herself to move, and enters the
living room, seeing the Harbour Bridge in front of the terrace, their terrace.

She advances into the room, slowly,
examining every corner of it in silence. The furniture she chose from Bali, the
paintings, the crystals and candles. Everything is there, still. Even her
Steinway baby grand, she can hardly believe it. It

s the same majestic room with the
incredible view of the harbour. It

s a glorious day, the sun is out and at
8:00 a.m., she can see the bridge is congested with little cars.

Her flesh tingles.
She is home. Home!

A noise startles her, and she turns around
only to get another shock, as Marina is depositing a tray with drinks and some
food, on the sectional

s table.

Seeing the woman smiling at her brings the
first tear at the corner of her eyes.

She is still here, part of her family.

Welcome home Mrs McGregor.

she says softly, bowing her head. She
smiles again, and leaves the room.

Welcome home, indeed.

Ethan pours her a glass of water, and
approaches to hand it to her. He is slow, almost hesitant, his eyes, never
leaving her, as if she would scurry away if he comes too close, too fast.

She opens her mouth to say something but
no words come out, he doesn

t seem to be able to speak either. He gives her the
glass, and their fingers touch. They both look down at the glass between their

When their eyes met again, she lift the
glass to her lips and he takes a step back.

Yes, definitely. This is going to be
harder than I thought,
she thinks.






Can one be struck by lightning twice?


s what he thinks upon opening the entrance
door to find her standing there.

He can

t speak. Once again, the very same
fierceness that gripped him the first time he laid eyes on her, so many years
ago, has made his heart stop and his brain go blank.

Vic is here. Right in front of him, so
close he could touch her by lifting his arm.

He sees her lips moving, but can

t hear what she is saying. It

s only when he sees her head tilt and her
gaze go behind him, he finds his voice and invites her in.






Why is it some men become even more devastatingly
handsome as they grow older?
Smoldering good looks and physique are supposed
to crumble with age, not get better!


s what she is thinking when he opens the
door of their home and she takes sight of him.

She hasn

t seen him in over five years, not even a
picture in the newspapers or online, - she has made of point of it-, yet, as
his cerulean eyes meet hers, she feels her heartbeat go faster.

Ethan is still his handsome self, even
more so, if possible. His golden hair is longer, and she sees a few lines at
the corner of his eyes, but they give him even more substance and presence. He

s wearing beige linen pants with a crisp
white shirt opened at the collar, looking relaxed yet expensive, elegant as
always. Apparently, he still has his impeccable sense of style.

To distract herself from the wave of emotions
bubbling inside her, she says,

Hello Ethan.

as steadily as she can, hoping her voice
will not betray her, as she feels her lips go dry under his perusal.

He doesn

t seem to hear her and just stares at her.
She swallows the lump growing in her throat and averts her eyes to the foyer
behind him, praying he

d let her enter quickly, so she can move
away from him, if only to divert his gaze and her own lust. His cologne is
already unnerving her.

This is going to be harder than I thought
, she thinks.




Ethan and Vi


She finishes drinking her water and says,

You look well E.

Shit! Not even 5 minutes in, and you are
calling him E.? What is wrong with you?!

He approaches her, and when they are a
foot apart, and his eyes are boring into hers, he states eagerly,

I am, now that you are here.

his voice trails

Baby, I


he interrupts himself when he sees her
lower her eyes to the Asian rug.

He steps back, and says in a cooler voice,

Would you like to take a nap? It

s a long flight from LA. Marina has set up
one of the guest rooms for you

Keep yourself in check
, he thinks,
what are you thinking
calling her baby? She just arrived, you cannot, cannot pressure her.

She looks up at him and he sees she is
uncomfortable. He knows what she is thinking and can

t help but smile. He still knows her well,
very well.

He says out loud,


s the Green room

, and he sees her body relax. He was
right. She had been afraid of going back to her own old guest room.

She smiles when she says,

Thank you.

He motions her to the foyer, lifts her
two cases and they take the stairs.

Inside the room, where he settles the
suitcases close to a dresser, he asks,

Do you need anything at all? I

ll let you rest


he is unsure of what else to say, as her back
is to him, and she has gone to the window to close the drapes.

When she doesn

t reply, he retreats to the door, only to
hear her whisper,

Thank you E.

as he softly closes it.




He stays outside the door, his hand against it. He
should go, he knows, but he can

t move. He doesn

t know what to do. There is so much he
wants to tell her, he is almost tempted to re-open it. But he knows they will
have a scene if he does.

s too soon
, he thinks, and finally walks back into the corridor.

She presses her back against the door; she
is shaking, and wants the support. She is grateful he left, and didn

t pressure her, yet she feels bad; he had
this hurt schoolboy look on his face downstairs when he realized, she wasn

t as eager to see him as he was. She hates

too soon to start hurting each other
, she thinks, and walks up to her bed.





s lunchtime and Marina has prepared a few of her
. He almost asks her to go and see if Vic
is awake, but changes his mind; he

ll do it himself.

Once outside her door, he slightly knocks
waiting for her answer. When none comes, he softly pushes the door open, and
sees the room is still in complete darkness except for the light coming from
the bathroom. She forgot to close that door he thinks, and smiles. He comes
closer to the bed, and she is, indeed, still asleep. She is on her left side,
facing him, her curls surrounding her peaceful face and he notices she is
holding Mephisto against her. He smiles for a second at seeing the battered
stuffed koala is still in her life, but soon his face spots a grimace as he
realizes the implications of its presence. She is in distress. Every time he

s seen her hold that damn thing, had been a
low point of in her life, in

Without thinking, he sits on the bed, and
watches her sleep. He touches her curls, pushing one away from her face, she
softly moans. He freezes for a few seconds, and gets up when he sees her resume
her sleep; silently praying she doesn

t wake up and find him there, he rapidly
exits the room.

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